1,237 research outputs found
Selective wear of cuttings elements of working organs of tillage machines with realization of self-sharpening effect
The clause of strengthening of cuttings elements is conditioning and realization of such selforganization process as a self-sharpening. Sharpening of horizontal and vertical cuttings elements of working organs of tillage machines (CE WOTM) is considered in many works, but not found out the terms of realization and nature of these processes in a sufficient measure. The processes of sharpening and blunting of CE WOTM
are related mainly to the processes of wear. The change of type of CE in the process of wear is conditioned
mainly a size and character of tearing down each of its bevel and by volume of destruction of cutting edge in
the process of exploitation in the medium of soil and depends on character of co-operation in tribosystem "
WOTM -soil"
Державна інформаційна політика провідних мусульманських країн у сфері сек’юритизації ісламу: досвід для України
The purpose of the article is to analyze the state policy of the leading Muslim countries in the field of securitization of Islam with the definition of the most successful approaches that can be used by the state authorities to prevent radical Islamism in Ukraine.The relevance of the article is that today more and more countries are suffering from terrorist attacks and other manifestations of religious and ethnic intolerance. Most of these actions are carried out by supporters of Islam, a significant number of whom also live in modern Ukraine. In this context, it is important to have an objective view of the situation in Muslim communities, where radical Islamists make up a small percentage and, moreover, have a large number of opponents.Based on the objectives of the study, the methods of system analysis, structural and functional and the method of analogy in public administration were used.As a result, the structural features of the securitization of Islam, as well as the conditions and principles of its application in the state information policy of the leading Muslim countries were clarified. Causal links have been established that have influenced the need to securitize Islam. The main ways to solve the problem are identified, taking into account the relationships identified during the study and the structural and functional features of the environment.Conclusions. It is shown that the significant attention of the state authorities of the leading Muslim countries to the problem of securitization of Islam is caused primarily by the activities of local radical Islamists, as well as the influence of other Islamist centers from abroad. Measures to securitize Islam in leading Muslim countries are systematic, well-coordinated, and use all available resources.In order to improve the state information policy of Ukraine in the field of securitization of Islam, the most effective practices of securitization of Islam, tested in the leading Muslim countries, have been proposed for making administrative decisions by the state authorities of Ukraine.Цель статьи – анализ государственной политики ведущих мусульманских стран в сфере секьюритизации ислама с определением наиболее удачных подходов, которые могут применяться государственной властью для предупреждения проявлений радикального исламизма в Украине.Актуальность статьи заключается в том, что сегодня все больше стран страдает от террористических атак и других проявлений религиозной и этнической нетерпимости. Большинство таких акций осуществляется приверженцами ислама, значительное количество которых также проживает и в современной Украине. В этом контексте важны объективные представления о ситуации в мусульманских сообществах, где радикальные исламисты составляют незначительный процент, и, более того, имеют большое количество противников.Исходя из задач исследования, использовались методы системного анализа, структурно-функциональный и метод аналогии в государственном управлении.В результате выяснены структурные особенности секьюритизации ислама, а также условия и принципы ее применения в государственной информационной политике ведущих мусульманских стран. Установлены причинно-следственные связи, которые повлияли на возникновение необходимости секьюритизации ислама. Выявлены основные пути решения проблемы с учетом определенных в ходе исследования взаимосвязей и структурно-функциональных особенностей среды.Выводы. Показано, что значительное внимание со стороны государственной власти ведущих мусульманских стран к проблеме секюрьитизации ислама вызвано, прежде всего, деятельностью местных радикальных исламистов, а также влиянием иных заграничных исламистских центров. Мероприятия по секюрьитизации ислама в ведущих мусульманских странах носят системный, хорошо скоординированный характер и отличается применением всех имеющихся ресурсов.С целью совершенствования государственной информационной политики Украины в сфере секьюритизации ислама, для принятия управленческих решений государственной властью Украины, предложены наиболее эффективные практики секьюритизации ислама, апробированные в ведущих мусульманских странах.Мета статті – аналіз державної політики провідних мусульманських країн у сфері сек’юритизації ісламу з визначенням найбільш вдалих підходів, які можуть застосовуватися державною владою для попередження проявів радикального ісламізму в Україні. Актуальність статті полягає в тому, що сьогодні все більше країн потерпає від терористичних атак та інших проявів релігійної та етнічної нетерпимості. Левова частка таких акцій здійснюється прихильниками ісламу, значна кількість яких також проживає і в сучасній Україні. У цьому контексті важливими є об’єктивні уявлення про ситуацію в мусульманських спільнотах, де радикальні ісламісти складають незначний відсоток, і, більш того, мають велику кількість супротивників. Виходячи із завдань дослідження використовувались методи системного аналізу, структурно-функціональний та метод аналогії в державному управлінні. У результаті з’ясовано структурні особливості сек’юритизації ісламу, а також умови та принципи її застосування в державній інформаційній політиці провідних мусульманських країн. Встановлено причинно-наслідкові зв’язки, які вплинули на виникнення необхідності сек’юритизації ісламу. Виявлено основні шляхи вирішення проблеми з урахуванням визначених під час дослідження взаємозв’язків і структурно-функціональних особливостей середовища. Висновки. Показано, що значна увага з боку державної влади провідних мусульманських країн до проблеми сек’юритизації ісламу викликана насамперед діяльністю місцевих радикальних ісламістів, а також впливом інших ісламістських центрів із-за кордону. Заходи з сек’юритизації ісламу у провідних мусульманських країнах мають системний, добре скоординований характер і відрізняється застосуванням усіх наявних ресурсів.Задля удосконалення державної інформаційної політики України у сфері сек’юритизації ісламу, запропоновано для прийняття управлінських рішень державною владою України найбільш ефективні практики сек’юритизації ісламу, апробовані у провідних мусульманських країнах
Pharmacokinetics, transcriptional changes and oxidative stress in pink shrimp (Pandalus montagui) exposed to teflubenzuron
In the recent years, infestation with salmon lice has become a major problem in salmonid farms, and has resulted in great economic losses and reduced welfare for farmed salmonids. To enhance the salmon lice combat, there has been an increased use of antiparasitic drugs in salmonid farms, raising concerns about the impact of these chemicals in the environment. In this study, an experiment with the non-target species pink shrimp (Pandalus montagui) was carried out to evaluate the effects of the antiparasitic drug teflubenzuron to crustacean living close to the farms. The pink shrimps (14.0±1.2 mm carapax length) were fed two times weekly for 46 days, with two doses of teflubenzuron. The two doses, termed low dose and high dose contained 0.1% and 1% of a normal fish therapy dose, respectively. At the end of the feeding experiment, surviving shrimps were examined for morphological changes, like speckled eyes and deformities, before tissue from the whole shrimp were analysed by LC-MS/MS to measure accumulated teflubenzuron in the shrimps. Gene-expression analyses was performed to study the effect of teflubenzuron exposure at the transcriptional level, in addition to colorimetric analyses to monitor changes in protein carbonyl concentration and malondialdehyde levels, both indicating oxidative stress. Overall, the studies showed a high mortality rate (20%) among the shrimps exposed to high dose of teflubenzuron, whereas the small dose yield no mortality. Deformities like stiff and crocked legs were seen in both group receiving teflubenzuron. In the pharmacokinetic analyses, the mean concentration of teflubenzuron was significantly higher (10.5-fold) in the high dose group (70.39 ng/g w.w) compared to the low dose group (6.65 ng/g w.w). However, concentrations of teflubenzuron above LOQ (<0.2 ng/g w.w) were obtained in the control groups, suggesting that there might have been a contamination during the experiment. For this reason, extra shrimps from the same catch were added as an additional control to all sample analyses in this work, and all results are presented with initial controls and additional controls. The transcriptional data indicated that exposure of teflubenzuron at the studied concentrations could have a weak effect on antioxidative defence and detoxification mechanisms in shrimps. Moreover, correlation analyses suggested that teflubenzuron might have an impact on growth in shrimps. However, due to concentrations of teflubenzuron above LOQ in the controls, the results from the molecular part of this work are non-conclusive.Masteroppgave i FarmasiFARM399/05HMATF-FAR
The tittle of this research is “Budaya Perilaku dalam Film Kung Fu Panda 3sutradara Alessandro carloni dan Jennifer Yuh Nelson”. The researcher analyzed the characteristic and cultural behaviour from the main character. The method that was in the research was qualitative with descriptive analyses by objective approach. The problems identified in this research were characteristic and cultural
behaviour from the main character in Kung Fu Panda 3 by Alessandro Carloni and Jennifer yuh Nelson. Kung Fu Panda is an animation film produce by DreamWorks Animation. DreamWorks Animation produces several sequel from Kung Fu Panda Film, one
of them is Kung Fu Panda 3. This film tells about a panda named Po who should save all people from Kai. As a dragon warrior, Po faced a lot challanges, one of them is to know his true identity.
In this research the writer found three parts of Po characteristic, among them is physiology, It is appearance. From sociology there are Po as a adopted child, Po as a the son of the merchant, Po as a dragon warrior and Po as a kung fu teacher. The last one from psychology is childishness, cheerful, confident, stubbornness, struggle, willingness to sacrifice, and responsibilities. Po lives in the
Chinese, there are several behavioral cultures which Po possesses among others; Po's usual habits consist of a way of honoring that is done by bending the body with hands in front of the chest and eating manner that always use chopsticks when eating a variety of foods. In faith, Po holds the principle of yin and yang, Phylosophy of life, honor ancestoral, believe in spirit realm and energy flow (chi). Po also has a high work ethic, he will always work hard to achieve his goals. As the son of a merchant, Po is also required to help his father's business. The conclusion from this research is Po, as a main character in this film has kind of characteristic which can amuse the audience. Po also show many Chinese behavior cultural in every action and conversation with another character in the
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah karakteristik pengaturan ketentuan pencurian di lingkungan keluarga Pasal 367 KUHPidana dan apakah konsekuensi penyidikan delik aduan pencurian di lingkungan keluarga yang dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. 1. Pencurian dalam keluarga merupakan delik aduan, dimana pelaku kejahatan dapat dituntut apabila ada pengaduan dari orang yang menderita akibat kejahatan tersebut. Dalam delik ini aduan absolut yang diadukan terhadap pelakunya yakni perbuatannya dan delik aduan relatif yang diadukan yang diadukan adalah orangnya. Walaupun pada prinsipnya pencurian adalah tindak pidana biasa, namun dalam beberapa jenis pencurian seperti pencurian dalam keluarga sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 367 KUHP, pembentuk undang-undang menetapkan pencurian sebagai tindak pidana aduan (klacht delict), yaitu pencurian yang hanya dapat dituntut kalau ada pengaduan dari pihak yang dirugikan. Jenis pengaduan yang terdapat dalam Pasal 367 KUHP adalah pengaduan relatif, yaitu pengaduan terhadap orang yang melakukan pencurian dan pengaduan absolut yakni perbuatannya. 2. Dalam pemahaman menurut KUHAP, hanya dapat dituntut bila ada pengaduan, hanya berlaku pada tahap penuntutan dan dalam tanggung jawab penuntut umum tetapi tidak berlaku dalam tahap penyidikan bagi pejabat penyidik, sehingga penyidikan dapat dilakukan oleh pejabat-pejabat penyidik, dan tindakan-tindakan yang dimungkinkan oleh undang-undang dalam rangka, penyidikan seperti pemanggilan tersangka dan saksi-saksi, penangkapan, penahanan, penyitaan dapat dilakukan, dan dibenarkan, walaupun ternyata karena tidak ada pengaduan maka penuntut umum tidak melakukan penuntutan. Akan tetapi sebaliknya dimungkinkannya tindakan-tindakan penyidikan sedemikian, ditinjau dari latar belakang adanya delik aduan dalam KUHAP, adalah bertentangan yang berarti tujuan diadakannya delik aduan tidak tercapai, ialah untuk melindungi kepentingan dari yang terkena kejahatan jangan sampai makin dirugikan. Oleh karena itu tindakan penyidikan seharusnya pula tidak dilakukan terhadap delik aduan sebelum atau tanpa adanya pengaduan, kecuali tindakan penyelidikan yang pada hakekatnya tidak menimbulkan kerugian apapun bagi terkena kejahatan.Kata kunci: delik aduan; pencurian
Improvements of harrows wear resistance
Wear is the main reason for the loss of performance of the parts for agricultural machinery. It leads to the degradation of the soil working quality. This work aims to highlight the wear resistance of the harrows discs manufactured, consolidated and sharpened differently. The tests were conducted in the laboratory and the field of the Faculty of Exploitation and Repair of Agricultural Machinery of the State Technical University of Kirovograd (Ukraine) in 2015. The technical equipment consists of devices for consolidation by electric discharge and for measurement the linear wear of discs, a harrow, a sand test bed, a tractor and discs made of different materials and technologies. Some parameterized were collected during the laboratory test each 5 ha and up to 20 ha of operation and in the fields each 30 ha until the time limit of exploitation. The Laboratory tests have shown that after twenty (20) ha of operation, the wear resistance of the experimental discs made of steel 65G and consolidated by electric discharge with simultaneous grinding (sharpening angle of 30°) is 2.95 times higher than the discs in series made of steel 28MnB5. The field experiment gave the following results: According to agro technical requirements, the plowing depth limit of serial discs made of steel 28MnB5 was reached after an operating duration of 120 ha while for experimental discs made of steel 65G and consolidated by electric discharge with simultaneous grinding (sharpening angle of 30 degrees) this duration is of 156 ha. The diameter wear limit of experimental discs was reached after an operating duration of 179 ha against 154 ha for the serial ones. Therefore, the new technology can be applied during the
manufacture and / or the repair of the discs
The role of health and safety coordinator in Sweden and Italy construction industry
Despite rigorous efforts to improve the construction working environment in the European Union, the fatal accident rate is approximately 13 workers per 100,000 as against 5 per 100,000 for the all sectors average. Although the accident rates have declined steadily and steeply since 1994, it still remains unacceptably high. Thousands of construction workers still suffer severe injury and even death every year that otherwise may have been preventable. Hislop (1995) argued that one factor that provides the most effective and positive impact on a site is the definition of accountability and responsibility. Defining the line of accountability and responsibility on site is complex and often fuzzy. Debate on transferring the accountability and responsibility for safety to others are high on the main agenda. Therefore only by clearly defining the accountability and authorising responsibilities can injuries and other accident-related losses be controlled. One of the key players on site is the health and safety coordinator (HSC) whose duty is to coordinate and manage health and safety from the planning through to the completion stage. Since both Sweden and Italy are bounded by the European Union Framework Directive (89/391/EEC) and the Construction Site Directive (CSD) (92/57/EEC), therefore it would be beneficial to examine how both countries define and interpret the roles of HSC on site. Since the directive is legally binding, the members had transposed this directive into their national law. In Sweden the appointment of HSC is stipulated in the Working Environment Act (AML 1/1 2009) while in Italy is established in Dlgs 81/08. This paper will examine and compare the role of HSC on site according to the legislation from both Sweden and Italy while simultaneously defining the responsibilities and establishing accountabilities. Results demonstrate how these two countries had transposed the CSD 92/57/EEC diligently into the national law and provisions. Both countries defined the responsibilities of HSC for two stages of construction project: during the planning and project preparation stage and during project execution stage
Pemberdayaan Ibu Rumah Tangga Melalui Pembuatan Handsanitizer Dalam Upaya Pencegahan Covid-19
Housewives have an important role to play in supporting government programs in preventing the spread of COVID-19 at the household level. Community service activities aim to provide understanding to partners so that they have knowledge and concern about preventing the spread of COVID-19 through the application of the 5M health protocol, increasing creativity in efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 through education on how to make hand sanitizers from natural ingredients of betel leaf (Piper betle Linn) which are mostly found in Sukorejo Village. The method used in this activity is counseling by providing material through lectures and distributing hand sanitizer finished products. The implementation of this service activity in the form of dissemination of the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 involves active participation from partners starting from the activity planning process, preparation of activity schedules to education on how to make and distribute hand sanitizers. This activity generated ideas for partners who are mostly housewives to empower themselves in supporting government programs to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by practicing how to make natural hand sanitizers from betel leaf. Thus, the expected output from this activity is an increase in IRT knowledge in preventing the spread of COVID-19, how to manufacture, packaging hand sanitizers, and participants to obtain sample products which can increase interest in producing similar products and commitment to implementing health protocols in preventing the spread of COVID-19
Patterns of change concentration of chemical elements in the engine oil of vehicles operating in non-stationary conditions when adding additives
Досліджено вплив присадок на концентрацію хімічних елементів у моторній оливі М10Г2к при роботі кар’єрних автосамоскидів. Виявлено закономірності зміни концентрації Fe, Cr, Al, Pb з напрацюванням та побудовано диференціальні функції їх розподілу. Показано, що при додаванні присадок середня концентрація хімічних елементів, у порівнянні з базовою моторною оливою, зменшується, що свідчить про зменшення зносу деталей двигунів і подовження ресурсу та терміну заміни моторної оливи.The influence of additives on the concentration of chemical elements in the engine oil at defined М10Г2к dump trucky is vestisated. The regularities of changes in the concentration of Fe, Cr, Al, Pb are operation of with opperation and there were built differential functions of there districultion. It is shown that the addition of additives average concentration of chemical elements in comparison with the base engine oil decreases, indicating a decrease of engine parts wear and service life extension as well as the motor oil change intervals
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