5 research outputs found

    Changes in the quality indicators of extruded starter compound food for fish during storage

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    The dynamics of changes in the quality indicators of the starting compound feeds produced by extrusion for zander, clary catfish and tilapia during their storage for 10 months has been studied. Warehousing was carried out in the spring-summer period, the air temperature in the warehouse ranged from +5 to +25 °C; relative humidity - from 60 to 75 %. Sampling for analysis was carried out during storage, after 2, 4 and 10 months of storage. It was found that, during storage, the content of crude protein and fat does not undergo significant changes, an increase in the acid and peroxide numbers of fat is observed in all samples, the acid number of fat increased to 29,5 mg KOH/g in the feed for zander, to 28,3 mg KOH/g in the feed for clary catfish, and in the feed for tilapia to 26,84 mg KOH/g. The peroxide number of fat increased from 0,1 % iodine to 0,22 % iodine in the feed for zander, from 0,1 % iodine to 0,19 % iodine in the feed for clary catfish and in the feed for tilapia 0,1 % iodine to 0,18 % iodine. It is noted that in pike perch feeds for 10 months of storage, the peroxide number reached 0,22 % iodine with an acceptable deviation in parallel determination of 0,05 %, the remaining indicators for feed safety were at the limit level in terms of the content of peroxide and acid numbers of fat, it follows that the feed should not be stored for more than 10 months

    Mutation Analysis of the NRLP3 Gene in Children With Cryopyrin-Associated Fever

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    Introduction: CAPS is a group of severe multi-system, auto-inflammatory diseases with an autosomal dominant type of inheritance associated with mutations in the cryopyrin NLRP3 gene located on the first chromosome (1q44). CAPS-syndrome is represented by three phenotypes: familial cold urticarial, Muckle – Wells syndrome, and CINCA/NOMID syndrome. Today, it is quite a lot known about CAPS-syndrome, but due to the nonspecific, chronic, remitting course of the disease, diagnosis and, consequently, treatment of the patient is hindered. The diagnosis is based on the results of molecular genetic approach. Methods: The DNAs were extracted from the whole blood of patients with suspected periodic fever (according to the manufacturer’s instructions). The presence or absence of mutations of the NLRP3 gene were determined by PCR using specific primers followed by purification of amplicons and Sanger sequencing. Results of Sanger sequencing were analyzed using Seq 6, Sequencher 2.0 software. Results: The molecular characteristic of the NLRP3 gene includes 10 exons, 32.952base pairs. As of today, according to the register and database https://infevers.umai-montpellier.fr/web/search.php, 204 mutations of the NLRP3 gene are known, but only 19 mutations are considered pathogenic. Taking into account that the majority of pathogenic mutations are located in exon 3 of the NLRP3 gene we designed primers of the 3 exon. After optimizing the primers of 3 exons, we examined 2patients by Sanger sequencing. Analysis of the electrophoregrams using the Mutation Testing resource revealed a heterozygous carrier of c. 732G>A (p.Ala 244=; rs3806268) as prediction polymorphism. The frequency of this polymorphism is high in different populations; the frequency of alleles is about 0.555. The results of genetic testing allow us to consider the detected variant as the cause of cryopyrin-related syndrome only if there is sufficient clinical and anamnestic data to confirm the diagnosis. Conclusion: Thus, this result does not exclude the presence of mutations in other exons, it is necessary to conduct next generation sequencing of WES. Designing primers were optimized and can use to confirm diagnosis in molecular genetic tools

    Experience, Principles and Parameters in the Sturgeon Quality Assessment by Anomalies in Early Ontogenesis (A Review)

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    Purpose: Review the experience, principles and parameters of the sturgeon assessment quality by anomalies in early ontogeny. Results: Maintaining the number of sturgeon fish in the transboundary Caspian Sea is provided by five states (Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan) at 16 Sturgeon hatcheries, where their artificial reproduction is carried out. FAO recognizes Russia’s leadership in creating the basic technology for the sturgeon artificial reproduction, but the other four Caspian states also make a significant contribution to its modern optimizations. There is almost a century of tradition behind the technological development of artificial reproduction in sturgeons. During the artificial reproduction of sturgeons, anomalies in the structure and functions may occur, such as deformities, defects in organs and tissues, edema, hematomas, etc. The sturgeon anomalies classification is based on structural and functional principles. Identification of anomalies is carried out on the basis of a previously created classification, divided into nine large classes. Identification of sturgeon anomalies during the period of their artificial reproduction makes it possible to clarify the real value of replenishment of their stock. Methods: Analysis of professional scientific literature and practical guides. Conclusions: The presence and number of Sturgeon anomalies make it possible to determine their death percentage to calculate the real number of replenishment of the Caspian Sturgeon stock

    Studies on the population biology of helminth parasites of fish species from the Caspian Sea drainage basin

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    The northern section of the Caspian Sea and lower reaches of the Zhaiyk (Ural) River is an important fishery for Kazakhstan. In the present study, a total of 1597 individuals of ten fish species were analysed. The fish were caught over three years, from 2018 to 2020. For each species studied – Abramis brama, Alosa saposchnikowii, Atherina boyeri caspia, Carassius gibelio, Chelon auratus, Cyprinus carpio, Leuciscus aspius, Rutilus caspius, Sander marinus and Sander volgensis – between 100 and 200 individuals were examined. A series of generalized linear models (GLMs) were used to examine the association between individual parasite intensity of infection and the Fulton index, age, year the fish was captured, where the fish was captured (northern Caspian or Zhaiyk River) and sex. For each GLM, the best-fitting probability distribution was used –either Poisson, zero-inflated Poisson, negative binomial or zero-inflated negative binomial. For some fish/parasite species, an increased Fulton index was associated with higher intensities of parasite infection, whilst, for others, the Fulton index decreased with the intensity of parasite infection. This was also true of age-related intensity of infection, with some parasites having an increased intensity of infection with age whilst others had a decreased intensity of infection with age. There was also some evidence of variation in intensity of parasite infection between different years when the fish were caught. For some species of fish that are endemic to both the fresh waters of the Zhaiyk River and the low-saline waters of the northern Caspian, there were variations in intensity of parasite infection between the two environments. The best-fitting probability distribution also gave some information about the dynamics of infection. No fish species had a Poisson distribution of parasites, which is consistent with an entirely random infection process, with all fish being potentially exposed. For some parasites, the distribution was a zero-inflated Poisson, which is consistent with either the fish being exposed to parasite infection or not; and, if exposed, infection was a random process. Other parasites had a negative binomial distribution, consistent with the entire fish population being exposed, but the infection process was clumped or there were variations in the susceptibility of infection between fish. Finally, some of the parasites had a zero-inflated negative binomial distribution, which can be interpreted as part of the fish population not being exposed and the remainder of the population being exposed to a clumped or aggregated infection process and/or a variation in individual susceptibility to infection