7 research outputs found

    Pathways through homelessness among women in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A qualitative study.

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    BackgroundThere has been a paradigm shift in understanding homelessness. The shift is from the belief that homelessness results from lack of secure housing towards the view which explains homelessness in terms of the complex interactions of factors which determine the pathways into and out of homelessness. The evidence base for women's homelessness is less robust than men's homelessness. The effect of gender and its relationship with homelessness has been neglected. Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, is estimated to be home for around 50,000 homeless people. This study aims to explore pathways through homelessness in women who were sheltered in a facility for the homeless in Addis Ababa.MethodsIn-depth interviews were conducted in 2019 with 14 women who were 'roofless', and were gathered for support in a temporary shelter in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The shelter was one of the eight such facilities established in Addis Ababa few months earlier than the study. For data analysis the QDA Miner 5.0.30 software was used and data was analyzed using thematic analysis approach.ResultsThe analysis revealed that determinant factors for pathways into homelessness among women occurred on the background of predisposing factors, such as poverty, being raised by caregivers other than biological parents, child marriage, unstable employment history. On top of the predisposing factors listed above the occurrence of precipitating factors such as problems with marriage, migration, death of parents, deception, became the immediate cause of homelessness. Despite mentions of positive experiences of homelessness such as mutual support and good social life within network of homeless people, the net effect of the interaction between negative and positive experiences of the homeless life, together with the effectiveness of coping strategies by the participants resulted in the participants' decision of whether homelessness is tolerable. Finally, the presence of perpetuating factors such as lack of affordable house, feeling of shame to go back home, and unfavorable situation at home discouraged participants from exiting the homeless situation.ConclusionFrom the findings of the study we conclude that the predisposing factors and the precipitating factors resulted in the occurrence of onset of homelessness among the participants. Once homeless, the experiences of life as homeless, and the availability of the means to exit from it determined whether the participants would stay homeless or exit from it

    Prevalence of group B streptococcus among pregnant women and newborns at Hawassa University comprehensive specialized hospital, Hawassa, Ethiopia

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    Abstract Background Group B streptococcus (GBS) is reported as the leading cause of neonatal sepsis and meningitis. Newborns from GBS colonized pregnant women are at high risk of infection. Method A Hospital based cross-sectional study was conducted at Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital from November 05, 2014 to March 25, 2015. A total of 280 pregnant women along with their newborns were screened for GBS using standard method recommended by Center of Disease Control and Prevention. GBS strains were serotyped by using serotype specific antisera. A structured questionnaire was used to collect sociodemographic, obstetrics and clinical data of pregnant women and newborns. Data was analyzed by using chi-square and logistic regression to determine factors associated with prevalence of GBS among pregnant women and newborns. Descriptive statistics was used to determine prevalence of GBS among pregnant women and newborns. P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Result Prevalence of GBS among pregnant women, newborns and vertical transmission rate at Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital were 44(15.7%), 26(8.9%) and 59.1% respectively. Among 26 GBS colonized newborns one developed sign and symptoms of early onset disease. Serotype distribution of GBS isolates collected from pregnant women and newborns was Ia 13(18.6%), Ib 9(12.9%), II 24(34.3%), III 8(11.4%), V 14(20%), and NT 2 (2.9%). Conclusion In our study we found relatively high prevalence of GBS among pregnant women and vertical transmission rate. The most prevalent GBS serotypes identified in this study were serotype II followed by V, Ia and Ib. Therefore, appropriate prevention strategies such as intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis and vaccine development should be considered

    Mental, neurologic, and substance use (MNS) disorders among street homeless people in Ethiopia

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    Abstract Background About 25–60% of the homeless population is reported to have some form of mental disorder. To our knowledge, there are no studies aimed at the screening, diagnosis, treatment, care, rehabilitation, and support of homeless people with mental, neurologic, and substance use (MNS) disorders in general in Ethiopia. This is the first study of its kind in Africa which was aimed at screening, diagnosis, care, treatment, rehabilitation, and support of homeless individuals with possible MNS disorder. Methods Community-based survey was conducted from January to March 2015. Homeless people who had overt and observable psychopathology and positive for screening instruments (SRQ20, ASSIST, and PSQ) were involved in the survey and further assessed for possible diagnosis by structured clinical interview for DSM-IV diagnoses and international diagnostic criteria for seizure disorders for possible involvement in care, treatment, rehabilitation services, support, and training. The Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS version 20) was used for data entry, clearance, and analyses. Results A total of 456 homeless people were involved in the survey. Majority of the participants were male (n = 402; 88.16%). Most of the homeless participants had migrated into Addis Ababa from elsewhere in Ethiopia and Eritrea (62.50%). Mental, neurologic, and substance use disorders resulted to be common problems in the study participants (92.11%; n = 420). Most of the participants with mental, neurologic, and substance use disorders (85.29%; n = 354) had psychotic disorders. Most of those with psychosis had schizophrenia (77.40%; n = 274). Almost all of the participants had a history of substance use (93.20%; n = 425) and about one in ten individuals had substance use disorders (10.54%; n = 48). Most of the participants with substance use disorder had comorbid other mental and neurologic disorders (83.33%; n = 40). Conclusion and recommendation Mental, neurologic, and substance use disorders are common (92.11%) among street homeless people in Ethiopia. The development of centers for care, treatment, rehabilitation, and support of homeless people with mental, neurologic, and substance use disorders is warranted. In addition, it is necessary to improve the accessibility of mental health services and promote better integration between mental and primary health care services, as a means to offer a better general care and to possibly prevent homelessness among mentally ill