17 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Local Scheduling System with Advance Reservation for Co-allocation on the Grid

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    While advance reservation is an essential capability for co-allocating several resources on Grid environments, it is not obvious how it can co-exist with priority-based First Come First Served scheduling, that is widely used as lo-cal scheduling policy today. To investigate this problem, we 1) developed a scheduling API in Java for TORQUE, a variant of OpenPBS, that enables users to implement their own schedulers and replace the original scheduling module with them, 2) implemented a prototype scheduler module that has advance reservation capability with the API. We also provide an external interface for the reservation capa-bility based on WSRF to enable co-allocation of resources over the Grid. Using this interface with the job submission module from Globus toolkit 4, users can make reservation for resources and submit jobs over the Grid

    Performance Evaluation of Pipeline-Based Processing for the Caffe Deep Learning Framework

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    A Study of Effective Replica Reconstruction Schemes for the Hadoop Distributed File System

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    A Study of Deadline Scheduling for Client-Server Systems on the Computational Grid

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    The Computational Grid is a promising platform for the deployment of various high-performance computing applications. A number of projects have addressed the idea of software as a service on the network. These systems usually implement client-server architectures with many servers running on distributed Grid resources and have commonly been referred to as Network-enabled servers (NES). An important question is that of scheduling in this multi-client multi-server scenario. Note that in this context most requests are computationally intensive as they are generated by high-performance computing applications. The Bricks simulation framework has been developed and extensively used to evaluate scheduling strategies for NES systems. In this paper we first present recent developments and extensions to the Bricks simulation models. We discuss a deadline scheduling strategy that is appropriate for the multi-client multi-server case, and augment it with "Load Correction" and "Fallback" mechanisms which could improve the performance of the algorithm. We then give Bricks simulation results. The results show that future NES systems should use deadline-scheduling with multiple fallbacks and it is possible to allow users to make a trade-off between failure-rate and cost by adjusting the level of conservatism of deadlinescheduling algorithms