2 research outputs found
Abstract: There is one expression that states that language indicates one's identity, there is also language indicating nation. Language and culture have a coordinative relationship characterized by the quality of the reciprocal relationship between the two, and a subordinate that reflects one quality of the relationship that is only one-sided, meaning that it is the culture that influences the language, and not the other way around. Because of the close relationship between language and culture, there are some experts who equate the relationship between the two inseparable things like two sides of a coin. When learning a foreign language, we also indirectly learn the culture of the language we are learning. Because language reflects the culture of a person. Similarly, when studying Arabic, we also learn the cultural form of native Arabic speakers. Contrastive analysis is very useful in the interests of the development of the language itself, as well as useful for understanding the cultures of other countries through linguistic differences. Contrastive analysis also contributes to the translation to be more accurate in expressing intent in the source language text.Keywords: Arabic; Contrastive Analysis; Culture; Indonesian Language. Abstrak: Ada satu ungkapan yang menyatakan bahwa bahasa menunjukkan identitas seseorang, ada juga bahasa menunjukkan bangsa. Bahasa dan kebudayaan memiliki hubungan koordinatif yang dicirikan dengan kualitas hubungan timbal balik antara keduanya, dan subordinatif yang mencerminkan satu kualitas hubungan yang hanya sepihak, artinya budayalah yang mempengaruhi bahasa, dan bukan sebaliknya. Karena eratnya hubungan bahasa dan kebudayaan, ada sebagian pakar yang menyamakan hubungan keduanya dua hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan seperti dua sisi mata uang. Ketika mempelajari bahasa asing maka secara tidak langsung kita juga mempelajari budaya dari bahasa yang kita pelajari. Karena bahasa mencerminkan budaya sesorang. Demikian pula ketika mempelajari bahasa Arab kita juga belajar bgaimana budaya dari penutur asli bahasa Arab. Analisis kontrastif sangat berguna untuk kepentingan pengembangan bahasa itu sendiri, serta berguna untuk memahami budaya negara lain melalui perbedaan linguistik. Analisis kontrastif juga berkontribusi pada terjemahan agar lebih akurat dalam mengekspresikan maksud dalam teks bahasa sumber.Kata Kunci: Analisis Kontrastif; Budaya; Bahasa Arab; Bahasa Indonesia
Phrases in Arabic and Indonesian Language
This research is about differences and similarities of phrase construction in Arabic and Indonesian. The approach in this paper was a descriptive qualitative analysis approach. The findings of this study revealed that some construction of the phrase structure is the same. Subordinative noun phrases are equivalent to idhafah in Arabic, Indonesian adjective phrases are similar to na'at in Arabic, Indonesian coordinative phrases are similar with athaf in Arabic and Indonesian prepositional phrases are similar to syibhul-jumlah in Arabic. However, there are differences between both languages which can be found in Idhafah in Arabic, some vocabulary cannot be called phrases in Arabic, and vice versa. Differences can also be found in the use of athaf letters in the equivalent of coordinative phrases. The differences are also found in the numeral phrases and murakkab adadi. Even taukid and tarkib majazi do not have the equivalent in Indonesian. The differences are not only due to structural aspects, but also by differences in cultural concepts and expressions. This study implies that errors can be predicted in the construction of Indonesian student phrases and the production of translations of Arabic phrases that are different from the construction of Indonesian phrases. The differences were found not only in the structure but also in differences in cultural concepts. This study shows that mistakes can be predicted from the formation of phrases and the translation of Arabic sentences that are different from the structure of Indonesian language