8 research outputs found

    Supply Chain Management in Pandemic Times: An Experience from Macedonian Automotive Industry

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    The automotive industry is one of the sectors that has been hardest hit by the pandemic crisis. The pandemicā€™s effects have resulted in multiple disorders, which led to loss of important suppliers and the inability to obtain vital parts, exposing the vulnerability of current Lean Just in Time supply chains. This paper provides a brief analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic\u27s impact on the automotive sector in the Republic of North Macedonia. The provided findings are based on a research study conducted simultaneously in eight automotive organizations in the Republic of North Macedonia. This study sought to investigate the extent of the pandemic\u27s influence on organizations\u27 supply chains, what preventive steps have been implemented to minimize the virus\u27s transmission, and what are the most prevalent obstacles that organizations have experienced during the pandemic

    Methodology of Reverse Engineering Implemented in the Process of Digitalization and Conservation of Wooden Carvings

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the benefits of reverse engineering when applied to cultural heritage i.e. digitalizing and duplicating an artwork in lack of original documentation, drawings, or computer models; Usage of different methods for 3D scanning, reverse engineering softwares with a smart combination of history-based CAD with 3D scan data processing, for preparing the obtained 3D model for future production use; Describing tools and machines for rapid prototyping, materials used and the feasibility of its completion; Set of tools that provide opportunities for new projects and innovations but are also of cultural and historical significance

    Case Study: Six Sigma Project for Reducing Manual Handling of Materials in Real Manufacturing Company

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    This paper presents a case study that is focusing on the improvement of the process of materials handling in real manufacturing company. Before the implementation of this project, the company was in a concerning state of incidents and learning events towards the ergonomics, health and safety of the operators who manually handled materials as part of their daily activities. It was proposed to use the Six Sigma framework in order to improve the process or design new process for performing the task that included manual handling of materials. In this study, through selecting suitable Six Sigma framework, mapping the current process, setting key performance indicators and using various design tools and techniques, process improvement is proposed; it will solve the problem, increase ergonomics and safety, but also increase the speed of the process and reduce the cost of spilled materials that were manually handled

    Application of Compromise Programming in the Energy Generation Planning

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    The need for the right electricity planning is closely related to the analysis that has to be done on its generating capacity. Of course, in order to make such planning, the choice of the method by which the process is carried out must be considered. The inclusion of multiple objectives (goals) enables us to create models that are useful in researching and expanding electricity generation systems. Compromised programming used in this paper aims to find compromise solutions among different conflicting objectives in the electricity generation system. One such case is the goal of minimizing the cost and CO2 emissions. Using this logic, the paper deals with an example of electricity generation planning for a given region

    Tensile Strength of Carbon Fiber

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    Carbon fiber is a material with a vast area of utilization. When combined with a resin, we get a composite, which provides great mechanical properties, has low mass and can be utilized in many different applications. Carbon fiber cloth can be found in a wide range of forms and shapes, differing from weight to the shape of their weave. Manufacturing a composite part can be achieved with a variety of techniques and processes, each of them having advantages and disadvantages over the other. One of the most common process for producing composite parts is the open moulded hand lay-up process. This process is economically viable, has low cost for equipment, and can produce parts with satisfactory results. A composite sheet is manufactured using the hand lay-up process. Three testing samples are taken out from the composite sheet, and their tensile strength is determined using the ASTM D3039 standard

    The Importance of SD Goals Indicators 7, 8, 9 and 12 in the Industry Development by Using Multi Criteria and Decision Making Method

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    Sustainable Development and Decision Making are just two of the many processes that affect the industry sector. SDG7, SDG8, SDG9 and SDG 12 as four goals of sustainable development show the indicators we have to deal with, given that the energy, industry, economy and production are closely connected. This research focuses on promoting sustainable development in the industry, by testing very important indicators using the MCDM method. Our analysis was carried out with the help of a multi-criteria decision-making method - the Hierarchical Analytical Process. Through this method, we have identified specific areas that need improvement, the importance of the indicators separately, ranking so by their importance and impact in the industry, economy and production

    Sustainable Transport Indicators in the Context of Introducing of Electric Passenger Cars

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    Sustainable development and sustainable transport are becoming of higher and higher importance. A scientific approach to sustainable development analysis means, first of all, identification of relevant indicators. Based on literature review and regional professionalsā€™ view, a total of 90 indicators have been chosen. They have been structured in five hierarchic levels. A total of five personal transport means alternatives have been analyzed in the research. The AHP method of analysis has been employed in which 75 professionals from the Western Balkan countries have filled appropriate questionnaire. The research presents their opinion about the capacity of each of the alternatives to contribute to the sustainable transport in the region, but also puts a light on perception of the professionals on importance of chosen indicators. The results of this research could be used for further research and could also help to decision making levels regarding sustainable transport and sustainable development

    Six Sigma Approach to Enhance Concurrency of the Procurement Process for Raw Materials

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    This paper presents the improvement of the procurement process for raw materials in a real manufacturing company supported by the Lean Sig Sigma as structured approach to deliver the improvement. The manufacturing company that is a subject of this paper have received a significant amount of complains regarding the internal purchase orders approval process and the overall procurement process of the company from both internal employees and external vendors and contractors. Considering that the company is procuring the raw goods from selected vendors, therefore the entire manufacturing plan depends on these materials, the company decided to improve this process trough Lean Six Sigma. The Lean Six Sigma approach was selected in order to obtain the improvement in a short time, based on indicators that were previously analyzed and prioritized. The paper focuses on simplifying of the process trough decreasing the number of mandatory steps