12 research outputs found

    Considerations Regarding Quality Management in Services as a Marketing Instrument for Increasing Customers’ Satisfaction in Tourism Products

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    The development of service sector – as a defining trait of modern market economy – demands permanent improvement of theory and applications in the domain of quality. Following this statement one can notice a considerable evolution of the advanced approach associated to the concept of quality management in services of specialists bringing to attention modalities and instruments that are more and more sophisticated with the intention to give consistent answers to the management teams of all activities included in the field of services. In this context modern marketing is able to give specialists from academic or real economic environment scientific fundamental approaches that are capable to bring closer together the desired efficiency and efficacy to real consumers’ requests and perceptions. The quality management approach at tourist’s services level underlines important particularities, creating a symbiosis between percepts and theoretical concepts and the practical need to fundament decisions in the tourist’s services quality management. In a modern vision these are approached gradually, in four steps: quality control, quality insurance, total quality control and total quality management. For each step are specified the operational type of quality, level of approach considering marketing activities and users typology. According to each step of knowledge there are developed the instruments, techniques and work methods, fact that amplifies the opportunities to detail this kind of approaches to operational level – with special address to tourism management.quality, quality management, marketing, customer satisfaction

    Aspects concerning the elaboration of the questionnaires used in the marketing research

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    This study brings up the problems of the various questionnaires type applied in the study of market phenomena and processes and it shows the relevance of the possibilities the elaboration of the questionnaires brings in the process of achieving many category of information as well as the exigencies that should be considered when a certain type of questionnaire is selected. All these considerations should be put, of course, in the methodological and organizational general context of the planned statistical survey, in accordance with the recommendations of the theory and practice of specialty.questionnaire, marketing research, market survey

    Price determination and price strategy in the marketing view

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    Taking into account the four marketing politics, the price may seem to hold a special place both in theory and practice. This assertion is sustained by the fact that some specialists consider prices a variable unable to be controlled by a company, while others are adepts of another theory according to which there is a real possibility of using the price in the company’s best interest, whether on short but most of all on long periods of time. Like in many other circumstances, taking also into consideration what has already been proved in the field, the truth may lie somewhere in between, meaning the price cannot be controlled by a company like other market poles, as product policies of distribution and promotion, but at the same time it cannot be considered an external variable, impossible to be used in marketing terms.price, consumers, demand, price sensitivity measurement.

    Clarifications regarding medical tourism destinations marketing

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    The development of new types of tourism (stand-alone, connected or components), from marketing experience, implies a broad spectrum of challenges, which, placed in a planned background, has the purpose the creation and then, the development of tourism products that correspond, at least, to consumers’ expectations. In order to optimize the new type of tourism, it is necessary to be correlated with the relevant resources of the destination, which, harmonized, can lead to the elaboration of destination marketing strategies, in this situation being the medical tourism, component of health tourism

    Considerations Regarding Quality Management in Services as a Marketing Instrument for Increasing Customers' Satisfaction in Tourism Products

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    The development of service sector – as a defining trait of modern market economy – demands permanent improvement of theory and applications in the domain of quality. Following this statement one can notice a considerable evolution of the advanced approach associated to the concept of quality management in services of specialists bringing to attention modalities and instruments that are more and more sophisticated with the intention to give consistent answers to the management teams of all activities included in the field of services. In this context modern marketing is able to give specialists from academic or real economic environment scientific fundamental approaches that are capable to bring closer together the desired efficiency and efficacy to real consumers’ requests and perceptions. The quality management approach at tourist’s services level underlines important particularities, creating a symbiosis between percepts and theoretical concepts and the practical need to fundament decisions in the tourist’s services quality management. In a modern vision these are approached gradually, in four steps: quality control, quality insurance, total quality control and total quality management. For each step are specified the operational type of quality, level of approach considering marketing activities and users typology. According to each step of knowledge there are developed the instruments, techniques and work methods, fact that amplifies the opportunities to detail this kind of approaches to operational level – with special address to tourism management

    Qualitative versus quantitative marketing research

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    Marketing research approach might be accomplished in different ways. In the practical view, we can say that treating it as quantitative and qualitative is more pragmatic and operational.qualitative research, quantitative research, qualitative techniques, sample, sampling, weighting factors.

    Utilizarea panelurilor de consumatori in cercetarea de marketing

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    In legatura cu aplicarea unor metode indirecte de cercetare stiintifica a pietei, in general, precum si referitor la utilizarea unor metode directe, in literatura de specialitate se gasesc numeroase detalii, astfel incat, neconstituind scopul nostru, nu vom starui asupra prezentarii lor. Cu toate acestea, intrucat folosirea unor metode directe de investigare este, de regula, relativ laborioasa si caracteristica unor organisme specializate, consideram utile cateva consideratii teoretice si practice privind modalitatea calitativ superioara de investigare a comportamentului consumatorului prin intermediul sondajului statistic. Este vorba de conceperea, organizarea si exploatarea cercetarilor de tip panel, a caror aplicabilitate constituie in prezent o conditie sine-qua-non a lucrarilor de investigare riguros stiintifica a comportamentului consumatorului, indeosebi prin posibilitatile pe care le ofera pe plan predictiv – latura agreata cu predilectie de factorii de decizie.cercetari de marketing, analiza cantitativa, panel de consumatori, managementul cercetarii

    Modelling the Image Research of a Tourism Destination

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    The problematic area of the tourism destination image has a high expansion in marketing, the efforts of its conceptualization and phenomenalism being remarkable among specialists. In this context, the authors propose a systemic approach, the result of which refers to a model regarding the image research of a tourism destination, whose validation has been attained using Transalpina destination. The model created by the authors envisages morphological features and specific functional relationships, which are consistent with the marketing theory, and, in context, with the consumer behaviour theory. The conceptualmethodological solutions are magnified by applicative-experimental validations, which enhance the theoretical and practical valences of the created model. The main direction of developing the elaborated model consists in efforts of formalization and abstracting, in the perspective offered by several scientific disciplines

    Typological Analysis of Buying Actions

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    The typology of buyers and buying actions contracts are specific categories of consumer behaviour, determining group buyers and buying actions in classes, to fragment the markets. Market fragmentation through buyer typoligy and/or segmentation is presently characterized by a multitude of theoretical approaches and are especially generated by the common practice in the respective business. These two concepts are used for the same purpose, the essential difference being their starting point: the segmentation fragments the markets as a whole, while the typology of the buyer and of buying actions generate classifications starting from individual cases

    Typological Analysis of Buying Actions

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    The typology of buyers and buying actions contracts are specific categories of consumer behaviour, determining group buyers and buying actions in classes, to fragment the markets. Market fragmentation through buyer typoligy and/or segmentation is presently characterized by a multitude of theoretical approaches and are especially generated by the common practice in the respective business. These two concepts are used for the same purpose, the essential difference being their starting point: the segmentation fragments the markets as a whole, while the typology of the buyer and of buying actions generate classifications starting from individual cases.buyer typlogy; buying actions typology; market fragmentation; statistical methods in buying typology.