63 research outputs found

    To the Question About the Location of the “House of Peter I” in Tsaritsyn

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    Introduction. The article examines the possibility of the existence in the city of Tsaritsyn, Saratov province, at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries, of an ancient building in which, according to local legend, Emperor Peter the Great and Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna stayed in 1722 during their return from the “Persian Campaign”. Methods and materials. Based on the analysis of surviving maps, plans, photographs, archival documents, references to the stay of the imperial couple in the city of Tsaritsyn, described in historical literature, the author explores the planning structure of that part of the city that was located inside the city walls during the reign of Emperor Peter the Great, its changes over time, up to the present, compares these changes at various stages of the development of the city with the corresponding images of the period of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. Analysis. In the course of the study, the author found that the only one of the three alleged buildings in which Emperor Peter the Great could stop was completely rebuilt in the second half of the 18th century, and subsequently destroyed during the Battle of Stalingrad. However, the author managed to determine its location on the plan of modern development of the city of Volgograd, which could be useful for additionally perpetuating the memory of the stay of Emperor Peter the Great here

    Magneto-Gyrotropic Photogalvanic Effects in Semiconductor Quantum Wells

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    We show that free-carrier (Drude) absorption of both polarized and unpolarized terahertz radiation in quantum well (QW) structures causes an electric photocurrent in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field. Experimental and theoretical analysis evidences that the observed photocurrents are spin-dependent and related to the gyrotropy of the QWs. Microscopic models for the photogalvanic effects in QWs based on asymmetry of photoexcitation and relaxation processes are proposed. In most of the investigated structures the observed magneto-induced photocurrents are caused by spin-dependent relaxation of non-equilibrium carriers

    Behavior of Dynamical Systems in the Regime of Transient Chaos

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    The transient chaos regime in a two-dimensional system with discrete time (Eno map) is considered. It is demonstrated that a time series corresponding to this regime differs from a chaotic series constructed for close values of the control parameters by the presence of "nonregular" regions, the number of which increases with the critical parameter. A possible mechanism of this effect is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure


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    Предмет исследования: экономико-математические методы прогнозирования развития городов с целью более точного определения потребности в земельных ресурсах. Цели: изучение теоретико-методических основ прогнозирования использования земель под развитие города и применения модели прогнозирования роста территории города для увеличения экономической эффективности муниципального бюджета в условиях законодательства КНР. Материалы и методы: корреляционно-регрессионный анализ, цепи Маркова, «серые» цепи Маркова. Результат работы: проведено сравнение нескольких распространенных методов прогнозирования: корреляционно-регрессионного анализа и «серой» модели (Grey Model GM (1,1)). Предложена модернизация модели цепи Маркова с учетом факторов неопределенности. На основе динамики прироста земель города Чжанцю с применением предложенной модели «серых» цепей Маркова был составлен прогноз и подтверждена его статистическая, математическая и экономическая значимость, что позволяет предложить применение предложенной модели для прогнозирования роста любых городов, в том числе в Российской Федерации. Выводы: практическое применение предложенного математического метода в условиях неопределенности долгосрочных прогнозов на примере прогноза потребности городов в земельных ресурсах позволит повысить точность и экономическую эффективность формирования генеральных планов