107 research outputs found
Access to Justice and Labor Law Reform in Asia
The existence of national labor law system guarantees fair is one of legal reform to achieve access to justice. This study aims to analyze whether the system of labor law has given capacity to achieve access to justice as the basis for implementing international labor relations in Asia. The method of this study is a normative legal research with statute approach. The findings support that there was an inconsistency on the substance of the legal structures that affect the low legal culture. The substance of the national labor law systems have not adapted the comprehensive International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions. Less robust system of national labor laws affect access to justice in the weak field of labor in the region
ASRI WIJAYANTI. The influence of Output Value and Total Industries to Labor Absorption of Small and Medium Industries in Indonesia 2010-2013. Economic Studies Program. Cooperative Economics Education Concentration, Department of Economic and Administration, Fakulty of Economics, State University of Negeri Jakarta, 2016.
This study aims to examine the effect of Output Value and Total Industries to Labor Absorption of Small and Medium Industries in Indonesia 2010-2013. This study use time series from 2010-2013 and cross section from 32 provincial in Indonesia with expost facto methods. Data were obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics and Ministry of Industry. This study use panel data regression model obtained fixed effect result LnEMP = - 6.357273 + 0.661839LnOUTPUT + 0.312635LnIND.
Based on the analysis, output value significant positive effect on employment and total industries too. Value of F statistics (127,0949) > F ((3,07), so both of variables togetherness have the effect on employment in Indonesia. Rtabel value was 0,97, it means 97% of the employment in Indonesia affected by output value and total industries.
Keywords : Absorption of Labor, Output Value, Total Industrie
This study discusses presupposition and implikature in Abdur’s Stand-up Comedy Indonesia (SUCI) Session 4 Kompas TV. SUCI uses Indonesian language as the main material of the jokes. The jokes in SUCI come from everyday life of the comics. The jokes in SUCI have some massages. It uses pragmatics analysis approach to answer the questions about (1) presupposition and (2) implicature of SUCI 4. The data are oral forms of Kompas TV’s SUCI 4 shows. The data are obtained by the observation method and by taking notes technique. The data analysis uses pragmatics equal methods. The theories used are the theory of background knowledge, presuppotition, and implicature. The analysis shows that first, Comica’s presupposition about the east of Indonesia are geographycal, society, food, technology, and pulic building condition. Secondly, implicature of Abdur stand up comedy are admit a shortage, found out attention, and critics about government role. Keywords: presupposition, implicature, Indonesian stand up comedy
Kedudukan Hukum Nokep 883-dir/kps/10/2012 Sebagai Dasar Pemberian Hak Pensiun Bagi Pekerja PT Bri Persero Tbk
Sebelum disahkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan, pekerja yang diberhentikan karena memasuki usia pensiun, mendapat hak atas dana pensiun (bagi pegawai negeri) atau hak atas pesangon (bagi pekerja swasta). Kedudukan SK Direksi Nokep 883-DIR/KPS/10/2012 yang dianalisis berdasarkan Pasal 167 Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan, telah mengikutsertakan pekerja dalam program pensiun yang iuran atau preminya dibayar oleh PT BRI Persero Tbk dan pekerja. Substansi SK Direksi Nokep 883-DIR/KPS/10/2012 telah melanggar Pasal 167 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan.Prior to the enactment of Law 13/2003, workers whose did dismissal due to retirement, the right to receive pension funds (for civil servants) or rights to severance pay (for private sector workers). The aim of the article to provide an alternative solution for the national case on retired PT BRI Persero Tbk on going at this time, Status of Directors Nokep 883-DIR/KPS/10/2012 SK analyzed based on Article 167 Law 13/2003, this is BRI has included workers/employees in the pension plans whose contributions/premiums paid by the BRI and workers. SK Nokep 883-DIR/KPS/10/2012 Directors has violated Article 167 paragraph (3) of Law 13/2003
Inquiry learning based on clarifying values is one of the innovative education that cannot separate from the reality of daily life, which involves students actively and internalizing values in students. This study aims to describe the development of subject-specific pedagogy with value clarification-based learning to develop tringo. Through this learning, students are invited to understand, experience, and manage so that learning becomes more meaningful. Teachers should prioritize not only cognitively but also psychomotor and affective. So, the value of the investment is carried out in an integrated and consistent manner in science learning to form a generation that is not only smart but also personality or character. The research method used is the modification of the RD model of Plomp and Ely, namely: 1) formulating needs; 2) designing; 3) data preparation; 4) preparation and writing; 5) integration and evaluation; 6) making the initial master; and 7) master. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation techniques, interview techniques, documentation techniques, and questionnaire techniques. The results of this study are the development of the concept of 'tringo' which internalized through a value clarification approach. And developing an attitude of tolerance, the emergence of self-discipline, having a sense of responsibility, developing a work ethic, having a sense of openness, being able to think positively, developing self-potential, cooperating, respect each other and foster honesty. value clarification learning can use as one of the innovation models in meaningful learning
Students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (PBSI) should master scientific writing in Indonesian. However, the facts on the ground are different. There are many language errors found in student theses. This study aims to describe the language errors of PBSI students in their thesis. By knowing the types of students' language errors in their thesis, Indonesian language learning, especially writing skills, can be improved in the future. Therefore, this research is beneficial for students, teachers, and lecturers. This research was conducted qualitatively with data sources obtained through population and sampling techniques. The data source is the student's thesis of PBSI, so the data is in the form of written language. Meanwhile, the research data analysis used the agih method with the lesap technique, the ganti technique, and the ubah wujud technique. The results of this study are the existence of language errors at various linguistic levels, namely phonology, morphology, and syntax. Language errors at the morphological level are in the form of errors in the use of punctuation marks. Errors at the morphological level are in the form of errors in the affixation process. Meanwhile, errors at the syntactic level are in the form of errors in the sentence composing process
Sexual Harassment of Workers in The Workplace
Sexual harassment in the workplace that is not taken seriously causes unsolved issues of widespread sexual harassment and unsafe workplace for people.This legal research uses a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The legal questions asked are: 1) What is the form of legal protection for workers who experience sexual harrasment in the work place? 2) what legal remidies can be taken by workers who experience sexual harassment in the workplace? The results of the study show that the protections given to sexual harassment victims are; 1) being able to file for layoffs if the sexual harassment is carried out by entrepreneurs, the termination of layoffs for workers who are perpetrators of sexual harassment, and the threat of criminal sanctions against perpetrators of sexual harassment. Workers who are victims of sexual harassment who file for layoffs are entitled to one-time severance pay, one-time work award and compensation. 2) Legal remedies that can be taken by victims of sexual harassment in the workplace are civil law action through non-litigation or litigation and can also take criminal legal action by submitting a complaint to the police
Payment of Wage under Minimum Wage for Abdi Dalem of Keraton in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
The compensation for running a job is to get wages. There is one form of wage protection through minimum wage. The fact is there are still workers who have not earned a wage based on minimum wage after they run their jobs. One of them is the retainers of the court (Abdi Dalem) of Sultan palace of Yogyakarta. This study aims to analyze the validity of the wage system applied to the court servants who accept below the minimum wage. This study applies socio-legal approach. The result of this research is the Abdi Dalem get salaries in the form of “kecuca” which amount is less than the minimum wage of Yogyakarta Province. Sultan Hamengkubuana X should be prosecuted for violation of Article 90 paragraph (2) jo. Article 187 of Law Number 13 Year 2003. The right to pursue of the courtiers has never been implemented because the working relationship between the courtiers and the Sultan is devotion. The sense of service is the soul of the agreement on which the working relationship is based. What has been agreed upon by the parties is binding as the law for the party making it (Article 1338 B.W. (Burgerlijkwetboek). The significance of this research is that the principle of local wisdom which is the basis of working relations can be unleashed. The contribution of this research is the emergence of an understanding that the employment relationship is not solely aimed at earning wages. A sense of tranquility after work becomes the choice of the destination of the courtiers to serve the Sultanate of Yogyakart
Kesantunan Berbahasa pada Judul Berita Politik di Media Massa Online
Judul berita politik di media massa online sering ditulis dengan memanfaatkan daya ilokusi kuat dengan memperhatikan pula aspek kesantunan. Dengan demikian, setiap judul berita politik mengandung unsur-unsur kesantunan yang beragam. Kesantunan berbahasa dalam judul berita menunjukkan adanya strategi penyampaian pesan oleh penulis beritaTujuan utama penulis dengan memanfaatkan ilokusionari force adalah untuk menarik minat pembaca sebanyak-banyaknya demi komersialisme dalam industri persuratkabaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan data berupa judul-judul berita politik di media massa online. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode simak dan teknik bebas libat cakap. Peneliti mengobservasi keberagaman data di berbagai portal berita online. Selanjutnya, judul-judul berita tersebut dicatat untuk dijadikan data penelitian. Proses selanjutnya adalah analisis data yang menggunakan metode padan pragmatik. Data dikelompokkan berdasarkan kategori-kategori kesantunan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah adanya pematuhan terhadap maksim-maksim kesantunan Leech, seperti kebijaksanaan, penerimaan, kemudahan, kerendahan hati, kecocokan, dan kesimpatian. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan adanya pelanggaran terhadap maksim-maksim tersebut dengan tujuan yang sama dari alasan pematuhan terhadap maksim-maksim dalam prinsip kesantunan, yaitu menarik minat pembaca sebanyak-banyaknya
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