101 research outputs found

    Genome sequence and genetic linkage analysis of Shiitake mushroom _Lentinula edodes_

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    _Lentinula edodes_ (Shiitake/Xianggu) is an important cultivated mushroom. Understanding the genomics and functional genomics of _L. edodes_ allows us to improve its cultivation and quality. Genome sequence is a key to develop molecular genetic markers for breeding and genetic manipulation. We sequenced the genome of _L. edodes_ monokaryon L54A using Roche 454 and ABI SOLiD genome sequencing. Sequencing reads of about 1400Mb were de novo assembled into a 40.2 Mb genome sequence. We compiled the genome sequence into a searchable database with which we have been annotating the genes and analyzing the metabolic pathways. In addition, we have been using many molecular techniques to analyze genes differentially expressed during development. Gene ortholog groups of _L. edodes_ genome sequence compared across genomes of several fungi including mushrooms identified gene families unique to mushroom-forming fungi. We used a mapping population of haploid basidiospores of dikaryon L54 for genetic linkage analysis. High-quality variations such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, insertions, and deletions of the mapping population formed a high-density genetic linkage map. We compared the linkage map to the _L. edodes_ L54A genome sequence and located selected quantitative trait loci. The Shiitake community will benefit from these resources for genetic studies and breeding.

    A Latent Diffusion Model for Protein Structure Generation

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    Proteins are complex biomolecules that perform a variety of crucial functions within living organisms. Designing and generating novel proteins can pave the way for many future synthetic biology applications, including drug discovery. However, it remains a challenging computational task due to the large modeling space of protein structures. In this study, we propose a latent diffusion model that can reduce the complexity of protein modeling while flexibly capturing the distribution of natural protein structures in a condensed latent space. Specifically, we propose an equivariant protein autoencoder that embeds proteins into a latent space and then uses an equivariant diffusion model to learn the distribution of the latent protein representations. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can effectively generate novel protein backbone structures with high designability and efficiency. The code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/divelab/AIRS/tree/main/OpenProt/LatentDiffComment: Accepted by the Second Learning on Graphs Conference (LoG 2023

    A targeted gene panel that covers coding, non-coding and short tandem repeat regions improves the diagnosis of patients with neurodegenerative diseases

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    Genetic testing for neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) is highly challenging because of genetic heterogeneity and overlapping manifestations. Targeted-gene panels (TGPs), coupled with next-generation sequencing (NGS), can facilitate the profiling of a large repertoire of ND-related genes. Due to the technical limitations inherent in NGS and TGPs, short tandem repeat (STR) variations are often ignored. However, STR expansions are known to cause such NDs as Huntington\u27s disease and spinocerebellar ataxias type 3 (SCA3). Here, we studied the clinical utility of a custom-made TGP that targets 199 NDs and 311 ND-associated genes on 118 undiagnosed patients. At least one known or likely pathogenic variation was found in 54 patients; 27 patients demonstrated clinical profiles that matched the variants; and 16 patients whose original diagnosis were refined. A high concordance of variant calling were observed when comparing the results from TGP and whole-exome sequencing of four patients. Our in-house STR detection algorithm has reached a specificity of 0.88 and a sensitivity of 0.82 in our SCA3 cohort. This study also uncovered a trove of novel and recurrent variants that may enrich the repertoire of ND-related genetic markers. We propose that a combined comprehensive TGPs-bioinformatics pipeline can improve the clinical diagnosis of NDs

    Cough mixture abuse as a novel cause of folate deficiency: a prospective, community-based, controlled study

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    Cough mixture abuse has been reported to cause severe folate deficiency and neurological defects. We carried out a prospective case-controlled survey to confirm this association and define the incidence and severity of the problem. A total of 57 cough mixture abusers and 47 other substance abusers (controls) were studied. When compared with controls, cough mixture abusers had a high incidence of low folate levels that could only be detected by screening

    Concomitant Hepatorenal Dysfunction and Malnutrition in Valvular Heart Surgery:Long-Term Prognostic Implications for Death and Heart Failure

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    BACKGROUND: Strategies to improve long-term prediction of heart failure and death in valvular surgery are urgently needed because of an increasing number of procedures globally. This study sought to report the prevalence, changes, and prognostic implications of concomitant hepatorenal dysfunction and malnutrition in valvular surgery. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 909 patients undergoing valvular surgery, 3 groups were defined based on hepatorenal function (the modified model for end-stage liver disease excluding international normalized ratio score) and nutritional status (Controlling Nutritional Status score): normal hepatorenal function and nutrition (normal), hepatorenal dysfunction or malnutrition alone (mild), and concomitant hepatorenal dysfunction and malnutrition (severe). Overall, 32%, 46%, and 19% of patients were classified into normal, mild, and severe groups, respectively. Over a 4.1-year median follow-up, mild and severe groups in-curred a higher risk of mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 3.17 [95% CI, 1.40–7.17] and HR, 9.30 [95% CI, 4.09– 21.16], respectively), cardiovascular death (subdistribution HR, 3.29 [95% CI, 1.14– 9.52] and subdistribution HR, 9.29 [95% CI, 3.09– 27.99]), heart failure hospitalization (subdistribution HR, 2.11 [95% CI, 1.25– 3.55] and subdistribution HR, 3.55 [95% CI, 2.04– 6.16]), and adverse outcomes (HR, 2.11 [95% CI, 1.25– 3.55] and HR, 3.55 [95% CI, 2.04– 6.16]). Modified model for end-stage liver disease excluding international normalized ratio and controlling nutritional status scores improved the predictive ability of European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation (area under the curve: 0.80 versus 0.73, P<0.001) and Society of Thoracic Surgeons score (area under the curve: 0.79 versus 0.72, P=0.004) for all-cause mortality. One year following surgery (n=707), patients with persistent concomitant hepatorenal dysfunction and malnutrition (severe) experienced worse outcomes than those without.  CONCLUSIONS: Concomitant hepatorenal dysfunction and malnutrition was frequent and strongly linked to heart failure and mortality in valvular surgery


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    本港人口正急速老化,65歲以上的老年人口將在未來三十年佔總人口的四分之一。如何確保長者的生活質素,以及提升護老者的照顧能力,將會是未來香港社會的挑戰。過去十年,各政府部門、醫管局、大學、專業團體和社會服務機構,都致力發展和研究有關老年健康的課題,藉以提升長者的生理、認知、心理和社交健康。近年,很多從西方引入的治療研究,亦被嘗試應用在不同類型的疾病上,例如:懷緬治療、多感觀治療、音樂治療和認知行為治療等,但應用在華人身上的成效,則有待更多的驗證。 華人社會一向重視家庭和親屬關係,以及勤奮工作的文化。大部份長者的教育水平偏低,年青時都只着重工作,甚少娛樂;跳舞、上戲院、閱讀、攝影只是少部份長者的嗜好,普羅大眾的娱樂文化主要是往茶樓品茗、打麻雀、打天九、看電視和賭博等等。麻雀治療是從長者過往較多接觸的活動中,發展出來的一套具有本土特色而非使用藥物的治療方法,旨意在融入長者的日常生活中,達到既提供娛樂活動,亦同時提升長者的身體、認知、心理和社交功能。 傳統的中國文化,一直流傳著所謂「打麻雀能醫百病」、「打麻雀是一種心靈寄託」、「打麻雀可以使人忘記煩惱、病痛」等說法。而每逢節日和家人團聚,“打幾圈”麻雀已成為一種很普及的娛樂活動。最近,有些報導以及一些醫生均指出打麻雀有助老年人避免患上心理疾病,以及減輕老年痴呆症患者的退化症狀。然而,上述的觀點至今仍未有科學方面的引證。 在2004年,仁濟醫院社會服務部與嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心,採用科學化的研究方法,於仁濟醫院社會服務部轄下八間老人院舍中,選取121位患有輕度及中度認知能力受損的長者進行麻雀治療的研究。研究的目的是希望引證麻雀治療能否改善患有老年痴呆症長者的身體、認知、心理和社交功能,並找出一套具策劃及有效執行的麻崔治療模式。透過研究的經驗和成果,將麻雀活動發展成為一稱具本土特色的健康治療工具。我們盼望藉此實務手冊,為年長一聚提供多一個非藥物的治療選擇;同時亦希望本手冊能夠發揮拋縛引玉的效果,使各界人士能夠繼續推廣和實行麻雀治療,造福廣大的社群。https://commons.ln.edu.hk/apias_guide/1000/thumbnail.jp

    The association of RANTES polymorphism with severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong and Beijing Chinese

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chemokines play important roles in inflammation and antiviral action. We examined whether polymorphisms of <it>RANTES, IP-10 </it>and <it>Mig </it>affect the susceptibility to and outcome of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We tested the polymorphisms of <it>RANTES, IP-10 </it>and <it>Mig </it>for their associations with SARS in 495 Hong Kong Chinese SARS patients and 578 controls. Then we tried to confirm the results in 356 Beijing Chinese SARS patients and 367 controls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>RANTES </it>-28 G allele was associated with SARS susceptibility in Hong Kong Chinese (<it>P </it>< 0.0001, OR = 2.80, 95%CI:2.11–3.71). Individuals with <it>RANTES </it>-28 CG and GG genotypes had a 3.28-fold (95%CI:2.32–4.64) and 3.06-fold (95%CI:1.47–6.39) increased risk of developing SARS respectively (<it>P </it>< 0.0001). This -28 G allele conferred risk of death in a gene-dosage dependent manner (<it>P </it>= 0.014) with CG and GG individuals having a 2.12-fold (95% CI: 1.11–4.06) and 4.01-fold (95% CI: 1.30–12.4) increased risk. For the replication of <it>RANTES </it>data in Beijing Chinese, the -28 G allele was not associated with susceptibility to SARS. However, -28 CG (OR = 4.27, 95%CI:1.64–11.1) and GG (OR = 3.34, 95%CI:0.37–30.7) were associated with admission to intensive care units or death due to SARS (<it>P </it>= 0.011).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>RANTES </it>-28 G allele plays a role in the pathogenesis of SARS.</p

    Genetic heterogeneity of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common form of lymphoma in adults. The disease exhibits a striking heterogeneity in gene expression profiles and clinical outcomes, but its genetic causes remain to be fully defined. Through whole genome and exome sequencing, we characterized the genetic diversity of DLBCL. In all, we sequenced 73 DLBCL primary tumors (34 with matched normal DNA). Separately, we sequenced the exomes of 21 DLBCL cell lines. We identified 322 DLBCL cancer genes that were recurrently mutated in primary DLBCLs. We identified recurrent mutations implicating a number of known and not previously identified genes and pathways in DLBCL including those related to chromatin modification (ARID1A and MEF2B), NF-κB (CARD11 and TNFAIP3), PI3 kinase (PIK3CD, PIK3R1, and MTOR), B-cell lineage (IRF8, POU2F2, and GNA13), and WNT signaling (WIF1). We also experimentally validated a mutation in PIK3CD, a gene not previously implicated in lymphomas. The patterns of mutation demonstrated a classic long tail distribution with substantial variation of mutated genes from patient to patient and also between published studies. Thus, our study reveals the tremendous genetic heterogeneity that underlies lymphomas and highlights the need for personalized medicine approaches to treating these patients