1 research outputs found
Collagen Synthesis by Rat Anterior Pituitary Cells In Vivo and In Vitro.
- Author
- Aumailley M., Specks, U. and Timpl
- Chatterjee P.
- Christensen L., Johansen, N., Jens
- Creely J.J., Commers, P.A. and Har
- Federspiel S.J., DiMari, S.J., Gue
- Giannattasio G. and Zanini, A.
- Hay E.D. and Dodson, J.W.
- Holck S., Albrechtsen, R. and Wewe
- Kiang W., Krusius, T., Finne, J.,
- Leheup B.P., Federspiel, S.J., Gue
- Liu Y.C., Tanaka, S., Inoue, K. an
- Ohyama K., Seyer, J.M., Raghow, R.
- Quaroni A. and Trelstad, R.L.
- Rosa P. and Zanini, A.
- Sackler A.M., Weltman, A.S., Pandh
- Scheele G.A., Fukuoka, S. and Free
- Scheinman J.I., Tanaka, H., Harals
- Slaby F. and Farquhar, M.G.
- Tougard C., Louvard, D., Picart, R
- Trelstad R.L. and Slavkin, H.C.
- Vila-Porcile E., Picart, R., Tixie
- Vila-Porcile E., Picart, R., Vigny
- Vila-Porcile E., Picart, R., Vigny
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Society of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study