21 research outputs found

    Температурная зависимость теплоты парообразования чистых углеводородов и их бинарных смесей

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    In this article the results of experimental data for heats of steam formation depending on temperature (density) for individual organic substances and mixtures are presentedВ статье приводятся результаты в приведенной форме представления экспериментальных данных теплоты парообразования в зависимости от приведенной температуры (плотности) для индивидуальных органических веществ и их смесей

    Sequelae of COVID-19 at long-term follow-up after hospitalization

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    Aim. To assess long-term sequelae of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients at 3 to 7 months after discharge.Material and Methods. The whole of 700 patients hospitalized to the temporary COVID-19 treatment center hosted by the FSBI “National Medical Research Center of Cardiology” of the Ministry of Health of Russia from April to June 2020 were invited to participate in a follow-up study. At 3-7 months after the index hospitalization, patients or their proxies were contacted via telephone in order to obtain information on their vital status, cardiovascular and other conditions or their complications, and new hospitalizations. In addition, patients were invited to an outpatient visit under the "COVID-19-follow-up" program, encompassing physical examination and a comprehensive battery of laboratory and instrumental tests, including spirometry, chest computed tomography (CT) and the six minute walk test (6MWT). Further, dyspnea was assessed using the mMRC (Modified Medical Research Council) Dyspnea Scale. Results: We were able to contact 87.4% (612/700) of patients or their proxies. At follow-up, 4.4% (27) patients died, of which 96.3% (26) had cardiovascular diseases (CVD). A total of 213 patients aged 19 to 94 years old (mean age 56.8±12.5, median 57 years [49.0; 64.0]; men, 55.4%) agreed come for an outpatient visit and to participate in the “COVID-19-follow-up” program. Since discharge, 8% (17) of patients required new hospitalizations, and more than a half of these patients (58.8%; 10/17) had CVD-related hospitalizations. A total of 8.4% (18) patients experienced worsening of hypertension, 9 (4.2%) patients had newly diagnosed hypertension, 2 (0.9%) – coronary artery disease patients experienced new/recurrent angina symptoms. 4 (1.9%) patients had newly diagnosed coronary artery disease, and one patient had an ischemic stroke. At the outpatient visit, 114 (53.5%) patients had some symptoms, most frequently, shortness of breath (33%), fatigue (27.4%), chest pain (11.3%), and abnormal heartbeats (8.5%). Based on the mMRC Scale, 59% of patients had dyspnea of varying severity. Most patients had a normal vital capacity (VC), which was moderately reduced in 3.3% and severely reduced in 0.5% of patients. Chest CT scans were obtained in 78 (36.6%) patients, whose worst lung damage scores during hospitalization were CT3 or CT4. One in ten patients (10.8%) with severe lung damage during acute infection had persisting ground glass opacities, 35.9% developed fibrotic changes, 79.6% of patients had linear or fine focal opacities. According to the 6MWT data, 12.3% of patients walked less than 70% of the predicted distance, 67% walked 71 to 99% of the predicted distance, and 20.7% of patients were able to walk 100% of their predicted distance.Conclusion. These data suggest long-term negative sequelae of COVID-19 in more than half of hospitalized patients

    Болезнь Помпе с поздним началом: предварительные результаты ферментозаместительной терапии

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    Pompe disease is an orphan hereditary accumulation disease associated with a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme alglucosidase alpha. Manifestations of the disease are associated with pathological deposition of glycogen in body tissues as a result of GAA gene mutation and subsequent reduction in the activity of the enzyme alglucosidase alpha or acid maltase. The variety of phenotypic forms and varying degrees of damage to the skeletal and respiratory muscles, cardiomyocytes and internal organs greatly complicates the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Pompe»s disease. This article describes the clinical case of late-onset Pompe disease, which was followed by a course of enzyme replacement therapy, as well as an assessment of the condition before and after treatment and preliminary results.Болезнь Помпе – орфанная наследственная болезнь накопления, связанная с дефицитом лизосомного фермента алглюкозидазы альфа. Проявления заболевания связаны с патологическим отложением гликогена в тканях организма в результате мутации гена GAA и последующего снижения активности фермента алглюкозидазы альфа или кислой мальтазы. Разнообразие фенотипических форм и разная степень поражения скелетных и дыхательных мышц, кардиомиоцитов и внутренних органов в значительной степени затрудняет постановку диагноза и начало лечения пациентов с болезнью Помпе. Представлен доказанный клинический случай болезни Помпе с поздним началом с оценкой состояния до лечения и предварительные результаты после 4 курсов ферментозаместительной терапии

    Comparative DNA Cytometry of Primary and Recurrent Soft Tissue Sarcomas

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    The goal of comparative investigation was to reveal the distinctive features of the DNA content and cell distribution in the phases of the cell cycle of recurrent STS. DNA cytometry in the tumor tissue of 30 primary soft tissue sarcomas (t2a-2bn0M0) and 30 STS recurrences (t2-3n0M1) was carried out using the method of flow cytofluorometry. the tumor ploidy and cell distribution in the cell cycle phases were analyzed. Results. A number of differences in the DNA cytometric parameters of primary and recurrent STS have been revealed, they include: an increase in the proportion of aneuploid tumors in case of recurrence, the number of tumors with DNA index within the mitotic cycle, an increase in the proportion of cells in G2+M- phase of diploid and aneuploidy tumors and a decrease in S- phase of aneuploid ones. It has been shown that with a G2 differentiation degree, the proportion of cells in G2+M, S- and IP of recurrent STS is significantly lower than the primary parameters. An increase in the proportion of cells in G2+M- phase and a decrease in the rate of proliferation of recurrent STS, depending on the stage, are shown only in case of stage III. Conclusion. The revealed features of DNA content and cell cycle of tumor cells of soft tissue sarcomas will allow to approach to understanding of biological bases of recurrence of this malignant disease.Целью исследования было выявить в сравнительном аспекте отличительные особенности содержания ДНК и распределения клеток по фазам клеточного цикла рецидивных СМТ. Методом проточной цитофлуориметрии проводили ДНК-цитометрию в опухолевой ткани 30 первичных сарком мягких тканей (T2a-2bN0M0) и 30 – рецидивов СМТ (t2-3n0M1). анализировали плоидность опухоли и распределение клеток по фазам клеточного цикла. результаты. Выявлен ряд различий ДНК-цитометрических показателей первичных и рецидивных СМТ, которые заключаются: в увеличении доли анеуплоидных опухолей при рецидивах, числа опухолей с ИДНК в пределах митотического цикла, увеличение доли клеток в G2+M- фазе диплоидных и анеуплоидных опухолей и снижение в S-фазе анеуплоидных. Показано, что при степени дифференцировки G2 доля клеток в фазах G2+M, S- и ИП рецидивных СМТ значимо ниже параметров первичных. Увеличение доли клеток в G2+M-фазе и снижение темпов пролиферации рецидивных СМТ в зависимости от стадии показаны только при III стадии. Выводы. Выявленные особенности содержания ДНК и параметров клеточного цикла опухолевых клеток сарком мягких тканей позволят приблизиться к пониманию биологических основ рецидивирования этого злокачественного заболевания

    Temperature dependence of heat of vaporization of pure hydrocarbons and their binary mixtures

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    In this article the results of experimental data for heats of steam formation depending on temperature (density) for individual organic substances and mixtures are presente

    Stress, Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms are Predictors of Worse Outcomes in Outpatients With Arterial Hypertension and Coronary Heart Disease: Results of 1.5 Years Follow-up From the COMETA Multicenter Study.

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    Aim      To study associations between the risk of severe adverse cardiovascular outcomes (SACVO) and all-cause death with psychosocial risk factors (PS RFs), such as stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms, low level of education, low income, social isolation, and type D personality, in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) managed in primary health care institutions in a multi-year prospective study.Material and methods  PS RFs were assessed in patients with AH or IHD, who participated in a multi-year prospective COMETA study, using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), DS-14 questionnaire, and a visual analogue scale (VAS) for assessment of stress level. Associations of PS FRs with SACVO and all-cause death after a 1.5-year follow-up were analyzed using multivariate Cox regression models.Results At 1.5 years after patients were included in the study, it was possible to obtain data for 2,538 patients (age at baseline, 66.6 ± 7.8 years, 28.1% men), 106 of whom died during that period. The incidence of SACVO was 40.0 per 1000 person-years. According to the results of multivariate regression analysis, a very high level of anxiety symptoms (HADS-A≥14) was significantly associated with SACVO (odds ratio (OR), 1.81; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.04-3.15; p=0. 02). The composite endpoint that included all-cause death and/or SACVO was significantly associated with a high (VAS score ≥8) stress level (OR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.00-2.33; p=0.04) and a very high (HADS-D≥14) level of depressive symptoms (OR, 2.11; 95% CI, 1.22-3.62; p=0.02). A low level of education adjusted for gender and age increased the likelihood of SACVO by 1.7 (95% CI, 1.19-2.43) times. No significant associations were found between the analyzed outcomes and type D personality or with social isolation.Conclusion      In patients with AH or IHD, the presence of high-grade stress and severe depressive symptoms increased the likelihoods of all-cause death and SACVO while a low level of education and severe anxiety symptoms were associated with SACVO. The study results showed that PS RFs for cardiovascular diseases keep the PS RF prognostic significance in the conditions of modern treatment of AH and IHD. Due to the negative impact on the prognosis, PS RFs should be taken into account when taking measures for secondary prevention of AH and IHD


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    About 150 million men worldwide and about 50% of men aged 40-88 y.o. in outpatient practice suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED). There is a linear relation between the age and ED rate. The main reason of ED in the majority of men (about 80% of patients) is cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus), as well as certain risk factors (smoking, alcohol abuse, physical inactivity etc.). The problem of ED in cardiac outpatients and modern pharmacotherapy is discussed. The phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitors increase the relaxing effect of nitric oxide and increase cyclic GMP levels during sexual arousal. It results in increase of cavernosum blood flow, contributing to the physiological erection. Three PDE5 inhibitors (sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil) are used in clinical practice nowadays

    Biologically active substances in bakery products

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    Development of technology for muffins functionality based on biologically active composition comprising lyupinovo-melangehydrolyzatetykvoproteina, soy protein isolate, mustard oil and mineral fortifier calcium


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    Development of technology for sustainable wheat bread to microbiological spoilage. To study of the influence of prescription components on microbiological spoilage and quality indicators

    Late-onset Pompe disease: preliminary results of enzyme replacement therapy

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    Pompe disease is an orphan hereditary accumulation disease associated with a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme alglucosidase alpha. Manifestations of the disease are associated with pathological deposition of glycogen in body tissues as a result of GAA gene mutation and subsequent reduction in the activity of the enzyme alglucosidase alpha or acid maltase. The variety of phenotypic forms and varying degrees of damage to the skeletal and respiratory muscles, cardiomyocytes and internal organs greatly complicates the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Pompe»s disease. This article describes the clinical case of late-onset Pompe disease, which was followed by a course of enzyme replacement therapy, as well as an assessment of the condition before and after treatment and preliminary results