38 research outputs found

    On strongly convex functions

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    The main results of this paper give a connection between strong Jensen convexity and strong convexity type inequalities. We are also looking for the optimal Takagi type function of strong convexity. Finally a connection will be proved between the Jensen error term and an useful error function

    Approximate Hermite-Hadamard inequality

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    The main results of this paper offer sufficient conditions in order that an approximate lower Hermite-Hadamard type inequality imply an approximate Jensen convexity property. The key for the proof of the main result is a Korovkin type theorem

    On Strongly Convex Functions

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    The main results of this paper give a connection between strong Jensen convexity and strong convexity type inequalities. We are also looking for the optimal Takagi type function of strong convexity. Finally a connection will be proved between the Jensen error term and an useful error function

    On approximate Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities

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    The main results of this paper offer sufficient conditions in order that an approximate lower Hermite–Hadamard type inequality implies an approximate Jensen convexity property. The key for the proof of the main result is a Korovkin type theorem

    A földminősítési mutatószámok pontosítása nagyléptékű talajtérkép- és táblaszintű terméshozamadatok alapján

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    Tanulmányunkban ismertetett talajtermékenységi vizsgálatok szervesen kapcsolódnak a Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Kar, Növénytermesztéstani és Talajtani Tanszékén nagy hagyományokkal rendelkező, már több évtizede folyó földminősítési alapkutatásokhoz. A földminősítési kutatások során született eredményekkel kapcsolatosan több olyan kérdés merült fel, amelyek tisztázása eddig még nem történt meg. Megoldandó feladatként jelentkezett többek közt, hogy az országos összesítésben nem jelentős területi arányt elfoglaló, de egy-egy tájra vagy termőhelyre jellemző talajváltozatokra a becsült átlagos termékenység értékek — mintaterületi adatbázisok növénytermesztési- és talajtani információinak felhasználásával — pontosításra kerüljenek. A termékenységi vizsgálatainkat a Dél-Alföldön, a Tisza-Maros közén elhelyezkedő, zömében nagy agyagtartalmú csernozjom és réti talajváltozatokon végeztük. A termékenységi becslésekhez a mintaterületek rendelkezésre álló talajinformációit (1:10.000 léptékű üzemi és földminősítési genetikus talajtérkép, 1:25.000 Kreybig-féle átnézetes talajismereti térképek), illetve földművelési egység (tábla és résztábla) szintű, hosszú idősoros mért terméseredményeit használtuk fel. A számítások során az Agrokémiai Információs és Irányítási Rendszer (AIIR) adatbázis többéves (1985–1989) terméshozamaiból becsült átlagos talajváltozati termékenység értékeket korrigáltuk a mintaterületek talajféleségein (talajfoltjain) mért terméseredményekkel, a számításokhoz iterációs módszert használtunk. A dél-alföldi mintaterületeken kidolgozott módszer lehetőséget nyújt arra, hogy a hazai földértékelés majdani megújításakor a begyűjtött különböző talajtérképi- és talajadatbázis információk, valamint a többéves termés adatsorok alapján egyes talajtaxonómiai egységekre pontosítsuk, illetve az eddig még hiányzó talajváltozatokra kiegészítsük a földminőséget kifejező mutatószámot. A mintaterületekre kapott eredmények arról tanúskodnak, hogy a becslési eljárás pontosítható az iterációs számítás peremfeltételeinek megválasztásával („A“ típusú helyett „B“ típusú becslés), illetve különböző szempontok szerinti csoportképzésekkel. A vizsgálataink során kapott nagyon eltérő becslési megbízhatóság értékek arra hívják fel a figyelmet, hogy a földművelési egységek termékenységi viszonyait csak részben tudjuk modellezni és magyarázni az egyes talajváltozati foltok termékenységi viszonyaival. | The soil fertility examinations described in this paper are an integral part of the basic research on land quality that has been underway for many decades in the Department of Crop Production and Soil Science in the Georgikon Faculty of the University of Pannonia. The results achieved in this land quality research have raised many questions that have not yet been fully clarified. One task that requires attention is the use of crop production and soil information from sample site databases to achieve an accurate estimation of the mean fertility of types of soil that are not found widely on a national scale, but which are characteristic of certain regions or locations. The soil fertility examinations were performed on chernozem and meadow soils with high clay content situated in the Tisza-Maros Interfluve in the southern part of the Hungarian Great Plain. The information available from 1:10,000 scale diagnostic and land quality soil maps and from 1:25,000 scale Kreybig soil maps, together with the long-term field-scale yield data recorded for the sample sites were used to estimate soil fertility. In the course of the calculations, average soil fertility values estimated from the 1985–1989 yield data in the National Pedological and Crop Production Database (NPCPD) were corrected with the yield data recorded for different soil types found in patches on the sample sites. The iteration method was used for the calculations. The method elaborated on sample sites in the southern part of the Hungarian Great Plain will facilitate a reform of the Hungarian land evaluation system by improving the accuracy of existing land quality indices and by calculating indices for soil types not currently included in the system, based on information from various soil maps and databases and from long-term yield data. The results obtained for the sample sites testify that the evaluation process can be made more accurate by selecting the boundary conditions of the iteration calculation (“B”-type evaluation instead of “A”-type) and by forming groups using various criteria. The widely varying reliability of the estimations in the present work draws attention to the fact that the fertility status of individual fields can only partially be modelled and explained on the basis of the fertility of patches of each soil type

    Increased plasma von Willebrand factor antigen levels but normal von Willebrand factor cleaving protease (ADAMTS13) activity in preeclampsia.

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    The activity of ADAMTS13, the von Willebrand factor (VWF) cleaving protease is low in several conditions, including HELLP (haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count) syndrome. As HELLP syndrome develops in most cases on the basis of preeclampsia, our aim was to determine whether plasma ADAMTS13 activity is decreased in preeclampsia. Sixty-seven preeclamptic patients, 70 healthy pregnant women and 59 healthy non-pregnant women were involved in this case-control study. Plasma ADAMTS13 activity was determined with the FRETS-VWF73 assay, while VWF antigen (VWF:Ag) levels with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The multimeric pattern of VWF was analyzed by SDS-agarose gel electrophoresis. There was no significant difference in plasma ADAMTS13 activity between the preeclamptic and the healthy pregnant and non-pregnant groups (median [25-75 percentile]: 98.8 [76.5-112.8] %, 96.3 [85.6-116.2] % and 91.6 [78.5-104.4] %, respectively; p > 0.05). However, plasma VWF:Ag levels were significantly higher in preeclamptic patients than in healthy pregnant and non-pregnant women (187.1 [145.6-243.1] % versus 129.3 [105.1-182.8] % and 70.0 [60.2-87.3] %, respectively; p < 0.001). The multimeric pattern of VWF was normal in each group. Primiparas had lower plasma ADAMTS13 activity than multi-paras (92.6 [75.8-110.6] % versus 104.2 [92.1-120.8] %; p = 0.011). No other relationship was found between clinical characteristics, laboratory parameters and plasma ADAMTS13 activity in either study group. In conclusion, plasma ADAMTS13 activity is normal in preeclampsia despite the increased VWF:Ag levels. However, further studies are needed to determine whether a decrease in plasma ADAMTS13 activity could predispose preeclamptic patients to develop HELLP syndrome

    Water regime change of surfactant polluted soils

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    Studies were made on the adsorption of a cationic surfactant, hexadecylpyridinium-chloride (CPC), on various soils and sediments. The aim was to determine how modify the adsorbed surfactant the soil physical characteristics, mainly water regime. Water retention were measured, pore size distribution curves were derived from water retention curves, modal suction, total porosity and rate of different pores (macro-, meso-, micro-, ultramicro- and cryptopores) were evaluated. Due to CPC treatment, samples became hydrophobic. Rate of cryptopores declined at all surfactant treated samples, while rate of micropores were raised most of the samples. Except for two samples total porosity was decreased, as well. Kind of these changes can depend on differences in particle size distribution, calcium carbonate content, aggregate stability, quantity and quality of clay minerals. As pore size changes, amount of retained water also changes

    Soil-specific drought sensitivity of Hungarian terroirs based on yield reactions of arable crops

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    The hypothetical climate change and the stress influences caused by the increasingly frequent found meteorological extremities affect the fertility of soils in even more degree. During our soil-climate sensitivity researches, the expression of the drought sensitivity as a stress influence, evolved as a result of lack of precipitation in soil fertility was studied. During our work, effects of increasing droughts of last decades were investigated through the yield results of the three most important crops, winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), corn (Zea mays L.), and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), based on the area rate in the Hungarian sowing structure, in relation to the natural geographical microregions and fertility of sites. For the examinations, yield data of the National Pedological and Crop Production Database (NPCPD) were used. The database contains complex plot-level crop production and soil information for 5 years (1985–1989). The examination results prove the considerable drought sensitivity of that lands, where soil types with high sand or clay content can be found. The mainly exposed microregions for the effects of drought are, e.g., the Dorozsma-Majsa Sand Ridge, Kerka Riverscape, Dévaványa Plain etc., while less sensitive sites are e.g. the Enying Ridge, Tolnai-Sárköz, Nógrád Basin etc