4 research outputs found

    Une vision sexuée de l’Histoire contemporaine espagnole à travers deux œuvres d’Antonio Altarriba et Kim, El arte de volar et El ala rota

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    Le présent travail étudie comment, au travers des œuvres biographiques consacrées à sa mère et à son père, Antonio Altarriba nous livre une vision sexuée de la vie durant la Guerre Civile et la dictature franquiste. Les existences de Petra et Antonio mettent à jour les actes, les paroles et les non dits des millions d’Espagnol(e)s qui ont vécu et subi le conflit et ses conséquences.El presente trabajo estudia cómo, a través de las obras biográficas dedicadas a su madre y a su padre, Antonio Altarriba nos presenta una visión sexuada de la vida durante la Guerra civil y la dictadura franquista. Las existencias de Petra y Antonio ponen de realce los actos, las palabras y los silencios de millones de españolas y españoles que vivieron y sufrieron la contienda y sus consecuencias. This paper will study how, through the biographical comic books dedicated to his mother and his father, Antonio Altarriba gives us a gender-specific view of life during the Spanish Civil War and Franco’s dictatorship. Petra and Antonio’s lives expose the acts, words and silences of millions of Spaniards, women and men, caught in the conflict and its consequences

    De l’oubli à la reconnaissance

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    The Second World War has become the topic of movies, books and other formats. Although many works (fictional or not) have been shot or published, not everything has been said or revealed about this very important event in History. Therefore, we are going to study Paco Roca’s comic strip La Nueve. Les républicains espagnols qui ont libéré Paris. The contemporary Spanish author tels the true story of republican Spanish refugees who joined the French Resistance against the Nazi German occupation of France and the Vichy Regime and who took part in the liberation of the French capital city. This graphic novel tells us about their incredible route from their escape of Nationalist Spain in early 1939. The novel gives the opportunity to pay tribute to these men who have entirely been forgotten by History