16 research outputs found

    Elementals Profile Of Traditional Some Important Medicinal Plants Of Uttarakhand State, India

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    Abstract: The life on the earth depends upon two types of chemical reactions such as the photosynthesis and respiration. Metal ions play a vital role in both the reactions. Mineral elements are nutrients which are found in foods and which are essential to the body in microscopic amounts. The inorganic constituent's viz., Fe, K, Mg, Ca, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co and chloride, sulphate, inorganic phosphorus, organic phosphorus and total phosphorus of Jasminum grandiflorum, Vitex negundo, Salvadora persica, Anacyclus pyrethrum and Olea europaea were determined by using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy). These plants are traditionally used for nervous and urinary diseases, disorder of the blood and bile, dental, cooling, tonic, chronic bowel complaints, fever, headache, ulcer and worms. [Report and Opinion 2010;2(6):34-36]. (ISSN:1553-9873)

    Ballard Power Systems Fuel Cells

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    This paper provides a detailed examination of the Buses Commercialization Project of Ballard Power System’s Transportation Applications Division. It presents a seven-step approach for implementing a comprehensive risk management system

    Cross-Cultural Teams and Projects: Issues and Trends in the ‘70s

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    This report is a result of an extensive reading of the literature in the 70\u27s on some challenging team issues. Culture shock was found to be a popular issue in those days. Culture shock adjustment shock models were previewed, with the overview and resulting effect on team performance presented in this report. Leadership was found to be rather dictated, by cultural biases, in most cases instead of personality indicators. Business views and results from researchers clashed. Arguments for teams and against teams were explored and are presented in this report. We conclude the report with our observations accumulated during our reading

    Strategy & Policy Issues: Amazon.com Course

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    INTRODUCTION: Amazon. com has been one of the biggest success stories of the last decade in the online marketing arena. It was the first mover in an arena, which never witnessed how powerful the Internet could be in fueling a new type of market to develop. This Seattle based company best known for being the #I online seller of books (as well as music and videos) has become the Internet\u27s largest retailer and much more. Although it goes toe-to-toe with Barnes and Noble and others in the book business, Amazon.com now oversees a network of Internet sites, some of which it has invested in. In the half decade since its formation, Amazon.com has progressed from a venture capital funded startup to a bellwether Internet stock and the standard by which other companies\u27 online sales efforts are judged. It has defined the red-inked drenched, spend to grow style of Internet companies whose jaw-dropping market values outpace those of much larger enterprises with much longer histories. This paper covers the following aspects of Amazon.com • Brief history. • Overview of services offered by Amazon.com. • Key Business Strategies. • Conclusio

    Postmortem Analysis

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    All of our team members started this class with different expectations regarding the outcome our group would have and the helpful information we would learn for future teams. These outcomes included the learning of tools for analyzing team performance and using them to increase the efficiency and communication of teams. Other expectations included the examination of conditions for the creation of a positive team climate and the gain of personal experience through acting in a team that is focused on reaching a high level of team performance. We applied the concepts we learned in class in our multicultural team and observed ourselves to learn and gain a better understanding of how a team should function. The purpose of this report is to investigate our actions in the team building class, and give a postmortem analysis of our teams performance and characteristics. We will provide information about our team members, their different cultures and how this affected our ability to work together. We also will analyze our individual roles in the team atmosphere and how our different personalities affected the team. Finally, we will look at our meeting skills, evaluate them, and provide information concerning our positive and negative team meeting skills

    Relations of rice seeding rates to crop and weed growth in aerobic rice

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    Aerobic rice describes a management adaptation to reduced irrigation water supplies but, due to reduced intervals of flooding in this system, this requires revised weed management approaches to reduce costs and provide effective weed control. One approach is to make the crop more competitive and reduce the effects of weeds on the crop by using higher rice seeding rates. A study was conducted in the Philippines and India in 2008 and 2009 to assess the relations of seeding rates (15-125kgha-1) of hybrid and inbred varieties to crop and weed growth in aerobic rice. Plant densities, tillers, and biomass of rice increased linearly with increased in seeding rates under both weedy and weed free environments. Weed biomass decreased linearly with increasing seeding rates from 15 to 125kgha-1. Panicles and grain yields of rice in competition with weeds increased in a quadratic relation with increased seeding rates at both locations; however, the response was flat in the weed free plots. A quadratic model predicted that seeding rates of 48-80kgha-1 for the inbred varieties and 47-67kgha-1 for the hybrid varieties were needed to achieve maximum grain yield when grown in the absence of weeds, while rates of 95-125kgseedha-1 for the inbred varieties and 83-92kg seed ha-1 for the hybrid varieties were needed to achieve maximum yields in competition with weeds. On the basis of these results, seeding rates greater than 80kgha-1 are advisable where there are risks of severe weed competition. Such high seeding rates may be prohibitive when using expensive seed, and maximum yields are not the only consideration for developing recommendations for optimizing economic returns for farmers. Results of the present study do suggest however that increasing seeding rates of aerobic rice does suppress weed growth and reduce grain yield losses from weed competition. This information could be incorporated in integrated crop management packages to manage weeds more effectively

    Economic Analysis of Air Internet, LLC

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    Air Internet, LLC was established in January, 2000 to provide Internet service on airplanes. We completed a market survey and established that there would be sufficiently high demand for our service to make the endeavor profitable. We also completed a technical analysis to determine what would be necessary to make the service available. Finally, we conducted an ergonomics test to discover usability issues. We have resolved the potential problems in these areas and are ready to proceed with development plans. Advances in supporting technologies and their commercialization is continuously making portable computing a necessity. Despite recent dot-com business reversals, business people need access to the Internet particularly on long flights, so they may exchange email messages, retrieve documents from company networks and participate in virtual meetings. Essentially, we plan to pull together existing technologies, with minor adaptations in some cases, to provide a service. Our timing to introduce the service into the market must be immediate as the opportunity could easily be invented or copied elsewhere. Also, we estimate the life of this service to be five years due to rapid advances in technology. To this end, we need 11,163,193immediatelyfordevelopment,productionandmarketinginthefirstyear(2001).Accordingtoourestimates,ournetprofitsforyearstwothroughfivewillbe11,163,193 immediately for development, production and marketing in the first year (2001 ). According to our estimates, our net profits for years two through five will be 106,835,359. We used the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method for the project selection. As the project is a high-risk investment, we are looking at a rate ofnreturn in excess of 100%. Business justification and economic analysis follows in this paper

    Fleet Assignment Model for an Airline

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    The project Fleet Assignment of a Small Airline is an effort to understand the vitality and viability of the field of operations research not only to the airline industry but also to the daily life problems that engineering managers face almost everyday in performing their professional obligations Assigning airplanes to scheduled flight segments is one of the most important decisions affecting airline profitability in the schedule development process. Owing to the complexity, schedulers may focus on individual flight segments and loose sight of system profitability. The fleet assignment model provides airlines with both strategic and tactical analysis support to develop profitable and operationally feasible schedules. Combining such model with other tools like Crystal Ball and OptQuest enable Fleet Operations Managers to utilize resources in the best possible ways thus enhancing the profitability of the airline. The Fleet Assignment Model presented in this paper may have many limitations which should be understandable for the very reason that the focus of the developers of this model was to gain as much insight into the utility of operations research. Presenting the model as \u27the solution\u27 would be gross injustice to those who have made life long contributions to the body of knowledge in this specific area. Nevertheless, going by the results of the model, it would not be unfair to state that the first step taken is in the right direction. Taking this model as a skeleton to build upon would not be fruitless to say the least

    Multiple Project Management

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    Companies, today, find themselves in a highly competitive environment of rapidly changing operational requirements. Many are losing their competitive ability to balance operational processes against harsh business realities, including the need to manage increasing product complexities, shorter time to market, newer technologies, and threats of global competition. Sharing opinion with those professionals questioning the validity of PMBOK Guide vis-a-vis today\u27s business, our study investigates success factors in two multiple-project environments. Company # 1 operating in power development industry and Company #2 in consulting services including high-tech. Like in the manufacturing environment, it is interesting to note that none of the contacted project managers mentioned technical issues as a major factor affecting either the success or failure. Some success factors such as top management support, ownership, experienced staff, and communication, identified in the single project management were also found playing an important role in the multiple projects management and this was also true in the manufacturing environment. However, in Company #2, top management support and communication seemed to be vital success factors than they are in Company #1. Ownership and experienced staff were more success drivers in Company #1 than in Company #2. This might indicate stronger independence of projects in Company #1 than it was in Company #2. Both managers need communication improvement. However, the communication in the power development was found to be more formal than it was in Company #2. Given the purpose of this study, however, the factors of most interest are those that have little relevance to project success when carried out in isolation. The most relevant factors with respect to multiple-project management were the division and assignment of resources among projects, prioritization, and flexible customization.

    Development of Balloon Biogas Plant for Small Farmers

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    Biogas plants are a sustainable and environmentally friendly way of generating energy from organic waste materials such as animal manure, crop residues, and food waste. In addition to producing biogas, these plants also generate nutrient-rich bio-slurry, which can be used as a fertilizer to improve soil fertility and crop yields.The utilization of natural resources for cooking gas generation has been a long-standing practice in various countries. However, the prevalent issue with existing systems lies in their chambers, which are prone to damage due to low-quality materials. Additionally, their construction often requires skilled labor and high-quality materials, posing challenges in affordability and accessibility. A comparison study conducted by referring problems that lead to troubleshooting in Biogas Plants between various types of biogas and a novel balloon-type biogas system has been designed and developed to address these limitations. The system exhibits cost-effectiveness, weather resistance, and thermophilic characteristics, enabling operation at high temperatures of 50°-55°C, within the range suitable for the digestion of mesophilic bacteria (40°-50°C) that contribute to gas generation. The work also elaborated to enhance biogas efficiency by incorporating a scrubber module capable of removing impurities such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), and water vapor (H2O)