3 research outputs found

    Hepatoprotective Action of Phytopreparation from Limonium Gmelinii

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    Effects of phytopreparation from a plant of Limonium gmelinii were studied on livers of white breedless rats at chronic impact of cadmium sulfate and carbon tetrachloride. It was established the administration of cadmium sulfate during six months caused chronic hepatitis, while the simultaneous administration of preparation from Limonium gmelinii and cadmium sulfate did not result of destructive changes in a liver. Chronic intoxication of the animals by carbon tetrachloride during six months caused progressive postnecrotic cirrhosis. The simultaneous administration of phytopreparation and carbon tetrachloride caused postnecrotic fibrosis in the central part of hepatic lobule only. Not only dystrophic and necrobiotic processes also numerous inflammatory cell infiltrates were observed in hepatic parenchyma of animals which were treated by cadmium sulfate and carbon tetrachloride, while it was not observed at animals which were medicated with phytopreparation. Thus, on the basis of the data was concluded about hepatoprotective action of phytopreparation from Limonium gmelinii


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    logic conditions. When excess ROS are present within the cell, this oxidative stress may have profound deleterious effects on the cell, including the direct oxidation of biomolecules (e.g., lipid, protein, and DNA), indirect alteration in cellular structures and functions, and the induction of cell death. The brain is one of the organs especially vulnerable to the effects of ROS because of its high oxygen demand and abundance of peroxidation-susceptible lipid cells. However, there are numerous data indicating that plant polyphenols are able to reduce oxidative stress and inflammatory processes associated with brain damage. As it was shown in previous studies, the extract of polyphenols isolated from the roots of Limonium gmelinii (a plant widespread on the territory of Kazakhstan) has a number of therapeutic properties. Here we investigated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of polyphenols extract from L.gmelinii in astrocytes and cerebral endothelial cells (CECs) in vitro. Methods: Human primary astrocytes and mouse bEnd3 line of CECs were pre-treated with polyphenol extract of L.gmelinii followed by incubation in tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) or H2O2. The level of ROS generation, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase activation, P-selectin expression, and activity of extracellular signal–regulated kinases 1/2(ERK1/2) were evaluated by quantitative immunofluorescence analysis, confocal microscopy and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) assay. Results: It was shown that the extract of the L.gmelinii at a dosage of 30 μg/ml does not have a cytotoxic effect. Moreover, it neutralizes the toxic effect of TNF-α by blocking the formation of ROS in astrocytes, interfering with the activation of NADPH oxidase in astrocytes, mobilization of P-selectin on the surface of bEnd3 cells, and inhibiting the activity of protein kinase ERK1/2. Conclusion: It can be concluded that polyphenols extract from L.gmelinii has an antioxidant properties, neutralizes TNF-α-induced inflammatory processes in the brain cells and could be utilized for further in vivo examination


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    Introduction: There is a number of data indicating that plant polyphenols can provide protection against neurodegenerative changes associated with cerebral ischemia. On the other hand, it has been shown that application of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) resulted in an improved functional recovery in animal models of cerebral ischemia and stroke by modulating the inflammatory response, and stimulating endogenous neurogenesis and angiogenesis. Thus, we hypothesized that neuroregenerative potential of mesenchymal stem cell therapy could be significantly improved if applied in combination with plant polyphenols. We applied extract of Limonium Gmelinii (a plant widespread in Kazakhstan) as a source of plant polyphenols. Methods: 25 female Wistar rats were used in this study (weight 280-300g). Ischemic stroke was induced in 20 animals by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCAO); 15 animals received either Limonium Gmelini, or BM-MSCs, and both; untreated and intact animals served as controls. The day before the induction of stroke, the next day, on the 14th and 28th days after MCAO the sensorimotor functions of the animals were evaluated. Before transplantation, BM-MSCs were transfected with lentiviral particles. Results: The distribution of the transfected MSCs inside the body of laboratory animal with MCAO was shown to be different from the distribution of MSCs inside the body of intact rats (control group). In control rats all the MSCs were localized in visceral organs, while in rats with surgically induced MCAO some amount of cells was found in the brains. Daily treatment of rat with 200 mg/kg of Limonium Gmelinii extract for 28 days or single transplantation of MSC (5x10e6 cells) showed partial restoration of the locomotor function of the animals while combined therapy with Limonium Gmelinii and MSCs completely restores it by 28th day. Conclusion: Combined therapy with extract of Limonium Gmelinii and mesenchymal stem cells is a more effective approach in comparison to monotherapy