70 research outputs found

    Unusual Displacement of a Mobilised Dental Bridge during Orotracheal Intubation

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    Dental trauma during tracheal intubation mostly happens in case of poor dentition, restricted mouth opening, and/or difficult laryngoscopy. 57-year-old man undergoing laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma had his dental work detached at induction of anesthesia. Oropharyngeal direct view, manual inspection, fibreoptic nosendoscopy, tracheobronchoscopy, and fiberoptic inspection of the esophagus and stomach were unsuccessful in locating the dislodged bridge. While other possible exams were considered, such as lateral and AP x-ray of head and neck, further meticulous manual “sweepings” of the mouth were performed, and by moving the first and second fingers below the soft palate deep towards the posterolateral wall of the pharynx, feeling consistent with a dental prosthesis was detected in the right pharyngeal recess. Only after pulling the palatopharyngeal arch upward was it possible to grasp it and extract it out with the aid of a Magill Catheter Forceps. Even though the preexisting root and bridge deficits were well reported by the consultant dentist, the patient was fully reimbursed. The lack of appropriate documentation of the advanced periodontal disease in the anesthesia records, no mention of potential risks on anesthesia consent, and insufficient protective measures during airway instrumentation reinforced the reimbursement claim

    Intervento sul tema "Stupefacenti ed imputabilità"

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    Intervento su lavori congressuali:sul tema "Stupefacenti ed imputabilità

    Indagini in tema di paternità: fruibilità di un polimorfismo dell'oncogene c-Ha-ras-1

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    Vengono esposti i risultati ottenuti applicando l'analisi del polimorfismo Taq1 dell'oncogene c-HA-ras-1 a casi di paternità controversa, individuandone la potenzialità ed i limiti applicativ

    Malattie del motoneurone e polineuropatie da tossici: aspetti medicolegali.

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    Vengono proposte problematiche medico-legali concernenti patologia da tossici,con particolare attenzione al corretto uso dei farmac

    Intervento sul tema "Stupefacenti ed imputabilità"

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    Intervento su lavori congressuali:sul tema "Stupefacenti ed imputabilità

    Headache disability evaluation and impairment assessment in the Italian Health Care and Welfare System

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    Headache is a public health problem concern to impairment of physical, social and emotional functioning, both in everyday life and in work activities, with a significant economic impact in terms of direct and indirect costs. The diagnosis of headache is often difficult, as it is based on the patient’s subjectivity and objective signs can sometimes be lacking. Several specific questionnaires have been developed to measure its severity, associated disabilities, the effects on quality of life, disability and the overall impact of chronic headache (HRQoL, MIDAS, HIT-6). In Italy, the citizens who suffer from headaches may relate to certain forms of social protection as the Law 68/1988 (“employment of people with disabilities”), the Law 104/92 (“framework law for the assistance, social integration and rights of disabled people”) and the recognition of disability (Ministerial Decree of 5 February 1992 “approval of new tables of disabling diseases”)


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    none3si ricordano i presupposti legisaltivi che regolano la consulenza tecnica in ambito processuale civile e del lavoro, evidenziando come il confine teporico-pratico rispetto al sistema penalistico sia sempre più evanescente. si esaminano le condizioni che possono autorizzare l'esercizio forense (o extragiudiziario) dell'attività di consulente con riferimento alle competenze specialistiche fondamentali ed a quelle da acquisisrsi in una prosepettiva di accreditamento contionuocongresso nazionale della società di medicina legale e delle assicurazioninoneF.M Avato; R.M. Gaudio; M. MartiniAvato, Francesco Maria; Gaudio, Rosa Maria; Martini, Maur

    Composizione elementare di propellenti: utilità per il riconoscimento dei residui lasciati dallo "sparo"

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    Vengono esposti i risultati relativi all'analisi delle cariche di lancio contenute in 6 diversi tipi di cartuccia e le condizioni sperimentali migliori per l'ottimale applicazione in sede forense dell'analisi per attivazione neutronica al fine della ricognizione precisa degl ielementi "primari" (Sb, Ba) e di quelli "secondari