1,455 research outputs found

    ARC Strategy-Paving the Way from Agrarian Reform to Poverty Reduction

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    Assessing the Impact of Agrarian Reform and the ARC Strategy on Poverty Using Census, National Housing Surveys, and ARC Data

    A preliminary report on the Rural Neighbourhood Development Project in Tuen Mun and Yuen Long : implementation and achievement

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    With funding support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies (APIAS) of Lingnan University collaborated with Tuen Tsz Wai San Hing Tsuen Tsing Chuen Wai Rural Community Service Centre of Yan Oi Tong and Ngau Tam Mei Community Development Project of the Salvation Army to launch the first batch of professional support team-led (PST) district-based programme: Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Rural Neighbourhood Development Project (the programme) in April 2018. The programme provided training to residents in Tuen Mun and Yuen Long rural areas to be Rural Befrienders, they were well-equipped with skills to regularly visit older persons residing in nearby areas, raise awareness among the older persons about home safety and fall prevention, and foster connection between the older persons and Rural Befrienders as well as their neighbourship by establishing a support network in rural areas. The programme also invited an occupational therapist to do home assessments and make changes to the older persons’ living environment in order to achieve the long-term goal of ageing in place. Ageing in place is considered to be a critical global approach to caring for older persons. The framework promotes an agenda that support older persons to live in a familiar environment and enjoy added autonomy, which is beneficial to their physical and mental health. Hong Kong Government has also embraced the concept of ageing in place in the elderly care policy. Accordingly, the government recently initiated different programmes for Community Care and Support Services to facilitate ageing in place by engaging older persons in their communities. However, the current social environment can barely keep pace with the needs of the rapidly ageing population. According to the results of the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project baseline assessment conducted in Tuen Mun and Yuen Long Districts, older persons in rural Hong Kong tend to be overly disadvantaged as regards community support services when compared with those in urban areas, leaving many of them with no choice but to settle in elderly homes once having mobility decline. Given this context, the programme generated social capital by consolidating the mutual support network in rural neighbourhoods in Tuen Mun and Yuen Long Districts, in response to the needs of older persons. The programme lasted for over 10 months, and more than 50 trained Rural Befrienders participated in volunteer service with over 100 elderly beneficiaries. The programme enhanced public awareness of the living conditions of older persons in the rural communities through public education activities, such as street exhibitions and the production of Age-friendly City Teaching Kit. Study Funded ByThe Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust(Part of the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project) Contributors of ReportKa Ho MOKWai Tak SZECheuk Man LEUNGZhuoyi WENPadmore Adusei AMOAHChak Kwan CHANLai Wah L

    Training for success: A guide for peer trainers

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    [Excerpt] Training for Success: A Guide for Peer Trainers is a guide to help villagers, like you, teach others to operate a business like the one you operate. It was developed as part of the ILO project Alleviating Poverty through Peer Training (APPT). The project was designed to reduce poverty among people with disabilities in Cambodia by using village-based peer trainers to teach others. The purpose of this guide is to teach you, a possible peer trainer, how to teach others to replicate your business! The APPT project helped more than 950 people, mostly with disabilities, start businesses over a fi ve-year period. More than 200 peer trainers were involved. Many of the peer trainers also had disabilities. And, since the project paid special attention to women, most of the trainers and trainees were women, some with disabilities, some without. This guide was developed to help train peer trainers and is based on years of ILO experience. It was field-tested as part of a series of workshops for peer trainers conducted by the APPT project in the provinces of Siem Reap, Kompong Thom and Pursat in 2007. Training for Success: A Guide for Peer Trainers will be used by people like yourself who are already peer trainers or who want to start training others. Ideally, it should be used as part of a workshop that teaches you how to be a peer trainer

    Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action plan : Islands

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    In response to the global ageing population, the World Health Organization (the “WHO”) devised the concept of “Global Age-friendly Cities” in 2005 to encourage cities all around the world to develop a healthy and comfortable living environment with age-friendly facilities and provide sufficient community support and health care services which benefit the older people, family and society. In order to proactively tackle the challenges of an ageing population and promote the concept of an age-friendly city, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust launched the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project (“Project”) in 2015 in partnership with four gerontology research institutes of local universities, including CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, Sau Po Centre on Ageing of the University of Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University (“LU APIAS”), and Institute of Active Ageing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The four institutes have formed professional teams under this project to support eighteen districts in Hong Kong to adopt a bottom-up and district-based approach to develop age-friendly communities. Under the Project, LU APIAS conducted a baseline assessment, which comprised questionnaire surveys, focus group interviews and field observation from July 2015 to February 2016 in order to provide relevant information to the Islands District Council and other district stakeholders on the existing age-friendliness of the Islands District, Hong Kong (“District”). Senior residents in the District have also been recruited as ambassadors to spread the messages of age-friendly city. Training workshops and seminars have been arranged to equip them with necessary skills and knowledge to perform qualitative research by making assessment in the District with reference to the eight domains of the “Age-friendly City”. Meanwhile, the residents are encouraged to express their views regarding age-friendly facilities and measures in the community. LU APIAS has compiled the results of baseline assessment, including questionnaire surveys, focus groups and observations by the ambassadors, into a baseline assessment report. The report, together with this action plan for improving the age-friendliness of the District, will be submitted to WHO for joining its Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities

    Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action plan : Tuen Mun

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    In response to the global ageing population, the World Health Organization (the “WHO”) devised the concept of “Global Age-friendly Cities” in 2005 to encourage cities all around the world to develop a healthy and comfortable living environment with age-friendly facilities and provide sufficient community support and health care services which benefit the older people, family and society. In order to proactively tackle the challenges of an ageing population and promote the concept of an age-friendly city, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust launched the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project (“Project”) in 2015 in partnership with four gerontology research institutes of local universities, including CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, Sau Po Centre on Ageing of the University of Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University (“LU APIAS”), and Institute of Active Ageing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The four institutes have formed professional teams under this project to support eighteen districts in Hong Kong to adopt a bottom-up and district-based approach to develop age-friendly communities. Under the Project, LU APIAS conducted a baseline assessment, which comprised questionnaire surveys, focus group interviews and field observation from May to September 2017 in order to provide relevant information to the Tuen Mun District Council and other district stakeholders on the existing age-friendliness of Tuen Mun District, Hong Kong (“District”). Senior residents in the District have also been recruited as ambassadors to spread the messages of age-friendly city. Training workshops and seminars have been arranged to equip them with necessary skills and knowledge to perform qualitative research by making assessment in the District with reference to the eight domains of the “Age-friendly City”. Meanwhile, residents have been encouraged to express their views regarding age-friendly facilities and measures in the community. LU APIAS has compiled the results of baseline assessment, including questionnaire surveys, focus groups and observations by the ambassadors, into a baseline assessment report. The report, together with this action plan for enhancing the age-friendliness of the District, will be submitted to WHO for joining its Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities

    Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action plan : Yuen Long

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    In response to the global ageing population, the World Health Organization (the “WHO”) devised the concept of “Global Age-friendly Cities” in 2005 to encourage cities all around the world to develop a healthy and comfortable living environment with age-friendly facilities and provide sufficient community support and health care services which benefit the older people, family and society. In order to proactively tackle the challenges of an ageing population and promote the concept of an age-friendly city, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust launched the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project (“Project”) in 2015 in partnership with four gerontology research institutes of local universities, including CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, Sau Po Centre on Ageing of the University of Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University (“LU APIAS”), and Institute of Active Ageing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The four institutes have formed professional teams under this project to support eighteen districts in Hong Kong to adopt a bottom-up and district-based approach to develop age-friendly communities. Under the Project, LU APIAS conducted a baseline assessment, which comprised questionnaire surveys, focus group interviews and field observation from May to September 2017 in order to provide relevant information to the Yuen Long District Council and other district stakeholders on the existing age-friendliness of Yuen Long District, Hong Kong (“District”). Senior residents in the District have also been recruited as ambassadors to spread the messages of age-friendly city. Training workshops and seminars have been arranged to equip them with necessary skills and knowledge to perform qualitative research by making assessment in the District with reference to the eight domains of the “Age-friendly City”. Meanwhile, residents have been encouraged to express their views regarding age-friendly facilities and measures in the community. LU APIAS has compiled the results of baseline assessment, including questionnaire surveys, focus groups and observations by the ambassadors, into a baseline assessment report. The report, together with this action plan for enhancing the age-friendliness of the District, will be submitted to WHO for joining its Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities

    Navigating Out of the Crisis: A Trade-led Recovery-A Practical Guide for Policymakers in Asia and the Pacific

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    The current economic and financial crisis is an unprecedented challenge for policymakers of the Asia-Pacific region. While the region's policymakers have gained considerable experience in responding to national or regional financial crises, they have less expertise in addressing a crisis that originated in the financial sector and then reverberated throughout the real economy. Governments in the region may benefit from considering other countries' experiences in how to react to sharp reductions in trade, employment and production. In addition, as this crisis has spread globally, the solution will have to be based on a global and coordinated response to limit long-term harm, in particular to the most vulnerable economies. This guide outlines short-, medium-, and long-term trade-related policy tools at the international, regional and national level which Asia-Pacific countries may want to consider both mitigate the impact of the economic crisis and to invest in more resilient economies for the future. This book has 7 chapters (1) National Coordination for a Trade-led Recovery, (2) Maintaining the Supremacy of the Multilateral Trading System, (3) Addressing Trade Financing and Trade Development Constraints, (4) Diversifying Products and Markets for Exports, (5) Enhancing South-South Trade and Cooperation, (6) Promoting Asia-Pacific Businesses for Long-Term Competitiveness, and (7) Looking beyond the Crisis: Positioning the Asia-Pacific Region for the Futureeconomic, financial crisis, Asia-Pacific, WTO, international trade, competitiveness, South-South Trade, export, Diversifying products, Multilateral Trading System, Trade-led recovery