101 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine how the effects of inflation and exchange rate against ujrah, musyarakah, mutanaqisah PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk Branch Pematang Siantar. This research is a field research using quantitative and qualitative approaches. The data used are secondary data, ie., data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency report, Report of Bank Indonesia, and the financial statements of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk Branch Pematang Siantar. The data were processed using SPSS 16. The analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the inflation and the exchange rate (the independent variable) affects ujrah in Musharakah financing mutanaqisah (dependent variable). The independent variables in this study could explain the change by 3.4% and the rest (96.6%) is explained by other variables beyond the variables used. Partially, the level of significant 5% and t table of 2034, inflation and exchange rate does not significantly affect the Musharakah financing ujrah mutanaqisah. This is demonstrated by the t value inflation of 0. 489 and texchange rate of 0899

    Performance Quality Management in an Islamic Perspective: Literature Study and Responses of Economists

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    One problem that arises in the management of sharia institutions is that the quality management model used is the same as the quality management of conventional institutions in general. Therefore we need innovation in quality management. Implementing Sharia quality management in Islamic institutions is expected to improve the performance and quality of institutions. This study aims to obtain a cycle of implementing a sharia-based performance quality management system, analyze research maps related to performance quality management in an Islamic perspective in Indonesia in a qualitatively descriptive manner in the last two years, and analyze the response of Islamic Economics academics to performance quality management in an Islamic perspective. Using qualitative research with content analysis and focus discussion groups with economists, 16 articles were published in journals from 2021 to 2022. This study found that the PDCA cycle was developed into eight steps for implementing performance quality management in an Islamic perspective with six orientations: worship orientation, internal process orientation, learning orientation, talent orientation, customer orientation, and wealth orientation

    Main Model of Kurt Lewin's Change Management Based on Al-Quran Perspective

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    At this time change is very essential and demanded in the world of organizations or companies. The main model of change management introduced by Kurt Lewin is something that must be explored again, in which he introduces a three-stage model which includes: Unfreeze-Change-Freeze. Companies can use this model as a reference and can be relied upon as an organization's success in transforming today. Therefore, a change management model introduced by Kurt Lewin is needed which is correlated based on the perspective of the Koran with the aim of this study so that new values are built both from the theoretical side put forward which is based on scientific studies and the religious side of the leadership style/model of change in organization. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach. This research was obtained using secondary methods and this research is based on literature from various kinds of literature books and scientific journals that strengthen the discussion of this research

    Penerapan Manajemen Perubahan sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Konsep Diri dalam Komunikasi Internasional Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

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    The ability to communicate effectively is highly demanded in the students of the leading nation's leaders & intellectuals. But some students that some of them have difficulty in communicating interpersonal, such as talking in class, talking to lecturers, and speaking in a campus organization environment. They have anxiety and fears while interacting with others. As a result, they more with ideas, feelings and thoughts, avoiding interaction or meet others. Therefore, the author aims to provide solutions for students with the application of change management as an effort to improve self-concept in student interpersonal communication. The data set is done by using the literature study, the theoretical study, references and other scientific literature related to culture, value and norms that develop in the social situation are studied. From the reference books obtained how to solve the problem based on theories and the formulas that have been tested and recognized in general

    Change Management in Improving Organizational Quality

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    Change is a life phenomenon and cannot be avoided by humans, change exists so that we live better. Organizations must experience change because of the desire for organizational growth to occur. So that the organization or company is expected that what is cultivated or managed can continue to grow and develop. Thissstudyyaims to determine how change management in improving the quality of the organization. The method used in this research is the literature study method, namely the method of data collection directed at searching for data and information through documents, theoretical studies, references, collections of articles, journals and books from all forms of sources related to the subject matter. The results of this study indicate that organizations need to implement change management through change management to increase organizational effectiveness and without being managed properly, change will not achieve the expected result

    Manajemen Perubahan dan Implementasi dalam Proyek Sistem Informasi

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    Pengenalan atau penggantian sistem informasi dan organisasi dampak perilaku sangat rumit. Perubahan dalam cara informasi didefinisikan, diakses,dan digunakan untuk mengelola sumber daya organisasi sering menghasilkan pembagian kekuasaan dan yang baru kekuatan. Kondisi ini biasanya disebabkan oleh kesalahan dalam mengelola fase transisi. A proses perubahan dan implementasi memiliki dampak psikologis pada mereka yang terkena dampaknya perubahan (internal), dimana jika perubahan itu benar-benar terjadi, akan menimbulkan dampak situasional bagi orang lain yang terkait dengan organisasi. Kontrol faktor risiko proyek untuk sampai batas tertentu dengan pendekatan untuk berjaga-jaga. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep terintegrasi manajemen proyek dengan pendekatan solusi total yaitu awareness, alignment, tindakan, adopsi, jaminan. Pendekatan solusi total ini melalui empat tahapan penting, yaitu penentuan fase diagnostik, mendesain ulang organisasi, transformasi organisasi dan peningkatan berkelanjutan dengan diagram membantu Delta Matriks. Keseluruhan desain sistem informasi dan proses implementasi harus dikelola sebagai perubahan organisasi yang terencana. Desain sosial dan teknis bertujuan untuk memperoleh kombinasi optimal dari solusi desain untuk sosial dan teknis. Kunci keberhasilan dari perubahan manajemen dan implementasi juga sangat bergantung pada perusahaan komitmen, keterampilan komunikasi, fokus pada penerapan perubahan dan tidak mau diganggu dengan hal lain, dan memanfaatkan sumber daya manusia untuk dapat melaksanakan proses perubahan dan implementasi.                                                                 &nbsp

    Analisis Perubahan Struktur Organisasi dan Penerapan Upah Lembur terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus pada Kantor Dinas DPMPTSP provinsi Sumatera Utara)

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     An agency that serves investors or which oversees all companies that want to build a business in an area. The purpose of this study is to find out how employees respond and company performance when there are company policies and implementations related to changes in organizational structure that are carried out every month, as well as giving salaries when employees work overtime, while the method used is qualitative including interviews, opinions and opinions from the employee

    Analisis Dampak Covid-19 terhaap Perubahan Perilaku Konsumen pada Keputusan Pembeli secara Online (Studi Kasus: Masyarakat Kota Medan Penggunaan Layanan Shopee)

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    The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing people to work at home due to government policies to stay at home, including shopping. This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the causes of changes in consumer behavior in the people of Medan City during Covid-19. The approach in this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data analysis techniques carried out through the process of interviews, observations and literature studies. The population used in this study are people who often shop using shopee and the sample is the people of Medan city aged 18-40 years who often use shopee. The results of this study indicate that changes in consumer behavior towards purchasing decisions occur due to several factors, namely: Individuals, lifestyle, and convenience that is the cause of this happening. The community admits that the many conveniences provided by shopee in purchasing are the main attraction for the community, as well as new habits that occur during this pandemic such as the policy to stay at home and use the internet to meet daily needs, such as a trend during this pandemic

    Penerapan Manajamen Perubahan terhadap Penguatan Teknologi Pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Studi Kasus SMP Negeri 17 Medan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Penerapan Manajemen Perubahan Terhadap Penguatan Teknologi Pendidikan Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (Smp) Studi Kasus Smp Negeri 17 Medan. Peneliti memilih jenis penelitian kualitatif. Untuk mendapatkan data penulis melakukan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan keabsahan data yaitu triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini meliputi: (1). Pelaksana sistem informasi manajemen di SMP Negeri 17 Medan telah diimplementasikan dengan baik dimana menggunakan aplikasi pengelolaan data yaitu dapodik dan teknologi informasi dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran penyelenggaraan layanan pendidikan dengan memfasilitasi praktik pembelajaran menggunakan infrastruktur teknologi, seperti fasilitas pembelajaran oleh mengintegrasikan komputer dengan wifi. (2). Pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran  yaitu sebelum melaksanakan proses pembelajaran harus melalui tiga tahapan yaitu, pertama, tahap perencanaan

    Urgensi Manajemen Transformasi Bagi Perseorang dan Institusi

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    Transformation is an absolute thing that cannot be avoided by anyone because transformation is certain and will occur. The policy of transformation itself such as: transformation in behavior, value systems, procedures, ways of working, facilities and infrastructure used, mindset, and behavior. Humans are also required to be able to adjust the situation to the transformation and the transformation policy itself. Change management is an activity that is oriented to make transformation in a person, institution and association of institutions (organizations) for the future in order to achieve something desired. The frame of mind used is a variety of empirical research.This variety of scientific writing is to solve problems by combining data, working on data, then analyzing and interpreting to subsequently get a conclusion. This writing is included in literature studies with the type of data collected in the form of research results from various articles, library sources and documents in accordance with the theme. With the results of transformation management is something that must be realized by a person or institution in order to improve the quality and quantity of a person or institution to be even better in the future. By minimizing or minimizing interference from outside and being able to adapt effectively and efficiently both inside and outside the environment. Without tarsnformation, a person or institution will not be able to surviv
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