6 research outputs found

    Analysis of Effect of Education and Training, Compensation and Working Environment on Employee Performance at the District Secretariat Soppeng

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    ABSTRACT This research aims to: 1) analyze the effect of education and training to on employee performance at the District Secretariat of Soppeng Regency, 2) analyze the effect of compensation on employee performance at the District Secretariat of Soppeng Regency, 3) analyze the effect of the work environment on employee performance at the District Secretariat of Soppeng Regency, 4) analyze the effect of education and training, compensation, and work environment to on employee performance at the District Secretariat of Soppeng Regency. The research location is at the District Secretariat of Soppeng Regenc, South Sulawesi Province. Population in this study were all employees of the District Secretariat of Soppeng Regency which amounted to 152 employees. Sampling in this research is using the Slovin formula, so that the number of samples examined in this study are 61 employees. For testing the hypothesis with multiple regression analysis. The results showed that: 1) education and training has positive and significant effect on employee performance at the District Secretariat of Soppeng Regency, 2) compensation has positive and significant effect on employee performance at the District Secretariat of Soppeng Regency, 3) working environment has positive and significant effect on employee performance at the District Secretariat of Soppeng Regency, 4) education and training, compensation and working environment simultaneously have positive and significant effect on employee performance at the District Secretariat of Soppeng Regency, .Keywords: Education and Training, Compensation, Work Environment, Employee Performanc

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Demokratis Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Guru di SMA Negeri 6 Makassar

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    Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan kepemimpinan demokratis Kepala Sekolah berada pada kategori tinggi yaitu sebesar 51,43% pada taraf signifikan 0,5% dan kinerja guru berada pada kategori sedang yaitu sebesar 45,71% pada taraf signifikan 0,5%. Hasil analisis inferensial menunjukkan nilai t hitung = 27,5816 > t tabel = 1,692. Artinya HO ditolak Ha diterima. Hal ini berarti terdapat pengaruh kepemimpinan demokratis Kepala Sekolah terhadap peningkatan kinerja guru di SMA Negeri 6 Makassar


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    This article aims to describe the importance of academic supervision in improving the quality of learning. Academic supervision in improving the quality of learning is the focus of this research. The method used is library research with a qualitative approach by collecting data sourced from books, articles and published research results. The discussion of this research covers various topics, including the concept of academic supervision, objectives of academic supervision, implementation of academic supervision, approaches to academic supervision, principles of academic supervision, techniques of academic supervision in improving the quality of learning. The research results show that academic supervision can improve teacher competence so that the quality of learning can be better. Through academic supervision, teachers will be more skilled in developing their personal, pedagogical, professional and social competencies. Therefore, the development of all teacher competencies must be included in academic supervision. The monitoring process involves identifying important conditions or prerequisites that will ensure the achievement of educational objectives. To ensure that the school's educational goals are achieved as fully as possible, the principal's duties as a supervisor require that the principal be adept at investigating, finding and establishing the conditions necessary for the success of his school. The school principal's efforts in his capacity as supervisor will have an impact on increasing teacher professionalism. In his capacity, the school principal will be able to direct the development of a positive work environment for teachers and education staff so that they can develop their potential and creativity.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pentingnya supervisi akademik dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Supervisi akademik dalam peningkatan mutu pembelajaran merupakan fokus yang menjadi penekanan dalam penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian pustaka dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mengumpulkan data yang bersumber dari buku-buku, artikel, dan hasil penelitian yang telah dipublikasikan. Pembahasan kajian ini mencakup berbagai topik, antara lain konsep supervisi akademik, tujuan supervisi akademik, pelaksanaan supervisi akademik, pendekatan supervisi akademik, prinsip supervisi akademik, teknik supervisi akademik dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa supervisi akademik dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru sehingga kualitas pembelajaran dapat menjadi lebih baik. Melalui supervisi akademik, guru akan semakin terampil dalam mengembangkan kompetensi kepribadian, pedagogik, profesional, dan sosialnya. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan seluruh kompetensi guru harus tercakup dalam supervisi akademik. Proses pengawasan melibatkan identifikasi kondisi atau prasyarat penting yang akan menjamin tercapainya tujuan pendidikan. Untuk menjamin tercapainya tujuan pendidikan sekolah semaksimal mungkin, tugas kepala sekolah sebagai pengawas menuntut agar kepala sekolah mahir menyelidiki, menemukan, dan menetapkan syarat-syarat yang diperlukan untuk keberhasilan sekolahnya. Upaya kepala sekolah dalam kapasitasnya sebagai pengawas akan berdampak pada peningkatan profesionalisme guru. Dalam kapasitas tersebut, kepala sekolah akan mampu mengarahkan pada pengembangan lingkungan kerja yang positif guru dan tenaga kependidikan dapat mengembangkan potensi dan kreativitasnya


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the application of sympegdik at SMAN 4 Takalar. The research applies qualitative research, where researchers can adopt methods of starting to understand the phenomena that are the focus of research, directly involved in the research field through participatory observation, and provide space for impressions and understanding that emerge. The main source of data in this study involved school operators and teachers at SMAN 4 Takalar. In addition, secondary data obtained from books, journals, and related research that have been conducted by other researchers, become a source of supporting information. The results of this study show that SMAN 4 Takalar has implemented Simpegdik, among others: 1) Implementation of the Education Office Personnel Information System (Simpegdik); 2) Functions and Benefits of Simpegdik at SMAN 4 Takalar; 3) Challenges of implementing simpegdik at SMAN 4 Takalar. To ensure the validity of the data in this study, observation, interview, and document analysis techniques were used. The data triangulation process is also applied to three stages of data management and analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions, to check the accuracy of information. Conclusion based on The implementation of simpegdik at SMAN 4 Takalar is considered successful, providing benefits for all parties involved.Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui penerapan simpegdik di SMAN 4 Takalar. Penelitian tersebut menerapkan penelitian kualitatif, para peneliti dapat mengadopsi metode memulai memahami fenomena yang menjadi fokus penelitian, terlibat langsung dalam medan penelitian melalui observasi partisipatif, dan memberikan ruang bagi impresi dan pemahaman yang muncul. Sumber utama data dalam penelitian ini melibatkan operator sekolah dan guru di SMAN 4 Takalar. Selain itu, data sekunder diperoleh dari buku, jurnal, dan penelitian terkait yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti lain menjadi sumber informasi pendukung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa SMAN 4 Takalar telah menerapkan Simpegdik antara lain: 1) Pelaksanaan Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian Dinas Pendidikan (Simpegdik); 2) Fungsi dan manfaat Simpegdik di SMAN 4 Takalar; 3) Tantangan penerapan simpegdik di SMAN 4 Takalar. Oleh karena itu, untuk memastikan keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini, digunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan analisis dokumen. Proses triangulasi data juga diterapkan pada tiga tahap pengelolaan dan analisis data, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan guna memeriksa keakuratan informasi. Kesimpulan berdasarkan penerapan simpegdik di SMAN 4 Takalar dianggap berhasil memberikan manfaat bagi semua pihak terlibat

    Modification of

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    The research purpose was to determine the optimum fermentation time and SBM.3D LAB concentration on the physicochemical of modified Warumbia brown rice flour. This research uses a Completely Randomized Design with a factorial pattern consisting of two factors that are the length of fermentation and the concentration of LAB. The results showed that the interaction of the fermentation time treatment and SBM.3D LAB concentration had a significant effect on the characteristics of physicochemical properties of the viscosity and pH variables. However, it had no significant effect on the swelling power and water solubility index of the modified Warumbia brown rice flour. The best fermentation treatment was obtained at 48 hours of fermentation time with OD 0,75 of SBM.3D LAB concentration. The treatment had viscosity value of 25.00 cP, swelling power of 9.15 g/g, water solubility index of 31.73% and pH value of 6.10. The proximate content Warumbia brown rice flour are water content 8.37% wb, ash content 0.66% db, protein content 5.65% db and glucose content 16.57 % db. The results showed that the interaction between fermentation time and SBM.3D LAB concentration had a significant effect on increasing physicochemical properties and proximate content of the modified Warumbia brown rice flour

    Identification and Genetic Diversity of Amylase Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria from Brown Rice (Oryza nivara) Wakawondu Cultivar Based on 16S rRNA Gene

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    This study identified the genetic diversity of amylase-producing lactic acid bacteria from brown rice (Oryza nivara) Wakawondu cultivar based on the 16S rRNA gene. The ten lactic acid bacteria strains were isolated from the fermented Wakawondu rice washing water; two isolates, SBM3D and SBM4A, displayed strong amylase activity. The two isolates had the same characteristics according to both morphological and biochemical examination. The effect of fermentation time on SBM3D bacterial isolates revealed that bacterial growth at 12 h with OD values and enzyme activity, respectively, of 0.856 and 175 mU/mL, was nearly identical to the growth at 27 h with OD values of 0.886 and 176 mU/mL consecutively. Meanwhile, the bacterial isolate of SBM4A showed a significant increase in growth at 15 h with an OD value of 0.552 and enzyme activity of 99 U/mL. The maximum growth was seen at 18 h with an OD value of 0.657 and enzyme activity of 126 mU/mL. Cladogram of an SBM3D isolate with Pediococcus pentosaceus strains SL001 CP039378.1 and SRCM102740 CP028269.1 forming a sister group clad. Pediococcus pentosaceus strains SRCM102739 CP028266.1 and SRCM102738 CP028264.1 form a sister group in the cladogram of the SBM4A isolate. SBM3D and SBM4A, which are amylase-producing Pediococcus pentosaceus, can be used in food, chemical, health, and other industries