26 research outputs found

    Assessing the influence of distinct culture media on human pre-implantation development using single-embryo transcriptomics

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    The use of assisted reproductive technologies is consistently rising across the world. However, making an informed choice on which embryo culture medium should be preferred to ensure satisfactory pregnancy rates and the health of future children critically lacks scientific background. In particular, embryos within their first days of development are highly sensitive to their micro-environment, and it is unknown how their transcriptome adapts to different embryo culture compositions. Here, we determined the impact of culture media composition on gene expression in human pre-implantation embryos. By employing single-embryo RNA-sequencing after 2 or 5 days of the post-fertilization culture in different commercially available media (Ferticult, Global, and SSM), we revealed medium-specific differences in gene expression changes. Embryos cultured pre-compaction until day 2 in Ferticult or Global media notably displayed 266 differentially expressed genes, which were related to essential developmental pathways. Herein, 19 of them could have a key role in early development, based on their previously described dynamic expression changes across development. When embryos were cultured after day 2 in the same media considered more suitable because of its amino acid enrichment, 18 differentially expressed genes thought to be involved in the transition from early to later embryonic stages were identified. Overall, the differences were reduced at the blastocyst stage, highlighting the ability of embryos conceived in a suboptimal in vitro culture medium to mitigate the transcriptomic profile acquired under different pre-compaction environments

    Assessing the influence of distinct culture media on human pre-implantation development using single-embryo transcriptomics

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    The use of assisted reproductive technologies is consistently rising across the world. However, making an informed choice on which embryo culture medium should be preferred to ensure satisfactory pregnancy rates and the health of future children critically lacks scientific background. In particular, embryos within their first days of development are highly sensitive to their micro-environment, and it is unknown how their transcriptome adapts to different embryo culture compositions. Here, we determined the impact of culture media composition on gene expression in human pre-implantation embryos. By employing single-embryo RNA-sequencing after 2 or 5 days of the post-fertilization culture in different commercially available media (Ferticult, Global, and SSM), we revealed medium-specific differences in gene expression changes. Embryos cultured pre-compaction until day 2 in Ferticult or Global media notably displayed 266 differentially expressed genes, which were related to essential developmental pathways. Herein, 19 of them could have a key role in early development, based on their previously described dynamic expression changes across development. When embryos were cultured after day 2 in the same media considered more suitable because of its amino acid enrichment, 18 differentially expressed genes thought to be involved in the transition from early to later embryonic stages were identified. Overall, the differences were reduced at the blastocyst stage, highlighting the ability of embryos conceived in a suboptimal in vitro culture medium to mitigate the transcriptomic profile acquired under different pre-compaction environments

    Dynamic enhancer partitioning instructs activation of a growth regulator during exit from naĂŻve pluripotency

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    SUMMARY During early mammalian development, the genome undergoes profound transitions in chromatin states, topological organization and recruitment of cis regulatory factors involved in transcriptional control. How these three layers of gene regulation interact is the matter of intense research. The Zdbf2 gene—which is involved in growth control—provides a valuable model to study this question: upon exit from naïve pluripotency and prior to tissue differentiation, it undergoes a switch in usage from a distal to a proximal promoter, along with a switch in chromatin states, from polycomb to DNA methylation occupancy. Using an embryonic stem cell (ESC) culture system to mimic this period, we show here that four enhancers contribute to the Zdbf2 promoter switch, concomitantly with dynamic changes in chromosome architecture. Indeed, CTCF plays a key role in partitioning the locus in ESCs, to facilitate enhancer contact with the distal Zdbf2 promoter only. Partition relieving enhances proximal Zdbf2 promoter activity, as observed during differentiation or with mutants that lack local CTCF-based partition. Importantly, we show that CTCF-based regulation occurs independently of the polycomb and DNA methylation pathways. Our study reveals the importance of multi-layered regulatory frameworks to ensure proper spatio-temporal activation of developmentally important genes

    Dynamic enhancer partitioning instructs activation of a growth-related gene during exit from naĂŻve pluripotency

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    International audienceDuring early mammalian development, the chromatin landscape undergoes profound transitions. The Zdbf2 gene-involved in growth control-provides a valuable model to study this window: upon exit from naĂŻve pluripotency and prior to tissue differentiation, it undergoes a switch from a distal to a proximal promoter usage, accompanied by a switch from polycomb to DNA methylation occupancy. Using an embryonic stem cell (ESC) system to mimic this period, we show here that four enhancers contribute to the Zdbf2 promoter switch, concomitantly with dynamic changes in chromatin architecture. In ESCs, the locus is partitioned to facilitate enhancer contacts with the distal Zdbf2 promoter. Relieving the partition enhances proximal Zdbf2 promoter activity, as observed during differentiation or with genetic mutants. Importantly, we show that 3D regulation occurs upstream of the polycomb and DNA methylation pathways. Our study reveals the importance of multi-layered regulatory frameworks to ensure proper spatio-temporal activation of developmentally important genes

    Identification d'une nouvelle ADN méthyltransférase « DNMT3C » qui protÚge les cellules germinales mùles de l'activité des transposons

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    Les transposons portent des gĂšnes codant pour des enzymes qui leur permettent de se multiplier, se dĂ©placer de façon alĂ©atoire dans le gĂ©nome, pouvant ainsi causer des mutations dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres. Il est donc particuliĂšrement important de neutraliser l’activitĂ© des transposons dans le gĂ©nome, en particulier lors de certaines phases critiques de dĂ©veloppement de l’organisme, par exemple la formation des cellules reproductrices (spermatozoĂŻdes et ovules). La mĂ©thylation de l’ADN est un des principaux systĂšmes utilisĂ©s pour neutraliser l’activitĂ© des transposons. La mĂ©thylation de leurs sĂ©quences promotrices inhibent l’expression des gĂšnes des transposons empĂȘchant ainsi leurs multiplications et dĂ©placements. Cette mĂ©thylation est effectuĂ©e par des enzymes particuliĂšres, appelĂ©es DNA mĂ©thyl transfĂ©rases. On pensait qu’elles Ă©taient au nombre de quatre dans les gĂ©nomes. Or, nous en avons dĂ©couvert une cinquiĂšme (appelĂ©e DMMT3C) dans le gĂ©nome de la souris. Elle prĂ©sente des propriĂ©tĂ©s singuliĂšres: Elle est spĂ©cifique des rongeurs, prĂ©sente uniquement dans les cellules germinales male, et cible spĂ©cifiquement des transposons les plus rĂ©cents et les plus actifs. Le niveau de spĂ©cialisation de cette DNA mĂ©thyl transfĂ©rase est trĂšs surprenant par rapport aux autres enzymes de ce type connues jusqu’à prĂ©sent. Elle ne s’exprime que dans les cellules germinales pendant la vie fƓtale et protĂšge le gĂ©nome des futurs spermatozoĂŻdes contre l’effet dĂ©lĂ©tĂšre des transposons. Elle mĂ©thyle uniquement la rĂ©gion promotrice de certains transposons les rendant inactifs. Chez la souris mutante qui n’exprime pas cette enzyme, les transposons sont massivement rĂ©activĂ©s au cours de la spermatogĂ©nĂšse, ce qui conduit Ă  un arrĂȘt de la formation des spermatozoĂŻdes et Ă  la stĂ©rilitĂ©. Enfin, cette enzyme est une innovation des rongeurs, elle serait apparue il y a quelques 46 millions d’annĂ©es par duplication du gĂšne d’une autre mĂ©thyl transfĂ©rase. Ainsi, la protection du gĂ©nome contre les transposons serait une force motrice dans l’évolution de la mĂ©thylation de l’ADN chez les mammifĂšres. Cette enzyme pose de nouvelles questions : quels sont les mĂ©canismes de cette spĂ©cificitĂ© ? Existe-t-il l’équivalent de cette enzyme chez les autres mammifĂšres pour protĂ©ger leur fertilitĂ©

    The DNA methyltransferase DNMT3C protects male germ cells from transposon activity

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    DNA methylation plays an important role in repressing the expression of “parasitic” DNAs, such as transposable elements, which have invaded our genomes. Mammals have three DNA methyltransferase enzymes. Barau et al. discovered a fourth DNA methyltransferase enzyme in mice. The enzyme DNMT3C is a duplication of DNMT3B and is found in male germ cells. There it targets evolutionarily young transposons, of which there is a heavy burden in the mouse genome. DNMT3C methylates and silences the young transposons, preserving male fertility.Science, this issue p. 909DNA methylation is prevalent in mammalian genomes and plays a central role in the epigenetic control of development. The mammalian DNA methylation machinery is thought to be composed of three DNA methyltransferase enzymes (DNMT1, DNMT3A, and DNMT3B) and one cofactor (DNMT3L). Here, we describe the discovery of Dnmt3C, a de novo DNA methyltransferase gene that evolved via a duplication of Dnmt3B in rodent genomes and was previously annotated as a pseudogene. We show that DNMT3C is the enzyme responsible for methylating the promoters of evolutionarily young retrotransposons in the male germ line and that this specialized activity is required for mouse fertility. DNMT3C reveals the plasticity of the mammalian DNA methylation system and expands the scope of the mechanisms involved in the epigenetic control of retrotransposons

    The imprinted Zdbf2 gene finely tunes control of feeding and growth in neonates

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    International audienceGenomic imprinting refers to the mono-allelic and parent-specific expression of a subset of genes. While long recognized for their role in embryonic development, imprinted genes have recently emerged as important modulators of postnatal physiology, notably through hypothalamus-driven functions. Here, using mouse models of loss, gain and parental inversion of expression, we report that the paternally expressed Zdbf2 gene controls neonatal growth in mice, in a dose-sensitive but parent-of-origin-independent manner. We further found that Zdbf2 -KO neonates failed to fully activate hypothalamic circuits that stimulate appetite, and suffered milk deprivation and diminished circulating Insulin Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). Consequently, only half of Zdbf2 -KO pups survived the first days after birth and those surviving were smaller. This study demonstrates that precise imprinted gene dosage is essential for vital physiological functions at the transition from intra- to extra-uterine life, here the adaptation to oral feeding and optimized body weight gain