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5 research outputs found
A high sensitivity, low noise and high spatial resolution multi-band infrared reflectography camera for the study of paintings and works on paper
Asperen de Boer JRJ
B Duilio
+11 more
B Tatian
C Cucci
C Daffara
D Saunders
DM Conover
E Walmsley
H Liang
JK Delaney
M Alfeld
M Gargano
M Gargano
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Revealing the painterly technique beneath the surface of Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring using macro- and microscale imaging
A Vandivere
DM Conover
+13 more
E Van de Wetering
EM Gifford
J Wadum
JK Delaney
JK Delaney
JRJ Van Asperen De Boer
K Groen
K Keune
L Van der Maaten
LA Giannuzzi
N Costaras
R Johnson
S Behault
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Application of non-invasive optical monitoring methodologies to follow and record painting cleaning processes
A. Dal Fovo
C Bonifazzi
+47 more
C Daffara
C Daffara
C Fischer
CS Cheung
CS Cheung
D Bertani
E Allen
E. Pampaloni
Elizabeth Walmsley
Elizabeth Walmsley
F Rosi
G Karagiannis
G Latour
G Wyszecki
GA Agoston
GY Sirat
GY Sirat
H Liang
H Liang
J Delaney
J. Striova
JD Lindberg
JRJ Van Asperen de Boer
K Martinez
L Csefalvayova
L. Pezzati
M Alfeld
M Bacci
M. Barucci
M. Raffaelli
P Carcagnì
P Carcagnì
P Ricciardi
P Targowski
P Targowski
P Targowski
P Targowski
R Bellucci
R Fontana
R Fontana
R Fontana
R Fontana
R. Fontana
RWG Hunt
S Baronti
S Staniforth
T Arecchi
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Qualitative Assessments via Infrared Vision of Sub-surface Defects Present Beneath Decorative Surface Coatings
A Bayler
AD Rakiḉ
+43 more
AP Laurie
B-H Mevik
C Chiojdeanu
C Ibarra-Castanedo
C Ibarra-Castanedo
Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo
DL Balageas
E Hecht
F López
F López
Fernando López
G Taglieri
H Zhang
HA Gardner
Hai Zhang
Henrique C. Fernandes
HS Carslaw
I Crina Anca Sandu
JRJ Asperen de Boer Van
M Gimeno Concepción
M Tortora
N Penni
N Rajic
P Kubelka
PK Mehrotra
R Cesareo
R Mayer
R Yang
RJ Gettens
RL Feller
S Sfarra
S Sfarra
S Sfarra
S Sfarra
S Sfarra
SA Humphrey
SM Shepard
SM Shepard
Stefano Sfarra
X Maldague
Xavier Maldague
XPV Maldague
Y Duan
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Technological investigations of mural paintings
A Arnold
A Eibner
+67 more
A Eibner
A Petrakiew
AD Whitehead
AM Wild de
B Guineau
B Guineau
B Siesmayer
DC Locke
E Martin
EH West
F Lux
F Mairinger
F Mairinger
F Mairinger
F. Mairinger
G Banik
G Panou
GM Friedman
H Davy
H Hettrich
H Jedrezjewska
H Kühn
H Malissa
H. Kühn
J Druzik
J Mills
J Plesters
J Plesters
JF Lawrence
JRJ Asperen de Boer Van
JS Mills
JS Mills
JS Mills
K Maček
K Schmidt-Thomsen
L Kockaert
L Masschelein-Kleiner
L Masschelein-Kleiner
L Masschelein-Kleiner
M Chaptal
M Hey
M Johnson
M Smith
ME Laver
NN Andreev
P Coremans
P Duell
P Gruber
P Jones
P Mora
P Palmieri
R Lefevre
R White
R White
RE Straub
RH Silva De
RJ Gettens
RJ Gettens
RJ Gettens
S Augusti
S Keck
S Warne
T Tuurnala
Th Hügi
VJ Birstein
VL Bosazza
W Ostwald
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text