119 research outputs found

    Advancements in Canadian biomaterials research in neurotraumatic diagnosis and therapies

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    Development of biomaterials for the diagnosis and treatment of neurotraumatic ailments has been significantly advanced with our deepened knowledge of the pathophysiology of neurotrauma. Canadian research in the fields of biomaterial-based contrast agents, non-invasive axonal tracing, non-invasive scaffold imaging, scaffold patterning, 3D printed scaffolds, and drug delivery are conquering barriers to patient diagnosis and treatment for traumatic injuries to the nervous system. This review highlights some of the highly interdisciplinary Canadian research in biomaterials with a focus on neurotrauma applications

    Sensorimotor Experience Influences Recovery of Forelimb Abilities but Not Tissue Loss after Focal Cortical Compression in Adult Rats

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    Sensorimotor activity has been shown to play a key role in functional outcome after extensive brain damage. This study was aimed at assessing the influence of sensorimotor experience through subject-environment interactions on the time course of both lesion and gliosis volumes as well as on the recovery of forelimb sensorimotor abilities following focal cortical injury. The lesion consisted of a cortical compression targeting the forepaw representational area within the primary somatosensory cortex of adult rats. After the cortical lesion, rats were randomly subjected to various postlesion conditions: unilateral C5–C6 dorsal root transection depriving the contralateral cortex from forepaw somatosensory inputs, standard housing or an enriched environment promoting sensorimotor experience and social interactions. Behavioral tests were used to assess forelimb placement during locomotion, forelimb-use asymmetry, and forepaw tactile sensitivity. For each group, the time course of tissue loss was described and the gliosis volume over the first postoperative month was evaluated using an unbiased stereological method. Consistent with previous studies, recovery of behavioral abilities was found to depend on post-injury experience. Indeed, increased sensorimotor activity initiated early in an enriched environment induced a rapid and more complete behavioral recovery compared with standard housing. In contrast, severe deprivation of peripheral sensory inputs led to a delayed and only partial sensorimotor recovery. The dorsal rhizotomy was found to increase the perilesional gliosis in comparison to standard or enriched environments. These findings provide further evidence that early sensory experience has a beneficial influence on the onset and time course of functional recovery after focal brain injury

    An analysis of item nonresponse and "don't know" responses in the Feneral Social Survey of Canada, 1985 /

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    The issue of nonresponse to surveys is a serious problem in survey research because it reduces the amount of information obtained, creates a significant nuisance for data analysis and may introduce bias into the survey results by flawing the representativeness of the target population under investigation. This paper examines item-nonresponse and "don't know" responses in the General Social Survey of Canada of 1985 and comments specifically on the different effects of personal and telephone interviewing technique on rate of item omission. The effect of sensitivity of the question, and position of the item in the questionnaire on nonresponse are also examined in an exploratory descriptive analysis. Results of an analysis of variance and multiple regression/correlation indicate that both sensitivity and position are factors influencing item omission. In addition, demographic characteristics were found to be significantly and differentially correlated with item omission and "don't know" responses by topic area for the survey under investigation. The results of this study further demonstrate that telephone interviewing significantly increases the rate of item omission, especially for questions on social support

    An Overview of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Its Application in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a flexible, non-invasive technique that involves the production of a brief magnetic field to stimulate the conductive structures of the brain. When TMS is specifically employed as a single- or paired-pulse over the motor cortex, the function and integrity of the descending motor pathways can be assessed through the generation of a motor evoked potential (MEP). Important MEP-derived measures include the motor threshold, MEP amplitude and latency, central motor conduction time, silent period, intracortical inhibition, and intracortical facilitation. These functional measures may have use in individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS), a common chronic autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system, due to their useful diagnostic and prognostic implications. As a representation of excitability and conductivity, TMS measures may have the potential to serve as objective markers of corticospinal tract integrity, which is a major aspect of clinical disability in MS. Additionally, TMS may be employed to help monitor and provide insight on the effects of therapies for patients with MS over a longitudinal timeframe. In this review, we focus on the application of TMS in the context of MS, with an emphasis on the relationship between TMS measures and widely used clinical assessment measures used for patients with MS

    Comparing a diffusion tensor and non-tensor approach to white matter fiber tractography in chronic stroke

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    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)-based tractography has been used to demonstrate functionally relevant differences in white matter pathway status after stroke. However, it is now known that the tensor model is insensitive to the complex fiber architectures found in the vast majority of voxels in the human brain. The inability to resolve intra-voxel fiber orientations may have important implications for the utility of standard DTI-based tract reconstruction methods. Intra-voxel fiber orientations can now be identified using novel, tensor-free approaches. Constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) is one approach to characterize intra-voxel diffusion behavior. In the current study, we performed DTI- and CSD-based tract reconstruction of the corticospinal tract (CST) and corpus callosum (CC) to test the hypothesis that characterization of complex fiber orientations may improve the robustness of fiber tract reconstruction and increase the sensitivity to identify functionally relevant white matter abnormalities in individuals with chronic stroke. Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging was performed in 27 chronic post-stroke participants and 12 healthy controls. Transcallosal pathways and the CST bilaterally were reconstructed using DTI- and CSD-based tractography. Mean fractional anisotropy (FA), apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD) were calculated across the tracts of interest. The total number and volume of reconstructed tracts was also determined. Diffusion measures were compared between groups (Stroke, Control) and methods (CSD, DTI). The relationship between post-stroke motor behavior and diffusion measures was evaluated. Overall, CSD methods identified more tracts than the DTI-based approach for both CC and CST pathways. Mean FA, ADC, and RD differed between DTI and CSD for CC-mediated tracts. In these tracts, we discovered a difference in FA for the CC between stroke and healthy control groups using CSD but not DTI. CSD identified ipsilesional CST pathways in 9 stroke participants who did not have tracts identified with DTI. Additionally, CSD differentiated between stroke ipsilesional and healthy control non-dominant CST for several measures (number of tracts, tract volume, FA, ADC, and RD) whereas DTI only detected group differences for number of tracts. In the stroke group, motor behavior correlated with fewer diffusion metrics derived from the DTI as compared to CSD-reconstructed ipsilesional CST and CC. CSD is superior to DTI-based tractography in detecting differences in diffusion characteristics between the nondominant healthy control and ipsilesional CST. CSD measures of microstructure tissue properties related to more motor outcomes than DTI measures did. Our results suggest the potential utility and functional relevance of characterizing complex fiber organization using tensor-free diffusion modeling approaches to investigate white matter pathways in the brain after stroke
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