4 research outputs found


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    La for莽a d'aquest objectiu de la recerca 茅s l'煤s de catalitzadors a base de fangs (SBC) per al tractament d'aig眉es residuals en els m猫todes de tractament biol貌gics i qu铆mics en condicions ambientalment acceptables. Aquesta investigaci贸 presenta una forma alternativa de reutilitzar els materials de rebuig de les plantes de tractament d'aig眉es residuals i el rendiment dels nous catalitzadors en les aplicacions de tractament de medi ambient, sobretot en els processos d'oxidaci贸 biol貌gica i avan莽ats (POA), com l'ozonitzaci贸, reacci贸 foto i oxidaci贸 amb aire humit catal铆tica. Aquest estudi inclou caracter铆stiques importants com la carbonitzaci贸, la impregnaci贸 del metall, la caracteritzaci贸 de la superf铆cie, i el mecanisme de degradaci贸 dels contaminants en els processos de reacci贸 biol貌gics i oxidaci贸. Els nanocompostos / TiO2 de carboni llots van ser sintetitzats per diferents m猫todes cl脿ssics i l'estudi del disseny i fabricaci贸 de materials fotocatal铆tics avan莽ades en el marc de la nanoci猫ncia es presenta.La fuerza de este objetivo de la investigaci贸n es el uso de catalizadores a base de lodos (SBC) para el tratamiento de aguas residuales en los m茅todos de tratamiento biol贸gicos y qu铆micos en condiciones ambientalmente aceptables. Esta investigaci贸n presenta una forma alternativa de reutilizar los materiales de desecho de las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales y el rendimiento de los nuevos catalizadores en las aplicaciones de tratamiento de medio ambiente, sobre todo en los procesos de oxidaci贸n biol贸gica y avanzados (POA), como la ozonizaci贸n, reacci贸n foto y oxidaci贸n con aire h煤medo catal铆tica. Este estudio incluye caracter铆sticas importantes como la carbonizaci贸n, la impregnaci贸n del metal, la caracterizaci贸n de la superficie, y el mecanismo de degradaci贸n de los contaminantes en los procesos de reacci贸n biol贸gicos y oxidaci贸n. Los nanocompuestos / TiO2 de carbono lodos fueron sintetizados por diferentes m茅todos cl谩sicos y el estudio del dise帽o y fabricaci贸n de materiales fotocatal铆ticos avanzadas en el marco de la nanociencia se presenta.The strength of this research aim is to use sludge-based catalysts (SBCs) for the treatment of wastewaters in the biological and chemical treatment methods at environmentally acceptable conditions. This research presents an alternative way to reuse waste materials from wastewater treatment plants and the performance of new catalysts in the environmental treatment applications, especially in the biological and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) such as ozonation, photo reaction and catalytic wet air oxidation. This study includes important features such as carbonisation, metal impregnation, surface characterization, and degradation mechanism of pollutants on the biological and oxidative reaction processes. The sludge carbon/TiO2 nanocomposites were synthesized by different classical methods and the study of the design and fabrication of advanced photocatalytic materials in the framework of nanoscience is presented

    A potential application of sludge-based catalysts for the anaerobic bio-decolorization of tartrazine dye.

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    Two highly efficient (K2CO3/sludge carbon and ZnCl2/sludge carbon) solids were prepared by chemical addition following carbonization at 800鈥壜癈 and were tested for anaerobic reduction of tartrazine dye in a continuous upflow packed-bed biological reactor, and their performance was compared to that of commercial activated carbon (CAC). The chemical and structural information of the solids was subjected to various characterizations in order to understand the mechanism for anaerobic decolorization, and efficiency for SBCZN800 and SBCPC800 materials was 87% and 74%, respectively, at a short space time (蟿) of 2.0鈥卪in. A first-order kinetic model fitted the experimental points and kinetic constants of 0.40, 0.92 and 1.46鈥卪in(-1) were obtained for SBCZN800, SBCPC800 and CAC, respectively. The experimental results revealed that performance of solids in the anaerobic reduction of tartrazine dye can depend on several factors including chemical agents, carbonization, microbial population, chemical groups and surface chemistry. The Langmuir and Freundlich models are successfully described in the batch adsorption data. Based on these observations, a cost-effective sludge-based catalyst can be produced from harmful sewage sludge for the treatment of industrial effluents

    TiO2-Sludge carbon enhanced catalytic oxidative reaction in environmental wastewaters applications

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.07.025The enhanced oxidative potential of sludge carbon/TiO2 nano composites (SNCs), applied as heterogeneous catalysts in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), was studied. Fabrification of efficient SNCs using different methods and successful evaluation of their catalytic oxidative activity is reported for the first time. Surface modification processes of hydrothermal deposition, chemical treatment and sol-gel solution resulted in improved catalytic activity and good surface chemistry of the SNCs. The solids obtained after chemical treatment and hydrothermal deposition processes exhibit excellent crystallinity and photocatalytic activity. The highest photocatalytic rate was obtained for the material prepared using hydrothermal deposition technique, compared to other nanocomposites. Further, improved removal of bisphenol A (BPA) from aqueous phase by means of catalytic ozonation and catalytic wet air oxidation processes is achieved over the solid synthesized using chemical treatment method. The present results demonstrate that the addition of TiO2 on the surface of sludge carbon (SC) increases catalytic oxidative activity of SNCs. The latter produced from harmful sludge materials can be therefore used as cost-effective and efficient sludge derived catalysts for the removal of hazardous pollutants