4 research outputs found


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    The immigration phenomenon is involving the whole national territory with particular effect on small inland areas of the Italian regions and it happens for various reasons. The case-study will concern the observation of the town of Palazzo San Gervasio (Potenza) that, as a reality endowed with an identification and expulsion center (CIE), is evolving into a reality that not only intends to tighten solid and strong alliance for mutual growth, with immigrants, but aims to achieve a level of resilience that can avoid depopula-tion and the consequent disappearance of the same city. The community of Palazzo San Gervasio has found in the migrants a lifeblood able to trigger processes of “improve-ment” of the Community heritage of welcome and tolerance. This allowed the development of an European project designed to identify the causes of the problems before putting reception to discuss with each other, outside of institutional as well as administrative settings, doctors, prefecture, re-gional representatives and state organs with simple citizens, associations and, especially migrants. The first working tables have already shown some problematic processes, for example, in the allocation of recognition documents, beyond, the possibility to move in Europe, would give migrants the possibility to integrate, without legal problems, in the communities cozy and, on the other hand, they have shown that, especially the younger boys have received a non-charitable but absolutely time integration from peers. Therefore, contrary to what one might imagine, it is the youngest and the residents in the inland community to show greater sensitivity to the phenomenon. Of course much remains: to know the needs (housing, the social spaces, prayer space, market areas, etc.) of migrants but the case of small indoor areas, not only, shows a real aptitude of the same to a inherent resiliency, but also, such a sensitivity that you feel “ready to sail” each of the elements of conscious welcoming community that today we could all be forced to become migrants

    Order, complexity, measure. The project between architecture and nature

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    The paper aims to show how modern technologies, including those coming from established habits – today with great possibilities – have shifted towards new building horizons with an ‘ecological conscience’, avoiding uncritically referring to nature as a salvific model, to be imitated and evoked, perhaps with formal and superficial operations. The paper contains some varied project experiences. Even though the projects start from different premises, they develop experimental solutions identifying nature as a principle to elaborate by updating its rules. Among these, we find both a prototype of urban micro-design that incorporates vegetal processes and rules its aesthetic and functional benefits, where nature is integrated into the building technique, and projects with an indigenous origin important for the implementation of the symbiosis between nature and architecture in the built environment

    Ordine Complessità Misura. Il progetto tra architettura e natura

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    Il contributo intende dimostrare come le moderne tecnologie, comprese quelle provenienti da consuetudini consolidate, oggi dominio di possibilità, si sono orientante verso i nuovi orizzonti del costruire con ‘coscienza ecologica’, evitando un ritorno acritico alla natura, come modello salvifico, da imitare ed evocare, magari con operazioni formali e di superficie. Il contributo riporta alcune esperienze progettuali dissimili, che pur partendo da premesse diverse sviluppano soluzioni sperimentali che identificano la natura come principio da interpretare attualizzandone le regole. Tra queste, un prototipo di micro-design urbano che incorpora processi vegetali, ne governa i benefici estetici e funzionali, in cui la natura verde è integrata nella tecnica costruttiva, e progetti di matrice indigena significativi per l’attuazione di una simbiosi tra natura e architettura nell’ambiente costruito

    Migration and the Built Environment - Abstract, Projects, Conference Proceedings, Atti del Simposio Internazionale Caumme III/Paumme I, Napoli, novembre 24-25, 2016

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    The phenomenon of migration is as ancient as human socialization. However, in the last decades both phenomena have become a top political and discursive concern in many countries. The contemporary, more international dimension of migration and the spread of media perfectly epitomizes the “liquid” character of the present: something that changes in a constant fashion, but remains hard to contextualize. The global nature of migrations, linked to their increasing articulation, has been the object of widespread scholarly interest, especially in the humanities, to the point that the social scientists S. Castles e M.J. Miller define the last decades as “the migration era”, even if other, earlier historical periods witnessed even more numerous flows. It is unquestionable that, starting from World War I, migration has assumed a global character that has intensified in the last decade. This global dimension is linked to the host of different places involved in the two directions of the flow, to the formation of multiple migratory systems, to the amplification of the transnational character and, the transformation of the landscape of the transit places. Further, focusing on the long period, the transformations appear to affect even the destination places, as populations bring along their customs, behaviors, cultures and techniques. Such mutations involve numerous aspects beyond the anthropological, physical and spatial ones. They also affect the built environment and the processes of construction and representation of both cities and their architecture. CAUMME III - 2016 addresses a number of relevant concerns regarding the relationship between architecture, urbanism and migrations. What are the relevant impacts of migration on the host communities? What anthropological effects are linked to these phenomena? Are architectural aesthetics, the material use and the building techniques going to mutate under the pressure of migration? How is the urban landscape being transformed by flows of migration? What is happening to the housing environments? What kind of relationships are forming between transformation processes of the built environment and the social system in the presence of migrant communities