48 research outputs found

    Ar ne laikas Lietuvoje pradėti auginti egzotinius avokadus ?[pasisakymas]

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    Išsp. str.: Aleksandravičius A. Ar ne laikas Lietuvoje pradėti auginti egzotinius avokadus ?Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Influence of different biological preparations on the yield and quality of organically grown potatoes

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    The research was conducted in 2018 under the conditions of organic production in the village of Trajoniškis, in Pasvalys distr., Lithuania. The aim of this study was to to determine the effect of biological preparations on qualitative parameters and yield of organically grown potatoes. The field experiment was conducted. In the experiment combinations and concentrations of biological preparations, recommended by the manufacturers, were used: Bactolive Tuber + ComCat, Biochran+Polimiksobakterin, Bactoforce+Bactoforce, Bioelement+Bioelement. The first biological preparation in the combination was used to coat the planting material, and the second after the 2 and 4 weeks of germination was sprayed on leaves of potatoes. No preparations were used for control plants. The whole field before the planting was fertilized with organic fertilizers „Ekoplant“ 600 t ha-1. During vegetation period, every two weeks after each spraying, the area of the potatoes leaves and the dry mass were determined. During harvest, the potatoes were grouped by fractions to commercial and non-commercial potatoes and each fraction was weighed separately. For determination of the quality of the potatoes, the amount of dry matters and amount of starch (Polarimetric method) was measured. [...]Agronomijos fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Nanotechnologijos skinasi kelią į Lietuvos ūkius [pasisakymas]

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    Išsp. str.: Kazlauskaitė M. Nanotechnologijos skinasi kelią į Lietuvos ūkiusVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The influence of genotype on productivity of abyssinian mustard (Crambe abyssinica)

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    The aim of work: Comparison of productivity of different Crambe abyssinica genotypes, investigation of fat composition in the seeds and establishment of optimum sowing rate. Trials were carried out in the experimental station of Aleksandras Stulginskis University in 2011- 2012. Three varieties of abyssinian mustard - Borowski, Prophet and Kenya and one equitable number - BGRC - 30347 were investigated. Plants were seeded in different densities: 100 units m"2, 150 units m"2 and 200 units m"2, in two replications. Plants height, number of productive stems, 1000 seed weight and fat composition in the seeds was determined after harvesting. It was found that lowest height Crambe abyssinica plants, regardless sowing rate were plants of Kenya variety. The heights of other varieties have more depended on sowing rate. The number of productive stems on the equitable number BGRC - 30347 increased gradually in crop densities from 100 to 200 units m"2, respectively average number of productive stems in the plants increased from 15 to 18.4 units. This trend wasn't evident in Borowski variety plants, where highest number of productive stems - 18.1 units m"" was investigated in 150 units m"2 density cropVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Dėl rūgščių lietų susidarančių aliuminio junginių poveikis skirtingoms miežių veislėms

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    Bibliogr.: p. 59-60 (18 pavad.)Didelis dirvos rūgštingumas ir dėl to padidėjęs aliuminio jonų fitotoksiškumas mažina daugelio žemės ūkio kultūrų derlių. Vasariniai miežiai (Hordeum sativum ssp. distichum L.) yra jautri rūgščiam dirvožemiui bei aliuminiui žemės ūkio kultūra. Aliuminio toksiškumas buvo tirtas dviem lietuviškoms vasarinių miežių veislėms – ‘Aura’ ir ‘Auksiniai-3’, atrinktoms ankstesniuose tyrimuose. Augalų reakcija buvo stebima po 7 parų. Daigai auginti skirtingos koncentracijos (148 μM, 296 μM , 592 μM ) AlK(SO4)2 druskos tirpaluose. Aliuminio poveikiui nustatyti buvo matuojamas augalo daigelių aukštis, šaknų ilgis ir sausa biomasė. Tyrimais nustatyta, kad ‘Aura’ veislės šaknų ilgis sumažėjo apie 25 – 28%, o ‘Auksiniai-3’ veislės – tik 9%. Aliuminio druskų paveiktų abiejų veislių šaknų sausa biomasė sumažėjo panašiai – apie 18 – 19%. ‘Aura’ veislės daigelių aukštis sumažėjo apie 15%, o ‘Auksinių-3’ – apie 5 - 9%. Dėl aliuminio druskų poveikio abiejų veislių daigelių sausa biomasė sumažėjo apie 14 – 16%. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad ‘Auksiniai-3’ yra atsparesnė aliuminio junginių poveikiui veislė nei ‘Aura’Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Influence of water technological parameters on the quality and stability of fruit berry wine

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    A key component of a most food and beverage processing is water, yet it is often overlooked. Water is used in many parts of the facility, from cleaning to its incorporation in recipes as an essential ingredient. The biggest part of the fruit berry wine is made up of water, and its quality can have a significant impact on the taste, stability, clarity and colour. There is a lot of data on the impact of water hardness on beer and spirits. It is not relevant to wine, but it is very important for fruit berry wine because during the technological process the juice is diluted with water. This is done to ensure an optimal sugar-acid balance in fruit- berry wine. Turbidity, levels of disinfectants, pH, metals, hardness, alkalinity and many others [factors] can affect their fruit berry wine. There was an investigation of the impact of water hardness on the quality and stability of the fruit berry wine. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of the water hardness to the colloidal turbidity and opalescence of fruit-berry wine and to find a method how to remove opalescence caused by a hard water. Applied researching methods. The total hardness of the water was determined using titrimetric method. The turbidity of the wine was determined by using "Multiparameter turbidity and Ion specific meter"Agronomijos fakultetasKauno kolegijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Tolerancja Litewskich odmian Hordeam vulgare l, na metale i kwasne snooowtsxo

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    Over l8% of the agricultural area of Lithuania is acidic. The reduction of soil liming caused by the present economic situation brings up urgent need to understand the behavior ofcrops under higher acidity ofthe soil. The present study is aimed to describe the variations in acid and healy metal tolerance ofthe seedlings of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars grown in two solutions of different acidity (pH 4.5 and 5.6). For evaluation of metal toxicity, cultivars 'Aura', 'Alsa', 'Ula', 'Auksiniai-3', 'Baronesse' and'Dzivosnij' were selected. Reaction of cultivars to equimolar (592 pM) aqueous solutions of 3CdSOq . 8HzO, CuSOa, Pb(NO3)2, MnSOa ' 5H2O and AIK(SOa)2 was examined. Significant differences were found between samples treated with various metals (Cd, Cu, Al, Pb, Mn), as well as between samples treated with metals and control samples. Differences between samples treated at pH 4.5 and pH 5.6 were insignificant. There was strong correlation (r = 0.862) between dry weight and length of the roots, and between dry weight and length of the shoots (r = 0.891). Our study revealed that'Dzivosnij' and 'Auksiniai 3' were the cultivars most sensitive to metals, while the least sensitive one wS; 'Aura', which will be used for further acidity and metal tolerance assessmentsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij