31 research outputs found

    Rivendicare l'appartenenza. Suppliche e domande di deroga allo Statut des Juifs nella Francia di Vichy

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    The article analyses a number of requests sent to the Vichy France authorities (1940-1944) by the victims of anti-Semitic persecution. In particular, it examines two types of requests identified in the CGQJ (Commissariat G\ue9n\ue9ral aux Questions Juives) files: applications for exemptions from professional restrictions, drawn up within set formalized procedures, and informal and dramatic supplications addressed to the state authorities, and often to Marchal P\ue9tain in person, by relatives of internees in concentration camps. The essay highlights that, beyond the variety of linguistic registers and deferential approaches used, the requests document efforts by writers to (re)establish a legal bond between themselves and the national community they claim to belong to and from which, in turn, they demand protection and justice. In highlighting that these appeals constitute an integral part of a \u2018competent\u2019 action, and are not simply emblematic of a naive or straightforwardly unrealistic response by victims, this article seeks to make a contribution to the debate on 20th century petitions and supplications

    Nutrire la famiglia, per ricostruire il Paese. Cibo, maternit\ue0 e relazioni familiari su "Famiglia cristiana" e "Noi donne" (1944-1964)

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    L\u2019articolo punta a esplorare, in una chiave di storia culturale e di genere, il rapporto tra maternit\ue0, relazioni familiari e cibo quale emerge dalle pagine, e in particolare dalle rubriche di cucina, di due riviste a loro modo centrali e significative della cultura popolare italiana del secondo dopoguerra, \uabFamiglia cristiana\ubb, rotocalco cattolico ad ampia diffusione, e \uabNoi donne\ubb, organo dell\u2019Unione donne italiane. Seppur con alcune differenze che metter\uf2 in evidenza, analizzando i testi e le immagini dei due giornali, emerge un importante tratto comune: la centralit\ue0 dell\u2019intimit\ue0 familiare e il doppio protagonismo della figura materna, in quanto nutrice, e dell\u2019infanzia, destinataria principale delle sue cure

    Una riflessione sulla storia contemporanea

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    Over the last fifty years, the study of late modern and contemporary history has enormously expanded in Italy and elsewhere. The field attracted many scholars from younger generations, strengthened its presence in university curricula, and assumed a central role in funding programs for historical research. The growing status of the field appears to be characterized by two contradictory aspects: on the one hand, an extension of the spatial perspective of analysis, with a new interest in the global dimension; on the other hand, a contraction of the period under study, as new research has often narrowed its focus to the twentieth century. The editorial board of \uabStorica\ubb drew up a document that tackles this paradox and the complex relationship between modern history and the social sciences, and asked a group of six Italian modern historians to debate it in a workshop. This section contains their reflections. Keywords: Late modern and contemporary history, Historical research method, Italian historical studie

    Culture della sessualit\ue0. Introduzione

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    Introduzione ai contenuti del numero monografico, dedicato alla storia della sessualit\ue0 nel XX secolo

    L'\ue8re de l'intimit\ue9: un nouvel agenda pour l'histoire de la famille dans l'Italie contemporaine

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    L'article pr\ue9sente une r\ue9flexion critique sur l'historiographie d\ue9di\ue9e aux relations familiales en Italie en XXe si\ue8cle, dans le but de tracer un nouvel agenda de recherche capable d'aller au-del\ue0 des r\ue9sultat obtenus lors de la saison productive des an\ue9es 1980. A la lumi\ue8re de l'histoire culturelle et du genre, l'article propose d'adopter une perspective moins centr\ue9e sur les reconstructions lin\ue9aires et plus attentive \ue0 \ue9clairer les conflits sociaux qui traversent la d\ue9finition meme de la famille et de l'intimit\ue9. A partir de deux th\ue8mes embl\ue9matiques, les pratiques de consommation et les comportements reproductifs, l'article aborde ensuite la question d'ordre m\ue9thodologique pos\ue9e par l'affaiblissement progressif de l'histoire sociale et souligne la n\ue9cessit\ue9 d'une imbrication \ue9troite entre le 'social' et le 'culturel'

    Being a Fascist Jew in Autumn 1938: Self-portrayals from the “Discrimination” Requests Addressed to the Regime

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    This article investigates how Fascists qualified as belonging to the “Jewish race” reacted to the proclamation of the “Laws for the Defence of the Race” and, in particular, how they tried to take advantage of the special legal treatment called “discrimination”, that allowed them to avoid some of the effects of the anti-Semitic legislation. In fact, together with its persecutory measures, the Royal Decree of November 17, 1938, granted some slight dispensations to “Jewish” Italian citizens who could prove to have special merits in the military, political or economic spheres. Drawing on a sample of Milanese Jews’ personal dossiers submitted to the General Directorate for Demography and Race in 1938-1939, this article analyses the self-portrayals strategically devised by those who declared themselves Fascists, in order to illustrate the ‘good Fascist’ reference profiles they crafted and, indirectly, the varying conceptions of Fascism and Nation which had been at the basis of their closeness to the regime

    Entretien avec Simonetta Soldani

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