48 research outputs found

    Soil Contamination Interpretation by the Use of Monitoring Data Analysis

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    The presented study deals with the interpretation of soil quality monitoring data using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA). Both statistical methods contributed to the correct data classification and projection of the surface (0–20 cm) and subsurface (20–40 cm) soil layers of 36 sampling sites in the region of Burgas, Bulgaria. Clustering of the variables led to formation of four significant clusters corresponding to possible sources defining the soil quality like agricultural activity, industrial impact, fertilizing, etc. Two major clusters were found to explain the sampling site locations according to soil composition—one cluster for coastal and mountain sites and another—for typical rural and industrial sites. Analogous results were obtained by the use of PCA. The advantage of the latter was the opportunity to offer more quantitative interpretation of the role of identified soil quality sources by the level of explained total variance. The score plots and the dendrogram of the sampling sites indicated a relative spatial homogeneity according to geographical location and soil layer depth. The high-risk areas and pollution profiles were detected and visualized using surface maps based on Kriging algorithm

    Quality assessment of spring water from the area of Skrzyczne and Barania Gora mountains

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    The study was carried out in the year 2009 on northern, southern and western slopes of Skrzyczne and Głębczański and Roztoczański stream catchments on Barania Góra in the Beskid Śląski Mountains. Water samples were collected from springs during snowmelt (May 1st−3rd). Data set consisting of conductivity, water pH, concentrations of major anions (Cl–, NO3–, SO42–), major cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and metals (Al, Fe, Mn, Zn) was produced. Waters were then classified according to Polish standards. Water class depended strongly on chemical composition of melting snow. It was found that water from most sampling points in springs was not potable – 39 out of collected 48 samples on Skrzyczne and 51 out of 57 samples collected on Barania Góra were beyond the first class according to Polish standard from the year 2008. The main reason for that was too low pH and high NO3– concentration. Chemical composition of spring waters depended also on plant cover and local properties of drainage areas. Statistically significant difference was observed between spruce and beech stands. Springs located in beech stands characterised higher concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, SO42–, Cl– and higher PEW and additionally on Barania Góra higher pH as well. This dependence should be considered while planning stand composition in springs neighbourhood

    Czasowa i przestrzenna zmienność biochemicznego składu materii organicznej i liczby bakterii w osadach wybranych plaż południowego Morza Bałtyckiego

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    Sandy sediments coming from three beaches of the southern Baltic Sea were collected and analyzed. Investigated beaches were divided according to strength of anthropogenic impact and degree of sheltering. The first beach was situated in Ustka on the eastern side of the mouth of the Słupia River, second in Czołpino and the last one in Puck. Core sediment samples were collected seasonally, depending on the influence of the sea water on the examined sediments. At each station, surface sediments (0-5 cm) were collected as well as sediments at the depth of 10-15 cm. The general content of organic matter, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, organic carbon and total bacterial number were determined. The results of the conducted tests reveal, that anthropopressure, degree of sheltering, the depth where the collected sediments were taken and the direct influence of the sea water on the sediments have impact on the chemical composition of organic matter and bacterial number in beach sediments.Pobierano i analizowano piaszczyste osady pochodzące z trzech plaż południowego Bałtyku, które zostały podzielone na podstawie wpływu antropopresji i stopnia osłonięcia plaży. Pierwsza plaża położona była w Ustce we wschodniej części ujścia rzeki Słupi, druga w Czołpinie, a ostatnia w Pucku. Próbki osadów plażowych zbierano sezonowo, w zależności od wpływu wody morskiej na badane osady. Na każdym stanowisku pobierano osady powierzchniowe (0-5 cm), a także osady na głębokości 10-15 cm. Określono zawartość materii organicznej, białek, lipidów, węglowodanów, węgla organicznego i całkowitej liczby bakterii. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wykazały, że antropopresja, stopień osłonięcia plaży, głębokość pobieranych osadów i bezpośredni wpływ wody morskiej na osady oddziałują na skład chemiczny materii organicznej i liczbę bakterii w osadach plażowych