3 research outputs found


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    Mucin networks are formed by the complexation of bottlebrush-like mucin glycoprotein with other small molecule glycoproteins. These glycoproteins create nanoscale strands that then arrange into a nanoporous mesh. These networks play an important role in ensuring surface hydration, lubricity and barrier protection. In order to understand the functional behavior in mucin networks, it is important to decouple their chemical and physical effects responsible for generating the fundamental property-function relationship. To achieve this goal, we propose to develop a synthetic biomimetic mucin using a layer-by-layer (LBL) deposition approach. In this work, a hierarchical 3-dimensional structures resembling natural mucin networks was generated using affinity-based interactions on synthetic and biological surfaces. Unlike conventional polyelectrolyte-based LBL methods, pre-assembled biotin-functionalized filamentous (worm-like) micelles was utilized as the network building block, which from complementary additions of streptavidin generated synthetic networks of desired thickness. The biomimetic nature in those synthetic networks are studied by evaluating its structural and bio-functional properties. Structurally, synthetic networks formed a nanoporous mesh. The networks demonstrated excellent surface hydration property and were able capable of microbial capture. Those functional properties are akin to that of natural mucin networks. Further, the role of synthetic mucin as a drug delivery vehicle, capable of providing localized and tunable release was demonstrated. By incorporating antibacterial curcumin drug loading within synthetic networks, bacterial growth inhibition was also demonstrated. Thus, such bioactive interfaces can serve as a model for independently characterizing mucin network properties and through its role as a drug carrier vehicle it presents exciting future opportunities for localized drug delivery, in regenerative applications and as bio-functional implant coats


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    Oral mucositis is a painful and debilitating chronic inflammatory condition that can result from chemo and/or radiotherapy. While current treatment strategies which provide temporary relief exist, there is still an unmet clinical need for a robust long active barrier strategy which can simultaneously provide protection and release drug to enhance the wound healing response. It is proposed that an affinity based layer-by-layer self-assembled barrier administered as a series of mouth rinses can allow for wound specific drug delivery, providing an effective regenerative therapy. In this work, biotinylated poly(acrylic acid) is used to develop LBL assemblies based upon biotin-streptavidin affinity interactions. To explore the ability of developed LBL assemblies to resist the harsh intraoral environment, in vitro chemical and ex vivo mechanical tests are performed. The stability results demonstrate significant LBL barrier stability with wear resistance. From principal component regression analysis, factors such as polymer MW and number of layers in assemblies contributed significantly to chemical barrier stability. Also it is observed that the extent of biotin conjugation plays a significant role in LBL development and in mechanical stability. Thus, the proposed affinity based multilayered assemblies with their excellent barrier properties offer a modular treatment approach in oral mucosal injuries

    Biopolymeric Mucin and Synthetic Polymer Analogs: Their Structure, Function and Role in Biomedical Applications

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    Mucin networks are viscoelastic fibrillar aggregates formed through the complex self-association of biopolymeric glycoprotein chains. The networks form a lubricious, hydrated protective shield along epithelial regions within the human body. The critical role played by mucin networks in impacting the transport properties of biofunctional molecules (e.g., biogenic molecules, probes, nanoparticles), and its effect on bioavailability are well described in the literature. An alternate perspective is provided in this paper, presenting mucin’s complex network structure, and its interdependent functional characteristics in human physiology. We highlight the recent advances that were achieved through the use of mucin in diverse areas of bioengineering applications (e.g., drug delivery, biomedical devices and tissue engineering). Mucin network formation is a highly complex process, driven by wide variety of molecular interactions, and the network possess structural and chemical variations, posing a great challenge to understand mucin’s bulk behavior. Through this review, the prospective potential of polymer based analogs to serve as mucin mimic is suggested. These analog systems, apart from functioning as an artificial model, reducing the current dependency on animal models, can aid in furthering our fundamental understanding of such complex structures