15 research outputs found

    Developing a Model for Employees’ Intrapreneurial Engagement and Organizational Survival

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    The survival of any organisation in the midst of economic hardship and competitiveness is becoming a serious concern. One of the strategies organisations can adopt is to tap into the intrapreneurial potentials of their employees. The main objective of this study examines the strategic roles of employees’ intrapreneurial engagement and its implication for organisational survival. A descriptive research method (Structural Equation Model {AMOS 22}) was applied to analyse the two hundred and fifty-nine (259) copies of valid questionnaire completed by the respondents using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. However, the study indicated that fostering employees’ intrapreneurial engagement have positive significant implications on organisational survival. This suggests that employees’ empowerment, involvement, autonomy, relationships and reward system have significant effects on organisational survival. It is therefore recommended that organisations should challenge their employees by providing them with autonomy and the freedom to innovate and carve out spaces for them to take risks and experiment

    Contribution of small and mediumenterprisesto economic development: Evidencefroma transitingeconomy

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    The focusofthisresearchwastopresentadataarticleonthe contribution ofSMEstoeconomicdevelopmentinatransiting economy.Descriptiveresearchdesignwasadoptedinthisstudy. Data wereobtainedfrom600respondentsin60small-scale enterprises locatedindifferentpartsofthecountry(20small-scale enterprises locatedinLagosState,20inAnambraStateand20in Kano StateofNigeriarespectively).Dataanalysiswascarriedout using tablesandpercentagesandthenullhypothesesofthestudy wastestedusingchi-square(X2) inferentialstatisticalmodelat5% level ofsignificance. The findings revealedthatthereisasig- nificant relationshipbetweentheoperationofsmallandmedium- scale enterprisesandeconomicgrowthindevelopingnations


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    Considering that most part of organisational operations depend on group effectiveness, yet there is scarcely any empirical study on the interactions between group-tacit knowledge and organisational effectiveness. In order to overcome this gap, this study involves a survey of 230 managers and other administrative & technical employees of the four major firm in the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) sub-market of Nigeria’s telecommunications industry. Data was gathered using a mixed method research approach. Correlation, Regression, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistics and thematic analysis was carried out as means of testing the hypothesis for this research study. The findings showed that firms need to focus keenly on ideas of employees that are shared during conferences, team leaders’ mentoring role, collective reasoning over task and constantly hold strategic meetings that probe into developments arising in each functional unit of the organisation. These factors are shown to have a strong influence on organisational effectivenes

    Integrated datasets on transformational leadership attributes and employee engagement: The moderating role of job satisfaction in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods(FMCG)industry

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    Transformationalleadershiphasgainedagreatdealofattention since itsdevelopmentthroughresearchandevaluationsfrom James MacGregorBurnsandBernardBass.Butcentraltoits development, therearestilluncertaintiesregardingtheattributes and interventionsoftransformationalleadershipstyleindevel- oping nationslikeNigeria.Hence,thisarticlepresentedaninte- grateddatasetsontransformationalleadershipattributes, employeesatisfactionandengagementusingselectedFastMoving Consumer Goods(FMCGs) firms inNigeria.Thestudyadopteda descriptiveresearchdesigntoestablishtrendsandthequantitative approach wasemployedusingsurveyquestionnaire.Asamplesize of threehundredand fifty-nine(359)staffandmanagementof sampled firms wereselected.Datawasanalysedwiththeuseof measurement andstructuralequationmodellingandthe field data set ismadewidelyaccessibletoenablecriticaloramorecom- prehensiveinvestigation.The findings identified intellectualsti- mulation (creativityandinnovation)andattributedcharismaas predictivedeterminantsoftransformationalleadershipattributes for increasedsatisfactionandengagementofsampled firms. Itwas recommended thatFCMGs firms needtoinvestnecessaryresour- ces indevelopingstrategiesandinterventionstoidentifydiffering needs, abilities,andaspirationsforstaffsatisfactio


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    The objective of this research was to examine the moderating effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and performance of agro-based SMEs in Nigeria. The study used questionnaires gathered from 230 managers of agro-based firms in Lagos state Nigeria. Data analysis was carried out using hierarchical multiple regression to show relationships between the variables. Findings suggest that entrepreneurial competencies have a direct influence on performance of Agro-based SMEs. More so, the statistical result indicates that innovativeness, proactiveness and autonomy are the three entrepreneurial orientations that moderate the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and performance of the firms

    The Impact of Workplace Environments on Retention Outcomes of Public Universities in Southern Nigeria

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    Universities, across the globe, are identified as complex and critical engines for sustainable development. Nigerian universities have recorded success stories and breakthroughs, but they have their teething problems of retention and challenges which tend to impede their position on the world education league table. Retention of employees in the work environment has attracted a lot of attention from scholars in different fields of study to curb the trend of turnover intentions, human capital flight and redundancy of academia in Nigeria. Hence, this paper investigates the impact of workplace environments on the retention of the academic staff of public universities, Southern-Nigeria. The study adopted a cross-sectional and descriptive approach to elicit information from 384 academic staff that were randomly and purposively selected. The use of a modified questionnaire (quantitative) was adopted. The quantitative data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM_PLS) to obtain results. The findings indicated that the issue of inadequate and decay of infrastructural facilities had been a concern to the sampled universities. Many lecturers, including professors, shared offices that are dilapidated, poorly ventilated and furnished. The results indicated an increasing pauperization, varying promotion criteria, erratic power supply, over-congested classrooms and a growing disparity in the ratio between teaching staff and students. Due to its consequences, strategies for curbing this menace in state universities, such as the creation of enabling environment, adequate funding of tertiary education, effective administration and motivation of staff of the sampled institutions, among others were proffered

    Contribution of small and medium enterprises to economic development: Evidence from a transiting economy

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    The focus of this research was to present a data article on the contribution of SMEs to economic development in a transiting economy. Descriptive research design was adopted in this study. Data were obtained from 600 respondents in 60 small-scale enterprises located in different parts of the country (20 small-scale enterprises located in Lagos State, 20 in Anambra State and 20 in Kano State of Nigeria respectively). Data analysis was carried out using tables and percentages and the null hypotheses of the study was tested using chi-square (X2 ) inferential statistical model at 5% level of significance. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between the operation of small and mediumscale enterprises and economic growth in developing nations


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    The objective of this research was to examine the moderating effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and performance of agrobased SMEs in Nigeria. The study used questionnaires gathered from 230 managers of agrobased firms in Lagos state Nigeria. Data analysis was carried out using hierarchical multiple regression to show relationships between the variables. Findings suggest that entrepreneurial competencies have a direct influence on performance of Agro-based SMEs. More so, the statistical result indicates that innovativeness, proactiveness and autonomy are the three entrepreneurial orientations that moderate the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and performance of the firms

    Integrated datasets on transformational leadership attributes and employee engagement: The moderating role of job satisfaction in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry

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    Transformational leadership has gained a great deal of attention since its development through research and evaluations from James MacGregor Burns and Bernard Bass. But central to its development, there are still uncertainties regarding the attributes and interventions of transformational leadership style in developing nations like Nigeria. Hence, this article presented an integrated datasets on transformational leadership attributes, employee satisfaction and engagement using selected Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) firms in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive research design to establish trends and the quantitative approach was employed using survey questionnaire. A sample size of three hundred and fifty-nine (359) staff and management of sampled firms were selected. Data was analysed with the use of measurement and structural equation modelling and the field data set is made widely accessible to enable critical or a more comprehensive investigation. The findings identified intellectual stimulation (creativity and innovation) and attributed charisma as predictive determinants of transformational leadership attributes for increased satisfaction and engagement of sampled firms. It was recommended that FCMGs firms need to invest necessary resources in developing strategies and interventions to identify differing needs, abilities, and aspirations for staff satisfaction. Keywords: Leadership, Engagement, Management, Traits, Reward, Innovation, Satisfactio

    Contribution of small and medium enterprises to economic development: Evidence from a transiting economy

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    The focus of this research was to present a data article on the contribution of SMEs to economic development in a transiting economy. Descriptive research design was adopted in this study. Data were obtained from 600 respondents in 60 small-scale enterprises located in different parts of the country (20 small-scale enterprises located in Lagos State, 20 in Anambra State and 20 in Kano State of Nigeria respectively). Data analysis was carried out using tables and percentages and the null hypotheses of the study was tested using chi-square (X2 ) inferential statistical model at 5% level of significance. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between the operation of small and mediumscale enterprises and economic growth in developing nations