68 research outputs found

    Interferometry-based modal analysis with finite aperture effects

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    We analyze the effects of aperture finiteness on interferograms recorded to unveil the modal content of optical beams in arbitrary basis using generalized interferometry. We develop a scheme for modal reconstruction from interferometric measurements that accounts for the ensuing clipping effects. Clipping-cognizant reconstruction is shown to yield significant performance gains over traditional schemes that overlook such effects that do arise in practice. Our work can inspire further research on reconstruction schemes and algorithms that account for practical hardware limitations in a variety of contexts

    Sensor Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Target Tracking in Sensor Networks

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    In this paper we study the problem of tracking an object moving randomly through a network of wireless sensors. Our objective is to devise strategies for scheduling the sensors to optimize the tradeoff between tracking performance and energy consumption. We cast the scheduling problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP), where the control actions correspond to the set of sensors to activate at each time step. Using a bottom-up approach, we consider different sensing, motion and cost models with increasing levels of difficulty. At the first level, the sensing regions of the different sensors do not overlap and the target is only observed within the sensing range of an active sensor. Then, we consider sensors with overlapping sensing range such that the tracking error, and hence the actions of the different sensors, are tightly coupled. Finally, we consider scenarios wherein the target locations and sensors' observations assume values on continuous spaces. Exact solutions are generally intractable even for the simplest models due to the dimensionality of the information and action spaces. Hence, we devise approximate solution techniques, and in some cases derive lower bounds on the optimal tradeoff curves. The generated scheduling policies, albeit suboptimal, often provide close-to-optimal energy-tracking tradeoffs

    Sensor Management for Tracking in Sensor Networks

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    We study the problem of tracking an object moving through a network of wireless sensors. In order to conserve energy, the sensors may be put into a sleep mode with a timer that determines their sleep duration. It is assumed that an asleep sensor cannot be communicated with or woken up, and hence the sleep duration needs to be determined at the time the sensor goes to sleep based on all the information available to the sensor. Having sleeping sensors in the network could result in degraded tracking performance, therefore, there is a tradeoff between energy usage and tracking performance. We design sleeping policies that attempt to optimize this tradeoff and characterize their performance. As an extension to our previous work in this area [1], we consider generalized models for object movement, object sensing, and tracking cost. For discrete state spaces and continuous Gaussian observations, we derive a lower bound on the optimal energy-tracking tradeoff. It is shown that in the low tracking error regime, the generated policies approach the derived lower bound

    On the inverse problem of source reconstruction from coherence measurements

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    We consider an inverse source problem for partially coherent light propagating in the Fresnel regime. The data is the coherence of the field measured away from the source. The reconstruction is based on a minimum residue formulation, which uses the authors' recent closed-form approximation formula for the coherence of the propagated field. The developed algorithms require a small data sample for convergence and yield stable inversion by exploiting information in the coherence as opposed to intensity-only measurements. Examples with both simulated and experimental data demonstrate the ability of the proposed approach to simultaneously recover complex sources in different planes transverse to the direction of propagation

    Spatial coherence of fields from generalized sources in the Fresnel regime

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    Analytic expressions of the spatial coherence of partially coherent fields propagating in the Fresnel regime in all but the simplest of scenarios are largely lacking and calculation of the Fresnel transform typically entails tedious numerical integration. Here, we provide a closed-form approximation formula for the case of a generalized source obtained by modulating the field produced by a Gauss-Shell source model with a piecewise constant transmission function, which may be used to model the field's interaction with objects and apertures. The formula characterizes the coherence function in terms of the coherence of the Gauss-Schell beam propagated in free space and a multiplicative term capturing the interaction with the transmission function. This approximation holds in the regime where the intensity width of the beam is much larger than the coherence width under mild assumptions on the modulating transmission function. The formula derived for generalized sources lays the foundation for the study of the inverse problem of scene reconstruction from coherence measurements.Comment: Accepted for publication in JOSA

    Multi-modal Non-line-of-sight Passive Imaging

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    We consider the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging of an object using the light reflected off a diffusive wall. The wall scatters incident light such that a lens is no longer useful to form an image. Instead, we exploit the 4D spatial coherence function to reconstruct a 2D projection of the obscured object. The approach is completely passive in the sense that no control over the light illuminating the object is assumed and is compatible with the partially coherent fields ubiquitous in both the indoor and outdoor environments. We formulate a multi-criteria convex optimization problem for reconstruction, which fuses the reflected field's intensity and spatial coherence information at different scales. Our formulation leverages established optics models of light propagation and scattering and exploits the sparsity common to many images in different bases. We also develop an algorithm based on the alternating direction method of multipliers to efficiently solve the convex program proposed. A means for analyzing the null space of the measurement matrices is provided as well as a means for weighting the contribution of individual measurements to the reconstruction. This paper holds promise to advance passive imaging in the challenging NLOS regimes in which the intensity does not necessarily retain distinguishable features and provides a framework for multi-modal information fusion for efficient scene reconstruction

    Compressive optical interferometry

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    Compressive sensing (CS) combines data acquisition with compression coding to reduce the number of measurements required to reconstruct a sparse signal. In optics, this usually takes the form of projecting the field onto sequences of random spatial patterns that are selected from an appropriate random ensemble. We show here that CS can be exploited in `native' optics hardware without introducing added components. Specifically, we show that random sub-Nyquist sampling of an interferogram helps reconstruct the field modal structure. The distribution of reduced sensing matrices corresponding to random measurements is provably incoherent and isotropic, which helps us carry out CS successfully

    BOSS: Bidirectional One-Shot Synthesis of Adversarial Examples

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    The design of additive imperceptible perturbations to the inputs of deep classifiers to maximize their misclassification rates is a central focus of adversarial machine learning. An alternative approach is to synthesize adversarial examples from scratch using GAN-like structures, albeit with the use of large amounts of training data. By contrast, this paper considers one-shot synthesis of adversarial examples; the inputs are synthesized from scratch to induce arbitrary soft predictions at the output of pre-trained models, while simultaneously maintaining high similarity to specified inputs. To this end, we present a problem that encodes objectives on the distance between the desired and output distributions of the trained model and the similarity between such inputs and the synthesized examples. We prove that the formulated problem is NP-complete. Then, we advance a generative approach to the solution in which the adversarial examples are obtained as the output of a generative network whose parameters are iteratively updated by optimizing surrogate loss functions for the dual-objective. We demonstrate the generality and versatility of the framework and approach proposed through applications to the design of targeted adversarial attacks, generation of decision boundary samples, and synthesis of low confidence classification inputs. The approach is further extended to an ensemble of models with different soft output specifications. The experimental results verify that the targeted and confidence reduction attack methods developed perform on par with state-of-the-art algorithms
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