15 research outputs found

    Integrated Adaptive QoS Management in Middleware: A Case Study

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    Distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems in which application requirements and environmental conditions may not be known a priori---or which may vary at run-time---can benefit from an adaptive approach to management of quality-of-service (QoS) to meet key constraints, such as end-to-end timeliness. Moreover, coordinated management of multiple QoS capabilities across multiple layers of applications and their supporting middleware can help to achieve necessary assurances of meeting these constraints. This paper offers two contributions to the study of adaptive DRE computing systems: (1) a case study of our integration of multiple middleware QoS management technologies to manage quality and timeliness of imagery adaptively within a representative DRE avionics system and (2) empirical results and analysis of the impact of that integration on key tradeoffs between timeliness and image quality in that system