3 research outputs found

    Estimación de las relaciones genéticas entre razas caprinas españolas y criollas utilizando microsatélites

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    We have analyzed three Creole goat populations from Peru, Mexico and Chile using microsatellite markers. We have also analyzed the genetic relationship between them and Murciano-Granadina and Malagueña Spanish goat breeds. The average number of alleles per locus was similar in all populations (7.3) except the Chilean Creole (5.1). This Creole goat population has presented the lowest value of observed (Ho) (0.53) and expected (He) heterozygosis (0.59). The Peruvian Creole has presented the highest values of Ho (0.70) and He (0.71). We have found a scarce level of genetic differentiation between goat populations (FST= 0.069) being more important the individual genetic differences due to crossbreed with several breeds. The Peruvian Creole was closed to analyzed Spanish breeds, followed by Mexican Creole. Finally the Chilean Creole was the most distant to the others populations

    Caracterización productiva de explotaciones lecheras empleando metodología de análisis multivariado

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    The objective of this study was to characterize dairy productive systems of Vilcún commune, Cautín province, the IXth Region, Chile, linking qualitative and quantitative variables using statistical multivariate analysis of simple correspondence. 24 dairy farms were analyzed: 11 considered small size, 7 medium ones and 6 big dairy producers. The general results show that the big producers have a larger surface of hectares dedicated to the dairy, more days of lactation and an average production of 14 L per day, in comparison with 9 L of the medium and small producers. The multivariable analysis of simple correspondence shows association between the educational level of the dairy producers and the quantity of produced milk. Thus, big producers have possess a professional title of degree senior technician or engineer. On the other hand, the level of education of the milkers was at least secondary level for the big producers and basic complete and incomplete for the small and medium producers. Likewise, the producers who carry out twice-daily milking have bigger total production of milk, and the drying therapy is carried out more in big and medium producers than in the small ones. The use of cooling tank is of permanent use in the producers with a greater productive volume. Finally, the big producers used a reproductive records which are associated with their high productions. About the sanitary aspect was observed that the producers with more seniority in the business have fewer mastitis problems in their herd

    Hatching stimulation in bees (Apis mellifera)

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    En época invernal, se suministraron 5 tipos de suplementación alimenticia (1: jarabe (azúcar-agua); 2: miel, polen seco y azúcar; 3: miel, sustituto lácteo y azúcar; 4: miel, quinua y azúcar; 5: miel, soya y azúcar y control: sólo polen natural que recolectan las abejas en época de floración) distribuidos al azar en 30 colonias de abejas (Apis mellifera L.), para ver el efecto en puesta, consumo, producción de miel y estado sanitario. No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en postura (larvas/cm²) en las 2 mediciones realizadas. El tratamiento menos consumido fue el de quinua y el más consumido el jarabe. Sin embargo, la producción de miel no mostró diferencias entre los tratamientos. El nivel de esporulación de Nosema apis fue mayor con el jarabe. La estimulación alimenticia no causó efectos importantes sobre la producción o la salud