30 research outputs found

    Descriptors of Posidonia oceanica meadows: Use and application

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    The conservation of the coastal marine environment requires the possession of information that enables the global quality of the environment to be evaluated reliably and relatively quickly. The use of biological indicators is often an appropriate method. Seagrasses in general, and Posidonia oceanica meadows in particular, are considered to be appropriate for biomonitoring because of their wide distribution, reasonable size, sedentary habit, easy collection and abundance and sensitivity to modifications of littoral zone. Reasoned management, on the scale of the whole Mediterranean basin, requires standardized methods of study, to be applied by both researchers and administrators, enabling comparable results to be obtained. This paper synthesises the existing methods applied to monitor P. oceanica meadows, identifies the most suitable techniques and suggests future research directions. From the results of a questionnaire, distributed to all the identified laboratories working on this topic, a list of the most commonly used descriptors was drawn up, together with the related research techniques (e.g. standardization, interest and limits, valuation of the results). It seems that the techniques used to study meadows are rather similar, but rarely identical, even though the various teams often refer to previously published works. This paper shows the interest of a practical guide that describes, in a standardized way, the most useful techniques enabling P. oceanica meadows to be used as an environmental descriptor. Indeed, it constitutes the first stage in the process. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Wind effect on gun and sprinkler water application : consequences on crop yield heterogeneity and water losses

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    An integrated model "IRRIPARC", based on an irrigated field representation, is developped. It take into account : - the water application heterogeneity, after each irrigation of the season, especially in windy conditions, that distort strongly the uniformity of water application; the soil water transferts (water balance) for each day of the irrigation period. The results are : uniformity coefficient for each irrigation; and spatial variability of : water losses by drainage ; crop yiels. The model is use to simulate scenarios, adapted to the caracteristics of different irrigation regions. The aim of the study is to provide practical guidelines for farmers to improve irrigation performances : regularise crop yield, reduce water losses and chemical transferts. / Un modèle intégré "IRRIPARC", basé sur une représentation d'une parcelle irriguée, a été développé. Ce modèle prend en considération : l'hétérogénéité d'apport d'eau, après chacune des irrigations de la saison, et particulièrement en conditions ventées qui perturbent fortement l'aspersion ; les transferts d'eau dans le sol, par bilan hydrique, chaque jour de la saison d'irrigation. Les résultats sont : un coefficient d'uniformité d'apport d'eau après chaque irrigation ; et la variabilité spatiale : des pertes d'eau par drainage ; des rendements agronomiques. Le modèle a été utilisé pour simuler des scénarios, adaptés aux contraintes de l'irrigation dans différentes régions. L'objectif de l'étude est de fournir aux irrigants des conseils pratiques, adaptés aux contraintes locales, pour améliorer les performances de l'irrigation : régularité des rendements agronomiques, réduction des pertes d'eau par drainage et des transferts de solutés

    Effet du vent sur les hétérogénéités d'arrosage et de rendement en irrigation par aspersion

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    It was demonstrated that wind has a significant effect on the uniformity of water distribution when sprinklers were used. When there is wind, the area watered by a sprinkler tends to be reduced, part of the water is loss due to evaporation and transport of fine drops outside the irrigation area. General advices are given to the farmers but experience indicates that these advices should be adapted to local conditions of application which can be extremely different. / Il a été mis en évidence que le vent a un effet significatif sur l'uniformité de la répartition de l'eau, en irrigation par aspersion. En présence de vent la superficie arrosée par un sprinkler ou un canon d'irrigation a tendance à se déformer et à diminuer, une partie de l'eau est perdue par évaporation et surtout par transport des fines gouttelettes en dehors de la zone irriguée. Des conseils de portée générale sont donnés aux agriculteurs, mais l'expérience montre que ces conseils devraient être adaptés aux conditions locales d'application qui peuvent être extrêmement variées