214 research outputs found

    Design of Finite-Length Irregular Protograph Codes with Low Error Floors over the Binary-Input AWGN Channel Using Cyclic Liftings

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    We propose a technique to design finite-length irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes over the binary-input additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel with good performance in both the waterfall and the error floor region. The design process starts from a protograph which embodies a desirable degree distribution. This protograph is then lifted cyclically to a certain block length of interest. The lift is designed carefully to satisfy a certain approximate cycle extrinsic message degree (ACE) spectrum. The target ACE spectrum is one with extremal properties, implying a good error floor performance for the designed code. The proposed construction results in quasi-cyclic codes which are attractive in practice due to simple encoder and decoder implementation. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed construction in comparison with similar existing constructions.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Communication

    Lowering the Error Floor of LDPC Codes Using Cyclic Liftings

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    Cyclic liftings are proposed to lower the error floor of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. The liftings are designed to eliminate dominant trapping sets of the base code by removing the short cycles which form the trapping sets. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the cyclic permutations assigned to the edges of a cycle cc of length â„“(c)\ell(c) in the base graph such that the inverse image of cc in the lifted graph consists of only cycles of length strictly larger than â„“(c)\ell(c). The proposed method is universal in the sense that it can be applied to any LDPC code over any channel and for any iterative decoding algorithm. It also preserves important properties of the base code such as degree distributions, encoder and decoder structure, and in some cases, the code rate. The proposed method is applied to both structured and random codes over the binary symmetric channel (BSC). The error floor improves consistently by increasing the lifting degree, and the results show significant improvements in the error floor compared to the base code, a random code of the same degree distribution and block length, and a random lifting of the same degree. Similar improvements are also observed when the codes designed for the BSC are applied to the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel

    CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Multi-Input Multi-Output Autoencoder and Fine-Tuning

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    Wi-Fi-based human activity recognition (HAR) has gained considerable attention recently due to its ease of use and the availability of its infrastructures and sensors. Channel state information (CSI) captures how Wi-Fi signals are transmitted through the environment. Using channel state information of the received signals transmitted from Wi-Fi access points, human activity can be recognized with more accuracy compared with the received signal strength indicator (RSSI). However, in many scenarios and applications, there is a serious limit in the volume of training data because of cost, time, or resource constraints. In this study, multiple deep learning models have been trained for HAR to achieve an acceptable accuracy level while using less training data compared to other machine learning techniques. To do so, a pre-trained encoder which is trained using only a limited number of data samples, is utilized for feature extraction. Then, by using fine-tuning, this encoder is utilized in the classifier, which is trained by a fraction of the rest of the data, and the training is continued alongside the rest of the classifier’s layers. Simulation results show that by using only 50% of the training data, there is a 20% improvement compared with the case where the encoder is not used. We also showed that by using an untrainable encoder, an accuracy improvement of 11% using 50% of the training data is achievable with a lower complexity level

    An analysis of wool fibre viscoelasticity in fabric wrinkling

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    A CSI-based Human Activity Recognition using Canny Edge Detector

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    Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is one of the hot topics in the field of human-computer interaction. It has a wide variety of applications in different tasks such as health rehabilitation, smart houses, smart grids, robotics, and human action prediction. HAR can be carried out through different approaches such as vision-based, sensor-based, radar-based, and Wi-Fi-based. Due to the ubiquitous and easyto-deploy characteristic of Wi-Fi devices, Wi-Fi-based HAR has gained the interest of both academia and industry in recent years.WiFi-based HAR can be implemented by two channel metrics: Channel State Information (CSI) and Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). Recently, converting the CSI data to images has led to increasing the accuracy level of activity prediction. However, none of the previous research has focused on extracting the features of converted images using image-processing techniques. In this study, we investigate three available datasets, gathered using CSI property, and took advantage of Deep Learning (DL), with convolutional layers and edge detection technique to increase overall system accuracy. The canny edge detector extracts the most important features of the image, and giving it to the DL model empowers the prediction of activities. In all three datasets, we witnessed an improvement of 5%, 27%, and 37% in terms of accuracy

    Binary CEO Problem under Log-Loss with BSC Test-Channel Model

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    In this paper, we propose an efficient coding scheme for the two-link binary Chief Executive Officer (CEO) problem under logarithmic loss criterion. The exact rate-distortion bound for a two-link binary CEO problem under the logarithmic loss has been obtained by Courtade and Weissman. We propose an encoding scheme based on compound LDGM-LDPC codes to achieve the theoretical bounds. In the proposed encoding, a binary quantizer using LDGM codes and a syndrome-coding employing LDPC codes are applied. An iterative joint decoding is also designed as a fusion center. The proposed CEO decoder is based on the sum-product algorithm and a soft estimator.Comment: 5 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1801.0043

    Enhancing CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition by Edge Detection Techniques

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    Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has been a popular area of research in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) over the past decade. The objective of this field is to detect human activities through numeric or visual representations, and its applications include smart homes and buildings, action prediction, crowd counting, patient rehabilitation, and elderly monitoring. Traditionally, HAR has been performed through vision-based, sensor-based, or radar-based approaches. However, vision-based and sensor-based methods can be intrusive and raise privacy concerns, while radar-based methods require special hardware, making them more expensive. WiFi-based HAR is a cost-effective alternative, where WiFi access points serve as transmitters and users’ smartphones serve as receivers. The HAR in this method is mainly performed using two wireless-channel metrics: Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and Channel State Information (CSI). CSI provides more stable and comprehensive information about the channel compared to RSSI. In this research, we used a convolutional neural network (CNN) as a classifier and applied edge-detection techniques as a preprocessing phase to improve the quality of activity detection. We used CSI data converted into RGB images and tested our methodology on three available CSI datasets. The results showed that the proposed method achieved better accuracy and faster training times than the simple RGB-represented data. In order to justify the effectiveness of our approach, we repeated the experiment by applying raw CSI data to long short-term memory (LSTM) and Bidirectional LSTM classifiers

    Constrained Secrecy Capacity of Finite-Input Intersymbol Interference Wiretap Channels

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    We consider reliable and secure communication over intersymbol interference wiretap channels (ISI-WTCs). In particular, we first examine the setup where the source at the input of an ISI-WTC is unconstrained and then, based on a general achievability result for arbitrary wiretap channels, we derive an achievable secure rate for this ISI-WTC. Afterwards, we examine the setup where the source at the input of an ISI-WTC is constrained to be a finite-state machine source (FSMS) of a certain order and structure. Optimizing the parameters of this FSMS toward maximizing the secure rate is a computationally intractable problem in general, and so, toward finding a local maximum, we propose an iterative algorithm that at every iteration replaces the secure rate function by a suitable surrogate function whose maximum can be found efficiently. Although the secure rates achieved in the unconstrained setup are potentially larger than the secure rates achieved in the constraint setup, the latter setup has the advantage of leading to efficient algorithms for estimating achievable secure rates and also has the benefit of being the basis of efficient encoding and decoding schemes.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figure
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