94 research outputs found

    Permanent Occlusion of Feeding Arteries and Draining Veins in Solid Mouse Tumors by Vascular Targeted Photodynamic Therapy (VTP) with Tookad

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    Antiangiogenic and anti-vascular therapies present intriguing alternatives to cancer therapy. However, despite promising preclinical results and significant delays in tumor progression, none have demonstrated long-term curative features to date. Here, we show that a single treatment session of Tookad-based vascular targeted photodynamic therapy (VTP) promotes permanent arrest of tumor blood supply by rapid occlusion of the tumor feeding arteries (FA) and draining veins (DV), leading to tumor necrosis and eradication within 24–48 h.A mouse earlobe MADB106 tumor model was subjected to Tookad-VTP and monitored by three complementary, non-invasive online imaging techniques: Fluorescent intravital microscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering Imaging and photosensitized MRI. Tookad-VTP led to prompt tumor FA vasodilatation (a mean volume increase of 70%) with a transient increase (60%) in blood-flow rate. Rapid vasoconstriction, simultaneous blood clotting, vessel permeabilization and a sharp decline in the flow rates then followed, culminating in FA occlusion at 63.2 sec±1.5SEM. This blockage was deemed irreversible after 10 minutes of VTP treatment. A decrease in DV blood flow was demonstrated, with a slight lag from FA response, accompanied by frequent changes in flow direction before reaching a complete standstill. In contrast, neighboring, healthy tissue vessels of similar sizes remained intact and functional after Tookad-VTP.Tookad-VTP selectively targets the tumor feeding and draining vessels. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first mono-therapeutic modality that primarily aims at the larger tumor vessels and leads to high cure rates, both in the preclinical and clinical arenas

    Deuterium imaging of the Warburg effect at sub-millimolar concentrations by joint processing of the kinetic and spectral dimensions

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    Deuterium metabolic imaging (DMI) is a promising molecular MRI approach, which follows the administration of deuterated substrates and their metabolization. [6,6’-2H2]-glucose for instance is preferentially converted in tumors to [3,3’-2H2]-lactate as a result of the Warburg effect, providing a distinct resonance whose mapping using time-resolved spectroscopic imaging can diagnose cancer. The MR detection of low-concentration metabolites such as lactate, however, is challenging. It has been recently shown that multi-echo balanced steady-state free precession (ME-bSSFP) increases the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of these experiments approximately threefold over regular chemical shift imaging; the present study examines how DMI's sensitivity can be increased further by advanced processing methods. Some of these, such as compressed sensing multiplicative denoising and block-matching/3D filtering, can be applied to any spectroscopic/imaging methods. Sensitivity-enhancing approaches were also specifically tailored to ME-bSSFP DMI, by relying on priors related to the resonances' positions and to features of the metabolic kinetics. Two new methods are thus proposed that use these constraints for enhancing the sensitivity of both the spectral images and the metabolic kinetics. The ability of these methods to improve DMI is evidenced in pancreatic cancer studies carried at 15.2 T, where suitable implementations of the proposals imparted eightfold or more SNR improvement over the original ME-bSSFP data, at no informational cost. Comparisons with other propositions in the literature are briefly discussed

    Detection of Light Images by Simple Tissues as Visualized by Photosensitized Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    In this study, we show how light can be absorbed by the body of a living rat due to an injected pigment circulating in the blood stream. This process is then physiologically translated in the tissue into a chemical signature that can be perceived as an image by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We previously reported that illumination of an injected photosynthetic bacteriochlorophyll-derived pigment leads to a generation of reactive oxygen species, upon oxygen consumption in the blood stream. Consequently, paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin accumulating in the illuminated area induces changes in image contrast, detectable by a Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD)-MRI protocol, termed photosensitized (ps)MRI. Here, we show that laser beam pulses synchronously trigger BOLD-contrast transients in the tissue, allowing representation of the luminous spatiotemporal profile, as a contrast map, on the MR monitor. Regions with enhanced BOLD-contrast (7-61 fold) were deduced as illuminated, and were found to overlap with the anatomical location of the incident light. Thus, we conclude that luminous information can be captured and translated by typical oxygen exchange processes in the blood of ordinary tissues, and made visible by psMRI (Fig. 1). This process represents a new channel for communicating environmental light into the body in certain analogy to light absorption by visual pigments in the retina where image perception takes place in the central nervous system. Potential applications of this finding may include: non-invasive intra-operative light guidance and follow-up of photodynamic interventions, determination of light diffusion in opaque tissues for optical imaging and possible assistance to the blind
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