40 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Genetic Variations in Maize Seedlings Exposed to Electric Field Based on Protein and DNA Markers

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    The current study analyzed proteins and nuclear DNA of electric fields (ELF) exposed and nonexposed maize seedlings for different exposure periods using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), isozymes, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and comet assay, respectively. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed total of 46 polypeptides bands with different molecular weights ranging from 186.20 to 36.00 KDa. It generated distinctive polymorphism value of 84.62%. Leucine-aminopeptidase, peroxidase, and catalase isozymes showed the highest values of polymorphism (100%) based on zymograms number, relative front (Rf), and optical intensity while esterase isozyme generated polymorphism value of 83.33%. Amino acids were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography, which revealed the presence of 17 amino acids of variable contents ranging from 22.65% to 28.09%. RAPD revealed that 78 amplified DNA products had highly polymorphism value (95.08%) based on band numbers, with variable sizes ranging from 120 to 992 base pairs and band intensity. Comet assay recorded the highest extent of nuclear DNA damage as percentage of tailed DNA (2.38%) and tail moment unit (5.36) at ELF exposure of maize nuclei for 5 days. The current study concluded that the longer ELF exposing periods had genotoxic stress on macromolecules of maize cells and biomarkers used should be augmented for reliable estimates of genotoxicity after exposure of economic plants to ELF stressors

    Preparation, characterization of silver phyto nanoparticles and their impact on growth potential of Lupinus termis L. seedlings

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    The current study reports rapid and easy method for synthesis of eco-friendly silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using Coriandrum sativum leaves extract as a reducing and covering agent. The bio-reductive synthesis of AgNPs was monitored using a scanning double beam UV-vis spectrophotometer. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to characterize the morphology of AgNPs obtained from plant extracts. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of AgNPs indicate that the structure of AgNPs is the face centered cubic structure of metallic silver. The surface morphology and topography of the AgNPs were examined by scanning electron microscopy and the energy dispersive spectrum revealed the presence of elemental silver in the sample. The silver phyto nanoparticles were collected from plant extract and tested growth potential and metabolic pattern in (Lupinus termis L.) seedlings upon exposure to different concentrations of AgNPs. The seedlings were exposed to various concentrations of (0, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 mg L−1) AgNPs for ten days. Significant reduction in shoot and root elongation, shoot and root fresh weights, total chlorophyll and total protein contents were observed under the higher concentrations of AgNPs. Exposure to 0.5 mg L−1 of AgNPs decreased sugar contents and caused significant foliar proline accumulation which considered as an indicator of the stressful effect of AgNPs on seedlings. AgNPs exposure resulted in a dose dependent decrease in different growth parameters and also caused metabolic disorders as evidenced by decreased carbohydrates and protein contents. Further studies needed to find out the efficacy, longevity and toxicity of AgNPs toward photosynthetic system and antioxidant parameters to improve the current investigation

    Physiological parameters correlated with Tomato Mosaic Virus inducing defensive response in

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    Programed cell death resembles a real nature active defense in Datura metel against TMV after three days of virus infection. This adaptive plant immune response was quantitatively assessed against Tomato Mosaic Virus infection by the following physiological markers; Chlorophyll-a (mg/g), Chlorophyll-b (mg/g), total protein (mg/g), hydrogen peroxide H2O2 (μmol/100 mg), DNA (μg/100 mg), RNA (μg/100 mg), Salicylic acid (μg/g), and Comet Assays. Parameters were assessed for asymptomatic healthy and symptomatic infected detached leaves. The results indicated H2O2 and Chlorophyll-a as the most potential parameters. Chlorophyll-a was considered the only significant predictor variant for the H2O2 dependent variant with a P value of 0.001 and R-square of 0.900. The plant immune response was measured within three days of virus infection using the cutoff value of H2O2 (⩽1.095 μmol/100 mg) and (⩽3.201 units) for the tail moment in the Comet Assay. Their percentage changes were 255.12% and 522.40% respectively which reflects the stress of virus infection in the plant. Moreover, H2O2 showed 100% specificity and sensitivity in the symptomatic infected group using the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC). All tested parameters in the symptomatic infected group had significant correlations with twenty-five positive and thirty-one negative correlations where the P value was <0.05 and 0.01. Chlorophyll-a parameter had a crucial role of highly significant correlation between total protein and salicylic acid. Contrarily, this correlation with tail moment unit was (r = −0.930, P < 0.01) where the P value was <0.01. The strongest significant negative correlation was between Chlorophyll-a and H2O2 at P < 0.01, while moderate negative significant correlation was seen for Chlorophyll-b where the P value < 0.05. The present study discloses the secret of the three days of rapid transient production of activated oxygen species (AOS) that was enough for having potential quantitative physiological parameters for defensive plant response toward the virus

    Identification of bioactive phytochemical from two Punica species using GC–MS and estimation of antioxidant activity of seed extracts

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    Punica species are medicinally important plants belonging to the family Lythraceae. The pomegranate is widely reported to exhibit antiviral, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-proliferative activities. In the present study the ethanolic extract of the peel seeds of two species of Punica (Punica granatum and Punica protopunica) were subjected to GC–MS analysis. Twenty-one and 14 compounds were identified in P. granatum and P. protopunica peel seeds, respectively. The main chemical constituents in P. granatum-peel seeds were propanoic acid, benzenedicarboxylic acid, methoxypropionic acid and methyl amine. The corresponding constituents of P. protopunica peel seeds were benzenedicarboxylic acid, benzoic acid and propanoic acid. Moreover, the antioxidant effects of the aqueous ethanolic extracts were estimated in vitro. The two tested extracts contained significantly different phenolic and total flavonoid contents in P. granatum than in P. protopunica. Different in vitro methods of antioxidant activity determination produced varying results. In malondialdehyde (MDA), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) scavenging and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assays, the two peel seed extracts exhibited very high antioxidant activities, with higher activity observed for the P. granatum extract. Keywords: Punica species, GC–MS analysis, Bioactive compounds, Antioxidant

    AIoT-Based Smart Bin for Real-Time Monitoring and Management of Solid Waste

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    In the current time, the immense growth in population creates unhygienic environment for the citizen of a society with respect to waste generation. This rapid generation of waste leads to various infectious diseases in the environment. As followed by the traditional municipal system, in our surroundings, we can see over flooding of solid waste in the garbage bins. Solid waste management is a pivotal aspect in traditional systems and it is becoming dangerous in most populated areas. Arduous labor works and costs are required to manage and monitor garbage bins in real time. To maintain the cleanliness of a city and for real-time monitoring of trash bins, a smart bin mechanism (SBM) for smart cities is proposed in this paper, which is based on Artificial Intelligent of Things (AIoT). The SBM works on the 3R concept, that is, Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse. The SBM has the access to get real-time information about each bin and avoid overloading of these bins. The proposed framework reduces the labor cost and saves time and energy of the system. It also reduces the rate of disease infections by keeping the cities clean. Fuzzy logic is used for decision-making in selecting appropriate locations in the cities to install trash bins. The framework is implemented in the multiagent modeling environment, that is, NetLogo

    CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Genome Editing of Soluble Starch Synthesis Enzyme in Rice for Low Glycemic Index

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    In the present study, the selected rice (Oryza sativa cv. indica) was genetically modified to increase the amylose content in the seeds. The ‘CRISPR-Cas9’ genome-editing tool was used to knock out three isoforms of soluble starch synthase (SSS) viz. SSSII-1, SSSII-2 and SSSII-3. A genetic transformation vector designed with appropriate gRNAs, Cas9, and antibiotic resistance was used to create SSS knockout mutants to enrich the content of amylose. Putative rice mutants were developed with high amylose content in the seeds of up to 63% as compared to 23% in the wild types (control). Rice with a low Glycemic Index (GI) value and high amylose content rice is preferred to avoid a sudden rise in glucose in the bloodstream. The frequencies of bi-allelic or homozygous transgenic lines of SSSII-1, SSSII-2, and SSSII-3 in the first generation were tested via the Mendelian fashion of segregated bi-allelic lines in the T1 generation of the putative rice mutants. The T1 generation segregation showed a frame-shift mutation. A molecular characterization of the putative mutants successfully demonstrated the development of a Cas9-free rice mutant with a higher amount of amylose in the rice

    Alleviation of cadmium stress in Solanum lycopersicum L. by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi via induction of acquired systemic tolerance

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    Abstract Experiments were conducted to evaluate cadmium (Cd) stress-induced changes in growth, antioxidants and lipid composition of Solanum lycopersicum with and without arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Cadmium stress (50 lM) caused significant changes in the growth and physio-biochemical attributes studied. AMF mitigated the deleterious impact of Cd on the parameters studied. Cadmium stress increased malonaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide production but AMF reduced these parameters by mitigating oxidative stress. The activity of antioxidant enzymes enhanced under Cd treatment and AMF inoculation further enhanced their activity, thus strengthening the plant&apos;s defense system. Proline and phenol content increased in Cd-treated as well as AMF-inoculated plants providing efficient protection against Cd stress. Cadmium treatment resulted in great alterations in the main lipid classes leading to a marked change in their composition. Cadmium stress caused a significant reduction in polyunsaturated fatty acids resulting in enhanced membrane leakage. The present study supports the use of AMF as a biological means to ameliorate Cd stress-induced changes in tomato

    Alleviation of cadmium stress in Solanum lycopersicum L. by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi via induction of acquired systemic tolerance

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    AbstractExperiments were conducted to evaluate cadmium (Cd) stress-induced changes in growth, antioxidants and lipid composition of Solanum lycopersicum with and without arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Cadmium stress (50μM) caused significant changes in the growth and physio-biochemical attributes studied. AMF mitigated the deleterious impact of Cd on the parameters studied. Cadmium stress increased malonaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide production but AMF reduced these parameters by mitigating oxidative stress. The activity of antioxidant enzymes enhanced under Cd treatment and AMF inoculation further enhanced their activity, thus strengthening the plant’s defense system. Proline and phenol content increased in Cd-treated as well as AMF-inoculated plants providing efficient protection against Cd stress. Cadmium treatment resulted in great alterations in the main lipid classes leading to a marked change in their composition. Cadmium stress caused a significant reduction in polyunsaturated fatty acids resulting in enhanced membrane leakage. The present study supports the use of AMF as a biological means to ameliorate Cd stress-induced changes in tomato

    Balanced Use of Zn, Cu, Fe, and B Improves the Yield and Sucrose Contents of Sugarcane Juice Cultivated in Sandy Clay Loam Soil

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    Balanced use of micronutrients in soils is essential for optimized nutrient use efficiency, environmental conservation and long-term sustainability of agro-ecological systems. As a result, maintaining correct micronutrient levels in the soil is essential not only to meet plant needs and maintain agricultural productivity but also to avoid nutrient build-up. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of micronutrient application on the yield and sucrose content expressed as the polarization of sugar cane juice (POL%) under field conditions. There were seven treatments, viz. T0 = No micronutrient application (control); T1 = ZnSO4 at the rate of 30 kg ha&minus;1; T2 = CuSO4 at the rate of 10 kg ha&minus;1; T3 = FeSO4 at the rate of 30 kg ha&minus;1; T4 = borax at the rate of 2 kg ha&minus;1; T5 = half dose of ZnSO4, CuSO4, FeSO4 and borax at the rate of 15, 5, 15 and 1 kg ha&minus;1 and T6 = full dose of ZnSO4, CuSO4, FeSO4 and borax at the rate of 30, 10, 30 and 2 kg ha&minus;1, arranged in randomized complete block design in triplicate. With the application of ZnSO4 at 30 kg ha&minus;1 along with recommended doses of NPK, 30% more income was generated as compared with the control. Fist plant and ratoon crop yields were 19.08% and 22.03% higher, respectively, than in the control. Similarly, Zn application resulted in 5.91% and 8.64% greater sucrose contents (POL%) in plant and ratoon crops, respectively, when compared with the control. The application of ZnSO4 at the rate of 30 kg ha&minus;1 along with recommended doses of NPK had a significant impact on the yield and sucrose contents of sugarcane

    Precision Nitrogen Management in Bt Cotton (<i>Gossypium hirsutum</i>) Improves Seed Cotton Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency, and Reduces Nitrous Oxide Emissions

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    Field experiments were conducted to establish precision N management technology for nitrogen (N) topdressings in Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) along with the quantification of nitrous oxide emissions from the soil. The treatments consisted of five fixed N rates (0, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg N ha−1 applied in two split doses) and eight site-specific N management (SSNM) treatments of applying different N rates at 40 days after sowing (DAS) and the application of leaf colour chart (LCC)-guided 30, 45 or 60 kg N ha−1 at 55 DAS only in four treatments and at both 55 and 85 DAS (first flowering and boll formation stages) in the remaining four treatments. A higher R2 value between the total N uptake and the leaf N concentration at 85 DAS than at 55 DAS strongly suggested that fertilizer N management based on leaf N concentration measured in terms of LCC scores led to an adequate total N uptake resulting in a respectable yield. Topdressings of 45 to 60 kg N ha−1 at 40 DAS and an LCC-based application at 55 DAS produced seed cotton yields on a par with the addition of 150 kg N ha−1 based on a soil test basis along with an improved recovery and agronomic efficiency use, and remarkably lowered the nitrous oxide emissions as estimated using the CCAFS (Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security)-Mitigation Option Tool