3,590 research outputs found

    On the scattering length of the K^- d system

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    Multiple-scattering approximations to Faddeev calculations of the K^- d scattering length are reviewed and compared with published Kbar-N-N pi-Y-N fully reactive Faddeev calculations. A new multiple-scattering approximation which goes beyond the `fixed-center' assumption for the nucleons is proposed, aiming at accuracies of 5-10%. A precise value of the K^- d scattering length from the measurement of the K^- d 1s atomic level shift and width, planned by the DEAR/SIDDHARTA collaboration, plus a precise value for the K^- p scattering length by improving the K^- p atom measurements, are essential for extracting the K^- n scattering length, for resolving persistent puzzles in low-energy Kbar-N phenomenology and for extrapolating into Kbar-nuclear systems.Comment: Invited talk at MESON 2006, Krakow, June 2006. To be published in International Journal of Modern Physics A. Requires use of ws-ijmpa.cl

    Kleinberg Navigation in Fractal Small World Networks

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    We study the Kleinberg problem of navigation in Small World networks when the underlying lattice is a fractal consisting of N>>1 nodes. Our extensive numerical simulations confirm the prediction that most efficient navigation is attained when the length r of long-range links is taken from the distribution P(r)~r^{-alpha}, where alpha=d_f, the fractal dimension of the underlying lattice. We find finite-size corrections to the exponent alpha, proportional to 1/(ln N)^2

    Designer Nets from Local Strategies

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    We propose a local strategy for constructing scale-free networks of arbitrary degree distributions, based on the redirection method of Krapivsky and Redner [Phys. Rev. E 63, 066123 (2001)]. Our method includes a set of external parameters that can be tuned at will to match detailed behavior at small degree k, in addition to the scale-free power-law tail signature at large k. The choice of parameters determines other network characteristics, such as the degree of clustering. The method is local in that addition of a new node requires knowledge of only the immediate environs of the (randomly selected) node to which it is attached. (Global strategies require information on finite fractions of the growing net.

    Real-time dynamics in Quantum Impurity Systems: A Time-dependent Numerical Renormalization Group Approach

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    We develop a general approach to the nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum impurity systems for arbitrary coupling strength. The numerical renormalization group is used to generate a complete basis set necessary for the correct description of the time evolution. We benchmark our method with the exact analytical solution for the resonant-level model. As a first application, we investigate the equilibration of a quantum dot subject to a sudden change of the gate voltage and external magnetic field. Two distinct relaxation times are identified for the spin and charge dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The scientific heritage of Richard Henry Dalitz, FRS (1925-2006)

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    Professor Richard H. Dalitz passed away on January 13, 2006. He was almost 81 years old and his outstanding contributions are intimately connected to some of the major breakthroughs of the 20th century in particle and nuclear physics. These outstanding contributions go beyond the Dalitz Plot, Dalitz Pair and CDD poles that bear his name. He pioneered the theoretical study of strange baryon resonances, of baryon spectroscopy in the quark model, and of hypernuclei, to all of which he made lasting contributions. His formulation of the "θτ\theta-\tau puzzle" led to the discovery that parity is not a symmetry of the weak interactions. A brief scientific evaluation of Dalitz's major contributions to particle and nuclear physics is hereby presented, followed by the first comprehensive list of his scientific publications, as assembled from several sources. The list is divided into two categories: the first, main part comprises Dalitz's research papers and reviews, including topics in the history of particle physics, biographies and reminiscences; the second part lists book reviews, public lectures and obituaries authored by Dalitz, and books edited by him. This provides the first necessary step towards a more systematic research of the Dalitz heritage in modern physics. The present 2016 edition updates the original 2006 edition, published in Nucl. Phys. A 771 (2006) 2-7, doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2006.03.007, and 8-25, doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2006.03.008, by including for the first time a dozen or so of publications, found recently in a list submitted to the Royal Society by Dalitz in 2004, that escaped our attention in the original version.Comment: updates the original edition by including several publications, mostly in category III, that were unknown to us in 200

    Diffusion-Limited Coalescence with Finite Reaction Rates in One Dimension

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    We study the diffusion-limited process A+AAA+A\to A in one dimension, with finite reaction rates. We develop an approximation scheme based on the method of Inter-Particle Distribution Functions (IPDF), which was formerly used for the exact solution of the same process with infinite reaction rate. The approximation becomes exact in the very early time regime (or the reaction-controlled limit) and in the long time (diffusion-controlled) asymptotic limit. For the intermediate time regime, we obtain a simple interpolative behavior between these two limits. We also study the coalescence process (with finite reaction rates) with the back reaction AA+AA\to A+A, and in the presence of particle input. In each of these cases the system reaches a non-trivial steady state with a finite concentration of particles. Theoretical predictions for the concentration time dependence and for the IPDF are compared to computer simulations. P. A. C. S. Numbers: 82.20.Mj 02.50.+s 05.40.+j 05.70.LnComment: 13 pages (and 4 figures), plain TeX, SISSA-94-0

    Percolation in Hierarchical Scale-Free Nets

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    We study the percolation phase transition in hierarchical scale-free nets. Depending on the method of construction, the nets can be fractal or small-world (the diameter grows either algebraically or logarithmically with the net size), assortative or disassortative (a measure of the tendency of like-degree nodes to be connected to one another), or possess various degrees of clustering. The percolation phase transition can be analyzed exactly in all these cases, due to the self-similar structure of the hierarchical nets. We find different types of criticality, illustrating the crucial effect of other structural properties besides the scale-free degree distribution of the nets.Comment: 9 Pages, 11 figures. References added and minor corrections to manuscript. In pres

    Facilitated diffusion of proteins on chromatin

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    We present a theoretical model of facilitated diffusion of proteins in the cell nucleus. This model, which takes into account the successive binding/unbinding events of proteins to DNA, relies on a fractal description of the chromatin which has been recently evidenced experimentally. Facilitated diffusion is shown quantitatively to be favorable for a fast localization of a target locus by a transcription factor, and even to enable the minimization of the search time by tuning the affinity of the transcription factor with DNA. This study shows the robustness of the facilitated diffusion mechanism, invoked so far only for linear conformations of DNA.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted versio

    A Method of Intervals for the Study of Diffusion-Limited Annihilation, A + A --> 0

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    We introduce a method of intervals for the analysis of diffusion-limited annihilation, A+A -> 0, on the line. The method leads to manageable diffusion equations whose interpretation is intuitively clear. As an example, we treat the following cases: (a) annihilation in the infinite line and in infinite (discrete) chains; (b) annihilation with input of single particles, adjacent particle pairs, and particle pairs separated by a given distance; (c) annihilation, A+A -> 0, along with the birth reaction A -> 3A, on finite rings, with and without diffusion.Comment: RevTeX, 13 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. References Added, and some other minor changes, to conform with final for

    Hybrid method for simulating front propagation in reaction-diffusion systems

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    We study the propagation of pulled fronts in the AA+AA \leftrightarrow A+A microscopic reaction-diffusion process using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. In the mean field approximation the process is described by the deterministic Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piscounov (FKPP) equation. In particular we concentrate on the corrections to the deterministic behavior due to the number of particles per site Ω\Omega. By means of a new hybrid simulation scheme, we manage to reach large macroscopic values of Ω\Omega which allows us to show the importance in the dynamics of microscopic pulled fronts of the interplay of microscopic fluctuations and their macroscopic relaxation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure