31 research outputs found

    Correlation functions for the three state superintegrable chiral Potts spin chain of finite lengths

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    We compute the correlation functions of the three state superintegrable chiral Potts spin chain for chains of length 3,4,5. From these results we present conjectures for the form of the nearest neighbor correlation function.Comment: 10 pages; references update

    Quantum Loop Subalgebra and Eigenvectors of the Superintegrable Chiral Potts Transfer Matrices

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    It has been shown in earlier works that for Q=0 and L a multiple of N, the ground state sector eigenspace of the superintegrable tau_2(t_q) model is highly degenerate and is generated by a quantum loop algebra L(sl_2). Furthermore, this loop algebra can be decomposed into r=(N-1)L/N simple sl_2 algebras. For Q not equal 0, we shall show here that the corresponding eigenspace of tau_2(t_q) is still highly degenerate, but splits into two spaces, each containing 2^{r-1} independent eigenvectors. The generators for the sl_2 subalgebras, and also for the quantum loop subalgebra, are given generalizing those in the Q=0 case. However, the Serre relations for the generators of the loop subalgebra are only proven for some states, tested on small systems and conjectured otherwise. Assuming their validity we construct the eigenvectors of the Q not equal 0 ground state sectors for the transfer matrix of the superintegrable chiral Potts model.Comment: LaTeX 2E document, using iopart.cls with iopams packages. 28 pages, uses eufb10 and eurm10 fonts. Typeset twice! Version 2: Details added, improvements and minor corrections made, erratum to paper 2 included. Version 3: Small paragraph added in introductio

    Some Recent Results on Pair Correlation Functions and Susceptibilities in Exactly Solvable Models

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    Using detailed exact results on pair-correlation functions of Z-invariant Ising models, we can write and run algorithms of polynomial complexity to obtain wavevector-dependent susceptibilities for a variety of Ising systems. Reviewing recent work we compare various periodic and quasiperiodic models, where the couplings and/or the lattice may be aperiodic, and where the Ising couplings may be either ferromagnetic, or antiferromagnetic, or of mixed sign. We present some of our results on the square-lattice fully-frustrated Ising model. Finally, we make a few remarks on our recent works on the pentagrid Ising model and on overlapping unit cells in three dimensions and how these works can be utilized once more detailed results for pair correlations in, e.g., the eight-vertex model or the chiral Potts model or even three-dimensional Yang-Baxter integrable models become available.Comment: LaTeX2e using iopart.cls, 10 pages, 5 figures (5 eps files), Dunk Island conference in honor of 60th birthday of A.J. Guttman

    Q-Dependent Susceptibilities in Ferromagnetic Quasiperiodic Z-Invariant Ising Models

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    We study the q-dependent susceptibility chi(q) of a series of quasiperiodic Ising models on the square lattice. Several different kinds of aperiodic sequences of couplings are studied, including the Fibonacci and silver-mean sequences. Some identities and theorems are generalized and simpler derivations are presented. We find that the q-dependent susceptibilities are periodic, with the commensurate peaks of chi(q) located at the same positions as for the regular Ising models. Hence, incommensurate everywhere-dense peaks can only occur in cases with mixed ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic interactions or if the underlying lattice is aperiodic. For mixed-interaction models the positions of the peaks depend strongly on the aperiodic sequence chosen.Comment: LaTeX2e, 26 pages, 9 figures (27 eps files). v2: Misprints correcte

    Identities in the Superintegrable Chiral Potts Model

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    We present proofs for a number of identities that are needed to study the superintegrable chiral Potts model in the Q≠0Q\ne0 sector.Comment: LaTeX 2E document, using iopart.cls with iopams packages. 11 pages, uses eufb10 and eurm10 fonts. Typeset twice! vs2: Two equations added. vs3: Introduction adde

    Overlapping Unit Cells in 3d Quasicrystal Structure

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    A 3-dimensional quasiperiodic lattice, with overlapping unit cells and periodic in one direction, is constructed using grid and projection methods pioneered by de Bruijn. Each unit cell consists of 26 points, of which 22 are the vertices of a convex polytope P, and 4 are interior points also shared with other neighboring unit cells. Using Kronecker's theorem the frequencies of all possible types of overlapping are found.Comment: LaTeX2e, 11 pages, 5 figures (8 eps files), uses iopart.class. Final versio

    New Results for the Correlation Functions of the Ising Model and the Transverse Ising Chain

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    In this paper we show how an infinite system of coupled Toda-type nonlinear differential equations derived by one of us can be used efficiently to calculate the time-dependent pair-correlations in the Ising chain in a transverse field. The results are seen to match extremely well long large-time asymptotic expansions newly derived here. For our initial conditions we use new long asymptotic expansions for the equal-time pair correlation functions of the transverse Ising chain, extending an old result of T.T. Wu for the 2d Ising model. Using this one can also study the equal-time wavevector-dependent correlation function of the quantum chain, a.k.a. the q-dependent diagonal susceptibility in the 2d Ising model, in great detail with very little computational effort.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 31 pages, 8 figures (16 eps files). vs2: Two references added and minor changes of style. vs3: Corrections made and reference adde

    Eigenvectors in the Superintegrable Model I: sl_2 Generators

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    In order to calculate correlation functions of the chiral Potts model, one only needs to study the eigenvectors of the superintegrable model. Here we start this study by looking for eigenvectors of the transfer matrix of the periodic tau_2(t)model which commutes with the chiral Potts transfer matrix. We show that the degeneracy of the eigenspace of tau_2(t) in the Q=0 sector is 2^r, with r=(N-1)L/N when the size of the transfer matrix L is a multiple of N. We introduce chiral Potts model operators, different from the more commonly used generators of quantum group U-tilde_q(sl-hat(2)). From these we can form the generators of a loop algebra L(sl(2)). For this algebra, we then use the roots of the Drinfeld polynomial to give new explicit expressions for the generators representing the loop algebra as the direct sum of r copies of the simple algebra sl(2).Comment: LaTeX 2E document, 11 pages, 1 eps figure, using iopart.cls with graphicx and iopams packages. v2: Appended text to title, added acknowledgments and made several minor corrections v3: Added reference, eliminated ambiguity, corrected a few misprint

    Eigenvectors in the Superintegrable Model II: Ground State Sector

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    In 1993, Baxter gave 2mQ2^{m_Q} eigenvalues of the transfer matrix of the NN-state superintegrable chiral Potts model with spin-translation quantum number QQ, where mQ=⌊(NL−L−Q)/N⌋m_Q=\lfloor(NL-L-Q)/N\rfloor. In our previous paper we studied the Q=0 ground state sector, when the size LL of the transfer matrix is chosen to be a multiple of NN. It was shown that the corresponding τ2\tau_2 matrix has a degenerate eigenspace generated by the generators of r=m0r=m_0 simple sl2sl_2 algebras. These results enable us to express the transfer matrix in the subspace in terms of these generators Em±E_m^{\pm} and HmH_m for m=1,...,rm=1,...,r. Moreover, the corresponding 2r2^r eigenvectors of the transfer matrix are expressed in terms of rotated eigenvectors of HmH_m.Comment: LaTeX 2E document, using iopart.cls with iopams packages. 17 pages, uses eufb10 and eurm10 fonts. Typeset twice! vs2: Many changes and additions, adding 7 pages. vs3: minor corrections. vs4 minor improvement

    The Onsager Algebra Symmetry of Ï„(j)\tau^{(j)}-matrices in the Superintegrable Chiral Potts Model

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    We demonstrate that the Ï„(j)\tau^{(j)}-matrices in the superintegrable chiral Potts model possess the Onsager algebra symmetry for their degenerate eigenvalues. The Fabricius-McCoy comparison of functional relations of the eight-vertex model for roots of unity and the superintegrable chiral Potts model has been carefully analyzed by identifying equivalent terms in the corresponding equations, by which we extract the conjectured relation of QQ-operators and all fusion matrices in the eight-vertex model corresponding to the TT^T\hat{T}-relation in the chiral Potts model.Comment: Latex 21 pages; Typos added, References update