93 research outputs found

    arvis Existential Learning Model: Making It Work

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    Although it is widely recognized that individuals learn in different ways, there is some disagreement on the paths learners take. Responding to Kolb’s (1984) Experiential Learning Model, Jarvis proposed an Existential Learning Model to identify multiple routes that learners use. Examining Jarvis’ model critically reveals some problems: the model does not reflect either its supporting text or sound modeling practices and conventions, is subject to an error in discourse, and fails to depict the specific learning routes that Jarvis’ own research identified. This paper develops Jarvis’ model to align it with the theory, clearly depicts learning routes, and proposes a more logical and effective model that aligns with modeling theorists’ criteria

    arvis Existential Learning Model: Making It Work

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    Although it is widely recognized that individuals learn in different ways, there is some disagreement on the paths learners take. Responding to Kolb’s (1984) Experiential Learning Model, Jarvis proposed an Existential Learning Model to identify multiple routes that learners use. Examining Jarvis’ model critically reveals some problems: the model does not reflect either its supporting text or sound modeling practices and conventions, is subject to an error in discourse, and fails to depict the specific learning routes that Jarvis’ own research identified. This paper develops Jarvis’ model to align it with the theory, clearly depicts learning routes, and proposes a more logical and effective model that aligns with modeling theorists’ criteria

    Theoretical Explanation For Success Of Deep-Level-Learning Study Tours

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    Study tours can help internationalize curricula and prepare students for global workplaces. We examine benefits of tours providing deep-level learning experiences rather than industrial tourism using five main theoretical frameworks to highlight the diverse learning benefits associated with intensive study tours in particular. Relevant theoretical models are Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model, Gregorc’s Style Delineator, Felder-Silverman Index of Learning Styles, VARK Questionnaire, and Dunn and Dunn’s Learning Style Model. Intensive study tours address nearly all the styles and techniques encompassed by these models

    Making Graphic Management Models Smarter

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    In management, graphic models are an undervalued and poorly used form of theory-building and communication that should be treated with the same rigor that is commonly demanded of text. Graphic models are highly effective for depicting and explaining organizational complexity when designed appropriately. Using two mutual influence models in accountability as an example, we point out common flaws in modelling, and suggest guidelines on how to make graphic models smarter

    A Quest For Effective Vision: Evidence From Australia

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    While leaders are widely exhorted to espouse visions, very little is known about what characterizes “effective” visions. A research model was tested to examine relationships between seven literature-derived vision attributes (brevity, clarity, future orientation, stability, challenge, abstractness, and desirability or ability to inspire) and content (customer and staff satisfaction imageries), and the performance outcomes of customer and staff satisfaction in retail stores in Sydney, Australia. Extending previous research, literature-derived Store Manager, Staff and Organizational Factors were simultaneously taken into account. Findings endorse the importance of espousing a vision characterized by the seven attributes, while vision content rendered no significant effects. The Store Manager and Staff Factors were found to create a significant impact on store performance, whereas the Organizational Factor was not significantly related to store performance

    Shared Vision In Customer And Staff Satisfaction: Relationships And Their Consequences

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    Little research has been conducted into the relationship between customer and staff satisfaction, and the attributes and content of visions that leaders and followers share. This study examined relationships between shared visions characterized by brevity, clarity, challenge, stability, abstractness, future orientation, and ability to inspire, and containing reference to customer and staff satisfaction, and outcomes of customer and staff satisfaction in Australian retail stores. Overall customer and staff satisfaction, and stores with a vision were associated with one another. Associations were also found between shared visions characterized by the attributes and containing the reference, and enhanced customer and staff satisfaction

    Multiple Accountability Relationships Matrix: A Hospital Setting

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    Individuals, groups and organizations are subject to multiple accountability pressures that are often overlooked in analyzing accountability relationships. The shortcomings of two schemata for classifying and depicting multiple accountability relationships are addressed to create an alternative matrix-based approach. This matrix blends criteria espoused by category theorists with Bergsteiner’s (2004) responsibility/accountability taxonomy. Although the proposed matrix is intended to generalize across accountability situations, its capacity to highlight one-way, mutual and self accountabilities of organizations and their many constituents in meeting their role/task, legal/ethical and moral responsibilities is demonstrated by focusing on accountability relationships affecting the operator of a privately operated hospital

    Follower Effects In The Visionary Leadership Process

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    This study examined relationships between followers’ use of their leader’s vision and their own emotional commitment to the vision, and associated organizational performance in retail stores, exploring the rarely investigated follower role in a visionary leadership process. Findings endorse the importance of vision guiding and emotional commitment to a vision.  Both were significantly associated with organizational performance, although emotional commitment was more important.&nbsp

    Responsibility And Accountability: Towards An Integrative Process Model

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    Accountability is increasingly critical for individual managers, company directors and board members, as well as for organizational operations. Despite growing attention in the literature, accountability processes are generally poorly understood and under-researched. This paper seeks to clarify the concepts of responsibility and accountability, and show how they relate to each other. The Integrative Responsibility and Accountability Process Model proposed here integrates responsibility and accountability processes from the viewpoint of both accountor and accountee. It is intended to be applicable at both individual and group levels in organizational settings

    Corporate Social Responsibility Practices In The Australian Consumer Goods Industry: Preliminary Findings

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    The aim of this study was to identify the extent to which Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has penetrated practices in the Australian consumer goods industry. Results from a questionnaire survey reveal wide variation in understanding of CSR. Results include that definitions adopted describe what is actually happening as opposed to what should happen; the identity and legitimacy of stakeholder groups is open to question; the focus tends to be tactical rather than strategic; and the motivation to adopt CSR at the organisational level is difficult to identify.
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