19 research outputs found


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    The changes occurred in the banking marketing in our country have their origin, firstly, in the changes of the organisational culture which has evolved in the last ten years from the bureaucratic behaviour, categorised excessively, to a specific behaviour for the market economy, based on the knowledge of the clients, on the competition and on the promotion of the mentality of a winner. The organisational culture can be changed in time, as long as the employees are aware of the objectives followed, as long as they are selected and promoted in conformity with these objectives and as long as the feeling of belonging to the organisation has formed which depends essentially on the satisfaction that the employee feels towards the activity he/she enrols. Due to the stimulation of the own personnel, the banks, through superior wages as for the best paid sectors of the national economy, have managed to attract the interest of the existing professionals, as well as of the young specialists willing to dedicate to a banking carrier. The training programs organised through the means of the Romanian Banking Institute or through distinct programs organised by the baking companies in our country have contributed to the motivation of the personnel, as well as to the consolidation of the new organisational culture.globalisation, banking products, banking services

    Coordinates of the Romanian fiscal policy in the context of european integration

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    The moment of EU extension to the east at the 1st of January 2007 is extremely important in the recent Romanian history. A feeling of self satisfaction has unfortunately come upon Romania like the one specific for a person who can rest in peace until the destination after hardly catching an important train. For Romania, a country behind the present times, the only chance is a long term economic growth, approached in an European context, by focusing the economic, monetary, currency and fiscal policies towards the achievement of a lasting economic growth. The Union works for the durable development of Europe, based on a balanced economic growth and prices' stability, on a highly competitive market economy, which targets the employment of the entire workforce and the social progress, as well as for a high level of environment protection and quality improvement[....]. This promotes the economic, social and territorial cohesion but also the solidarity between the member states as the article n. 2 of the Treaty concerning the creation of the European Community stipulates.Fiscal policy, budgetary deficit, convergence, fiscal competition, fiscal relaxation.

    The social responsibility and the deontology of the banking profession under the conditions of the global financial crisis

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    The modern economies under the impact of the globalisation of the markets have created the possibility for the divers investors to constitute some portfolios of various financial assets (shares, bonds, treasury bonds, derived instruments, other valuable bonds) from the point of view of the structure, size and dimension of the companies where investments have been made, as well as on the extremely diverse geographical area. This diversification has had the support of the considerable development of the technical instrument of the transactions and the informational technology, in a general tendency of convergence of the markets. In the conditions of the internationalisation of the businesses and of the bank loans, the banks seen from the perspective of the business are subject to some great international risks, and when they are involved in acquisitions and mergers with other entities, the financial risks have a tendency to aggregate. At the same time, under the incidence of some economic, political, social and financial phenomena of great importance, the problem of the loan risk is marked by new tendencies. Thus, if the rules of the game are followed, the banks become the real supplier not only of cash, but also of stability and trust, while if the rules are not followed, the banks not only that they are obliged to reduce the cash in the system, but also to contribute to the generalisation of the uncertainty, to the reduction of the investments, contributing to the deepening of the recession.social responsibility, the financial crisis, the toxic assets, the bank ethical code

    Considerations on The Convergence of Romania to The European Union in The Banking Field

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    According to commitments made by Romania (and by NBR) in the negotiating process to Chapter 11 - Economic and Monetary Union on the acquisition, transfer and implementation into national legislation of the acquis for banking, the NBR Statute was harmonized with the provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Community, the Protocol on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and the European Central Bank , and the other Community provisions on central bank activity in the Member States of the European Union. The draft law on the Statute of the NBR was adopted by the Senate (on June 8, 2004) and the Chamber of Deputies and promulgated by Decree no. 532/26.06.2004, materialized into Law nr. 312/28.06.2004 on the NBR Statute. The new law was published in Romanian Official Gazette and entered into force on July 31, 2004, when Law no. 101/1998 on the Statute of the NBR, with further amendments and completions, was repealed.convergence, banking system, accession, commitments

    New Challenges of Financial Communication in the Context of Sustainability Standards

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    Companies face a diverse range of challenges and opportunities that have a significant impact on their long-term sustainability. This range includes factors such as climate change, resource limitations, urbanization and technological advances. Investors should evaluate the impact of these factors on companies to guide their investment choices. Stakeholders worldwide are looking to assess how companies manage sustainability risks and opportunities. They need access to standardized, comparable data, essential information in the decision-making process. The paper explores integrating sustainability standards in investment and governance, focusing on the ISSB's impact. Objectives include assessing their effectiveness for investor information, enhancing transparency, and promoting sustainable finance. The research analyzes the evolution, specific goals, and implications of these standards on decision-making and reporting


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    This paper deals with issues related to the increase in the cost of purchasing energy, following the secondary effects related to the liberalization of the markets, which will lead the main clients from the business environment in Romania to conclude that the increase in the cost of energy is a consequence of the decisions established by the main players in the market, those who provide energy and natural gas, decisions aimed at maximizing their profit. In a much more detailed research, a series of remarks can be made, such as that at the basis of the increase in the purchase regarding the fluctuations in the cost of natural gas cost variations of energy and natural gas that consumers have to bear, there are a multitude of aspects imposed by the European Union. and energy, fluctuations that have proven to have created fluctuations in the business environment in our country over time. Following the research carried out, we can conclude that the main causes of the energy and natural gas market that create imbalances in the business environment are: stock market fluctuations which in the current context have proven to be very dynamic and very unpredictable in extremely sudden changes; energy import and transformations generated by cross-border flows; the return to the consumption recorded before the pandemic period; the reorganization of the geopolitical space based on the decisions imposed by the Russian Federation has a very big impact; non-exploitation of natural gas stocks from warehouses to the maximum


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    The changes occurred in the banking marketing in our country have their origin, firstly, in the changes of the organisational culture which has evolved in the last ten years from the bureaucratic behaviour, categorised excessively, to a specific behaviour for the market economy, based on the knowledge of the clients, on the competition and on the promotion of the mentality of a winner. The organisational culture can be changed in time, as long as the employees are aware of the objectives followed, as long as they are selected and promoted in conformity with these objectives and as long as the feeling of belonging to the organisation has formed which depends essentially on the satisfaction that the employee feels towards the activity he/she enrols. Due to the stimulation of the own personnel, the banks, through superior wages as for the best paid sectors of the national economy, have managed to attract the interest of the existing professionals, as well as of the young specialists willing to dedicate to a banking carrier. The training programs organised through the means of the Romanian Banking Institute or through distinct programs organised by the baking companies in our country have contributed to the motivation of the personnel, as well as to the consolidation of the new organisational culture


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    Present in the European political discourse in the early '90s, the concept of flexicurity, achieved by the contraction of two terms, flexibility and security, emerged in the European Union with the adoption of the Communication "Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity: More and Better Jobs through Flexibility and Security" in June 2007. This study, result of the research internship undertaken in October-December 2011 at WIFO, aims to capture the main dimensions of labor market flexicurity, the quality of social partnership and the present status of the targets set by of Europe 2020 Strategy. Europe 2020 Strategy aims, among other objectives, at achieving a series of targets specific for the labor market, in the European context, such as: - Employment for the population aged between 20-64 years, - Reducing the number of early school leavers, - Increasing the share of university graduates in the population between 30-34 years, - Reducing the number of people affected by poverty and social exclusion

    The Banking Products and Services: the Globalisation Challenges

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    The changes occurred in the banking marketing in our country have their origin, firstly, in the changes of the organisational culture which has evolved in the last ten years from the bureaucratic behaviour, categorised excessively, to a specific behaviour for the market economy, based on the knowledge of the clients, on the competition and on the promotion of the mentality of a winner. The organisational culture can be changed in time, as long as the employees are aware of the objectives followed, as long as they are selected and promoted in conformity with these objectives and as long as the feeling of belonging to the organisation has formed which depends essentially on the satisfaction that the employee feels towards the activity he/she enrols. Due to the stimulation of the own personnel, the banks, through superior wages as for the best paid sectors of the national economy, have managed to attract the interest of the existing professionals, as well as of the young specialists willing to dedicate to a banking carrier. The training programs organised through the means of the Romanian Banking Institute or through distinct programs organised by the baking companies in our country have contributed to the motivation of the personnel, as well as to the consolidation of the new organisational culture.globalisation, banking products, banking services