44 research outputs found
Strategi Meningkatkan Lulusan Bermutu di Perguruan Tinggi
Make-Up of education quality in college represent urgency insisting on to is immediately conducted by repair. Make- Up of that quality basically can be conducted with fox strategy of one of the subsistem : human being, structure, technological, and the organizational process. Its bearing with certifiable grad improvement strategy study in college, that change is conducted at subsistem of human being of technology and, covering : (1) student which is educating; (2) lecturer as instructor and educator; and (3) facilities and basic facilities. To get student with best seed, can be conducted with selection system which is only considering quality, non goals of amount of student so that output yielded can be enthused by the stock exchange labour. Lecturer of besides as instructor, at the same time as educator educating candidate ekonom become human being which with good moral as is intention of education. To execute that function, lecturer have to have functional position and improve its ability through education to ladder S2 and or S3 and also various seminar activity and or training. So with facilities and basic facilities, covering practice student in laboratory and or the adequate computerization 
This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the training management of Riau Island Province’s Training Center. This study used a qualitative approach, which uses a model discrepancy which includes four stages: (1) design, (2) installation, (3) process, and (4) product. In the data collection is done through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation study. Interviews were conducted to business and policy makers at the Training Center of Riau Islands province, trainees and other stakeholders. The results of this study concluded that based on the discrepancy evaluation, the implementation of the training management of Riau Island Province’s Training Center, although in terms of policy implementation designation (design) and the preparation of implementation (installation) is quite good, but the execution (process) can not run properly so that the achievements results (product) is not satisfactory.
Keywords: Training management, training and discrepanc
Fenomena umum yang terjadi di sekolah atau madrasah
khususnya Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Iman Sekincau Lampung Barat
terkait kurangnya kedisiplinan peserta didik, pendidikan Islam dalam
keluarga yang kurang terbina dan suasana keagamaan di madrasah
yang belum mendukung, memotivasi peniliti guna melakukan
research dengan seksama yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis
pengaruh Pendidikan Islam dalam Keluarga terhadap Kedisiplinan
Peserta Didik, menganalisis pengaruh Budaya Religius Madrasah
terhadap Kedisiplinan Peserta Didik dan menganalisis pengaruh
kedua-duanya terhadap Kedisiplinan Peserta Didik serta menemukan
cara orang tua dan madrasah (guru) dalam membentuk Kedisiplinan
Peserta Didik Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Iman Sekincau.
Penelitian ini menggunakan Mix Method dan Sequential
Explanatory Design yaitu melakukan pengumpulan dan analisis data
kuantitatif pada tahap pertama, kemudian diikuti pengumpulan dan
analisis data kualitatif pada tahap berikutnya dengan angket,
wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pendidikan Islam
dalam Keluarga berpengaruh terhadap Kedisiplinan Peserta Didik
sebesar 38,6 % yang diperkuat dengan hasil wawancara dengan
beberapa wali peserta didik bahwa anak yang mendapatkan
pendidikan Islam yang baik sejak dini, maka anak senantiasa akan
berperilaku baik, disiplin tinggi, sopan dan santun serta tawakkal yang
baik, demikian pula sebaliknya. Sedangkan sisanya 61,4 % dipegaruhi
oleh factor lain (2) Budaya Religius Madrasah berpengaruh terhadap
Kedisiplinan Peserta Didik sebesar 21,3 % selaras dengan hasil
wawancara bersama beberapa guru dan observasi peneliti bahwa
peserta didik yang mentaati wujud-wujud budaya religius madrasah
akan senantiasa berperilaku baik dan berdisiplin tinggi. Sedangkan
sisanya 78,7 % dipegaruhi oleh factor lain. (3) Pendidikan Islam dan
Budaya Religius Madrasah berpengaruh secara bersama-sama
terhadap Kedisiplinan Peserta Didik sebesar 51,7 % dimana hal itu
ditunjukkan dengan kegiatan OSIM, Upacara bendera dan
penghargaan dari kepolisian. Sementara 48,3 % dipengaruhi oleh
factor lain. Sejalan dengan hasil tersebut cara orang tua dan madrasah
yang telah ditempuh dalam membentuk kedisiplinan yaitu melalui
pembiasaan, keteladanan dan kerjasama orang tua dan guru yang terus
dijalin meski belum maksimal.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diatas, peneliti merekomendasikan
kepada: (1) Orang tua peserta didik untuk menanamkan dan
membiasakan pendidikan Islam sejak dini dengan baik, (2) Guru dan
Kepala Madrasah agar senantiasa konsisten dalam memberikan
keteladanan khususnya pelaksanaan wujud budaya religius, dan (3)
Pengurus yayasan senantiasa memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap
para guru dalam bidang religius dan praktek keislaman.
Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Keluarga, Budaya
Religius Madrasah, Kedisiplinan Peserta Didik
A typical phenomenon in schools or madrasahs, particularly
Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Iman Sekincau in West Lampung, is a lack of
student discipline, a lack of Islamic education in the family, and a
religious environment in the madrasah that is not supportive.
These problems motivated the researcher to conduct careful research
with the goal of analyzing the effect of Islamic education in the family
on student discipline, the effect of madrasah religious culture on
student discipline, the effect of both factors on student discipline,
and finding ways for parents and madrasah (teachers) to work together
to shape the students' discipline of Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Iman
The researcher employed the Mix Method and Sequential
Explanatory Design to collect and analyze quantitative data in the first
stage, followed by qualitative data collection and analysis in the
second stage utilizing questionnaires, interviews, observations, and
The findings revealed that: (1) Islamic education in the family
affects students' discipline by 38.6%, which is supported by the
findings of interviews with several student guardians that
students who receive good Islamic education from an early age will
always behave well, have high discipline, be polite and courteous, and
have good reliance on God (tawakkal), and vice versa. The remaining
61.4% is impacted by other factors. (2) Madrasah religious culture has
a 21.3% impact on student discipline. This finding is consistent with
the findings of various teacher interviews and observations that
students who follow the forms of madrasah Islamic culture always
behave well and have excellent discipline. The remaining 78.7% is
impacted by other factors. (3) Islamic education and madrasah
religious culture impact students' discipline by 51.7%, as seen by
OSIM activities, flag ceremonies, and police awards. The remaining
48.3% is impacted by other factors. According to these findings, the
way parents and madrasah build discipline is through habituation,
exemplary behavior, and the cooperation of parents and teachers,
which is still in practice even if it is not yet optimal.
Based on the findings of the study, researchers recommend that:
(1) parents to properly instill and familiarize their children with
Islamic education at a young age, (2) teachers and madrasah
principals should always be consistent in providing examples,
particularly the implementation of religious culture, and (3)
foundation administrators should always pay special attention to
teachers in the field of religious and Islamic practices.
Keywords: Islamic Religious Education in the Family, Madrasah
Religious Culture, Student Discipline
ملخص البحث
جحدث الظىاهس الشائعت في املدازض العامت أواملدازض الدًييت، خاصت
املدزطت الثاهىيت هىز إلاًمان طيكيىتشى المبىهج الغسبي، جتعلق بعدم اهضباط
ا، والجى الدًني في املدازض
العالب، والتعليم إلاطالمي في العائالث ألاقل جعىز
الدًييت غير الداعم. وفقا للظىاهس الظابقت، قام الباحث بدزاطت جحليل جأجير
التربيت إلاطالميت في ألاطسة على اهضباط العالب ، و جأجير الثقافت الدًييت
للمدزطت على اهضباط العالب، وجحليل جأجير هما على اهضباط العالب وئًجاد
ظسق لا باو واملدزطين لاملعلمينف في جكىيً الاهضباط العالبي باملدزطت الثاهىيت
هىز إلاًمان طيكيىتشى.
اطتخدم الباحث ظسيقت الخلغ والتصميم التىضيحي املتظلظل، أي
جمع وجحليل البياهاث الكميت في املسحلت ألاولى، جم جمع وجحليل البياهاث الىىعيت
في املسحلت التاليت مً خالل ألاطاليب وهي الاطتبيان واملقابلت واملالحظت والتىجيق.
فىتائج الدزاطت
هي أن: ل1ف التربيت إلاطالميت في ألاطسة جأجس ث على
اهضباط العالب بيظبت 6.38 % و عصشجه هتائج املقابلت مع العدًد مً أولياو
أمىز العالب
أن التعليم إلاطالمي لألظفال مىر طً مبكسة ، طيحفص ألاظفال
بحظً التصسف، والاهضباط العالي، والاطتقالت الجيدة ، والعكع ذلك. و جأجسث
بيظبت 4.61 في املائت بعىامل أخسي ل2ف جأجسث الثقافت الدًييت باملدزطت على
اهضباط العالب بيظبت 3.21 في املائت بما جتماش ى مع هتائج املقابلت مع بعض
املعلمين ومالحظت
الباحث بأن العالب الرًً ًلتزمىن بها، طىف جتصسف الثقافت
ا بشكل جيد وطتكىن شدًدة الاهضباط.
الدًييت للمدزطت دائم والباقي، جتأجس
بيظبت 7.78 في املائت بعىامل أخسي. ل3ف جإجس التربيت إلاطالميت والثقافت الدًييت
باملدزطت بشكل مشترك على اهضباط العالب بيظبت 7.51 في املائت حيث ًظهس
ذلك مً خالل أوشعت OSIM ومساطم زفع العلم و جائصة الشسظت. بيىما ًتأجسون
3.48 في املائت بعىامل أخسي. وفقا ل
هره الىتائج ، فان العسيقت التي اجبعها لاباو
واملدازض في جكىيً الىظام هي مً خالل التعىيد والقدوة والتعاون بين لاباو
واملعلمين والتي ال جصال ميظىجت على السغم مً أنها ليظت مثاليت.
على هتائج البحث أعاله ، وص ي الباحث بما ًلي: ل
بىاو 1ف ًجب على
أولياو أمىز العالب الاهتمام بالجاهب املتعلق بالتربيت إلاطالميت مً طً مبكسة
بشكل جيد ، ل2ف البد للمعلمين وزؤطاو املدازض أن ًتىافق في جقدًم القدوة
وخاصت في جىفير الثقافت الدًييت، و ل3ف البد ل دازة املإطظت الاهتمام بالجاهب
الدًني وجعبيقاجه.
الكلمات املافايح : جسبيت دًييت ئطالميت في ألاطسة ،الثقافت الدًييت للمدازض
الدًييت ،اهضباط العال
Ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate isolated from kaempferia galanga inhibits inflammation by suppressing interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor-α, and angiogenesis by blocking endothelial functions
OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to investigate the mechanisms underlying the anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic effects of ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate isolated from Kaempferia galanga. METHODS: The anti-inflammatory effects of ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate were assessed using the cotton pellet granuloma assay in rats, whereby the levels of interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-α were measured in the animals' blood. In addition, the levels of interleukin, tumor necrosis factor, and nitric oxide were measured in vitro using the human macrophage cell line (U937). The analgesic effects of ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate were assessed by the tail flick assay in rats. The anti-angiogenic effects were evaluated first by the rat aortic ring assay and, subsequently, by assessing the inhibitory effects of ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate on vascular endothelial growth factor, proliferation, migration, and tube formation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. RESULTS: Ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate strongly inhibited granuloma tissue formation in rats. It prolonged the tail flick time in rats by more than two-fold compared with the control animals. The inhibition of interleukin and tumor necrosis factor by ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate was significant in both in vivo and in vitro models; however, only a moderate inhibition of nitric oxide was observed in macrophages. Furthermore, ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate considerably inhibited microvessel sprouting from the rat aorta. These mechanistic studies showed that ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate strongly inhibited the differentiation and migration of endothelial cells, which was further confirmed by the reduced level of vascular endothelial growth factor. CONCLUSION: Ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate exhibits significant anti-inflammatory potential by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines and angiogenesis, thus inhibiting the main functions of endothelial cells. Thus, ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate could be a promising therapeutic agent for the treatment of inflammatory and angiogenesis-related diseases
The antiinflammatory potential of phenolic compounds from Emblica officinalis L. in rat
Antiinflammatory effects of phenolic compounds from Emblica officinalis were evaluated in carrageenan and cotton pellet induced acute and chronic inflammatory animal model. Fractions of E. officinalis containing free (FPEO) and bounded (BPEO) phenolic compounds were assessed by HPLC technique. The free and bound phenolic compounds were studied for their acute and chronic antiinflammatory activity at dose level of 20 and 40 mg/kg. The carrageenan induced acute inflammation was assessed by measuring rat paw volume at different time of intervals. Further, cotton pellet induced chronic inflammation was assessed by granulomatous tissue mass estimation along with the estimation of tissue biomarker changes (i.e. lipid peroxidation, reduced glutathione, myeloperoxidase and plasma extravasation). The results indicated that in both acute and chronic inflammation, FPEO and BPEO show reduction in the inflammation, but significant effects was observed only at high doses of both fractions which was comparable to diclofenac treated group. In conclusion, phenolic compounds of E. officinalis may serve as potential herbal candidate for amelioration of acute and chronic inflammation due to their modulatory action of free radicals
Induction of apoptosis of human primary osteoclasts treated with extracts from the medicinal plant Emblica officinalis
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoclasts (OCs) are involved in rheumatoid arthritis and in several pathologies associated with bone loss. Recent results support the concept that some medicinal plants and derived natural products are of great interest for developing therapeutic strategies against bone disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. In this study we determined whether extracts of <it>Emblica officinalis </it>fruits display activity of possible interest for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis by activating programmed cell death of human primary osteoclasts.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The effects of extracts from <it>Emblica officinalis </it>on differentiation and survival of human primary OCs cultures obtained from peripheral blood were determined by tartrate-acid resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positivity and colorimetric MTT assay. The effects of <it>Emblica officinalis </it>extracts on induction of OCs apoptosis were studied using TUNEL and immunocytochemical analysis of FAS receptor expression. Finally, <it>in vitro </it>effects of <it>Emblica officinalis </it>extracts on NF-kB transcription factor activity were determined by gel shift experiments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Extracts of <it>Emblica officinalis </it>were able to induce programmed cell death of mature OCs, without altering, at the concentrations employed in our study, the process of osteoclastogenesis. <it>Emblica officinalis </it>increased the expression levels of Fas, a critical member of the apoptotic pathway. Gel shift experiments demonstrated that <it>Emblica officinalis </it>extracts act by interfering with NF-kB activity, a transcription factor involved in osteoclast biology. The data obtained demonstrate that <it>Emblica officinalis </it>extracts selectively compete with the binding of transcription factor NF-kB to its specific target DNA sequences. This effect might explain the observed effects of <it>Emblica officinalis </it>on the expression levels of interleukin-6, a NF-kB specific target gene.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Induction of apoptosis of osteoclasts could be an important strategy both in interfering with rheumatoid arthritis complications of the bone skeleton leading to joint destruction, and preventing and reducing osteoporosis. Accordingly, we suggest the application of <it>Emblica officinalis </it>extracts as an alternative tool for therapy applied to bone diseases.</p
Descriptive Analysis Of Context Evaluation Instrument For Technical Oral Presentation Skills Evaluation: A Case Study In English Technical Communication Course
This paper reports a pilot study of Context Evaluation using a self-developed questionnaire distributed among engineering undergraduates at a university under study. The study aims to validate the self-developed questionnaires used in the Context evaluation, a component in the CIPP Model. The Context evaluation assesses background information for needs, assets, problems and opportunities relevant to beneficiaries of the study in a defined environment. Through the questionnaire, background information for the assessment of needs, assets and problems related to the engineering undergraduates' perceptions on the teaching and learning of technical oral presentation skills was collected and analysed. The questionnaire was developed using 5-points Likert scale to measure the constructs under study. They were distributed to 100 respondents with 79 returned. The respondents consisted of engineering undergraduates studied at various faculties at one technical university in Malaysia. The descriptive analysis of data for each item which makes up the construct for Context evaluation is found to be high. This implied that engineering undergraduates showed high interest in teaching and learning of technical oral presentation skills, thus their needs are met. Also, they agreed that assets and facilities are conducive to their learning. In conclusion, the context evaluation involving needs and assets factors are both considerably important; their needs are met and the assets and facilities do support their technical oral presentation skills learning experience
Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite powder
Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (HA) powder was synthesized by a simple heating
process involving simple chemical reaction. The characterization of the produced powder showed
that the powder is nanosize with particle in the range of 30-70 mm in diameter and almost evenly
spherical in shape. The powder also has a high surface area of 43.16 m2/g. Field Emission Scanning
Electron Microscopy (FESEM) observation showed the crystallite and particle size become bigger
with an increment of calcination temperature, indicating increasing of crystallinity. FESEM
observation showed the particle size become bigger with an increment of calcinations temperature.
It is in agreement with the crystallite size analysis, obtained by Scherer’s formula and particle size
analysis, measured by Nano-Sizer. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infra Red
Spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses exhibited the same result, where HA phase was clearly observed at at
various temperatures up to 600˚C. However, at temperature more than 600˚C, Tri calcium
phosphate (TCP) phase appeared suppressing the HA phase, producing biphasic calcium phosphate