92 research outputs found

    Effect of gonadal hormones on hypophagic property of opioid antagonist Naloxone

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    Background: Studies have shown that hormonal fluctuations that occur over the estrous cycle in rats affect food intake. It is possible that estrogen affects food intake via Opioid system and other brain areas which are involved in regulation of food intake. Therefore it may affect the sensitivity of female rats to hypophagic effect of Opioid antagonist Naloxone. Testosterone in male rats also changes food intake. However, little is known about hoe these Gonadal hormones interact with Opioid receptors to modulate food intake. Objective: The aim of the study was to find out how Gonadal hormones affect hypophagic property of Naloxone. Methods: Basal food intake of 40 healthy adult females and 20 healthy adult male rats was recorded. Then they were injected intraperitoneally with Naloxone after fasting for 24 hrs. In female rats food intake was measured during different phases of the estrous cycle. All the rats were then subjected to gonadectomy. The food intake was measured after gonadectomy. The effect of Naloxone was also measured in deprivation paradigm after gonadectomy. Results: Female rats showed decreased food intake during proestrous and estrous phases. In female rats there was no hypophagia after Naloxone injection during these phases. Male rats showed hypophagia on Naloxone injection. Male rats showed increased food intake after gonadectomy. In female rats the increase in food intake was not significant when gonadectomy was done during metestrous and diestrous. However, Naloxone could induce hypophagia in all female rats after gonadectomy. Conclusion: Estrogen decreases food intake, it decreases sensitivity of female rats to hypophasic effects of Naloxone. Testosterone decreases food intake. Testosterone does not interfere with hypophagic effect of Naloxone

    The Relationship Between Lower Limb and Trunk Muscle Activation and Serving Velocity in NCAA Male Division I Tennis Players

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    Tennis serve is one of the crucial component of the sport. However, there is limited research on the relationship between lower limb and trunk muscle activation and tennis serve performance. PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between trunk and lower limb muscle activation and serving velocity in NCAA male division I tennis players. METHODS: Ten male athletes (age:20.20+1.8 years; height: 177.40+12.7 cm; mass: 75.92+6.5 kg) participated in the study. Pearsons correlation coefficients and a quadratic multiple linear regression model was used to illustrate the relationship between muscle activation and serving velocity. RESULTS: Results demonstrated a strong correlation between the peak serving velocity and peak muscle action potential of Rectus Abdominis (r = .861, p = .012), Multifidus (r = .888, p = .027), and Rectus Femoris (r = .880, p = .046). Further, 88.5% variance was accounted in the Serving Velocity (F = .066; df = 7,2; p \u3c .05). CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that there is a relationship between lower limb and trunk muscle activation and serving velocity with Rectus Abdominis being the most predictive variable. Therefore, exercises which increase Rectus Abdominis strength thereby increasing the activation could be implemented in tennis training in order to enhance the serve performance


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    The Automatic ECG signal analysis by wavelet transform (WT) along with MATLAB using signal processing and wavelet toolboxes to ease the process to calculate the set on points, and set off points, and time intervals within QRS complexes, T waves and P waves. This process will allow the analyses on the characteristics of each QRS complexes, T waves and P waves. This can be done by using Wavelet filter Coefficients, for this procedure following steps are used for filtration:- R-R interval detection QRS Complex Detection T wave and P wave detectio

    Comparative study of endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy with and without adjunctive topical use of Mitomycin C

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    Background: Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy has now established itself in the treatment of lacrimal obstruction. Failures in endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy are mainly due to reclosure of the stoma in the lateral nasal wall. Mitomycin-C is an alkylating agent used in the chemotherapy of various cancers. Mitomycin-C when topically applied to mucosal tissues has been reported to inhibit excessive scar tissue and granulation tissue formation, resulting in greater success rates.Methods: To evaluate the efficacy of Mitomycin-C in preventing reclosure of the dacryocystorhinostomy stoma, we performed a prospective, randomized case control study between November 2013 and October 2015. The study was conducted at tertiary care centre. The study sample consisted of 50 patients, who were randomly assigned to two groups, Group A which received the application of Mitomycin-C topically to the dacryocystorhinostomy stomal site and Group B which did not receive this intervention. The patients were regularly followed up for 6 months.Results: 24 patients (96%) out of 25 in the Group A, had a successful surgical outcome. In Group B 23 patients (92%) out of 25 were symptom free after surgery. These results indicated no statistically significant difference between the two groups (p>0.05). Hence the results of this study did not show any significant benefit for the use of Mitomycin-C as an adjunct during primary endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy.Conclusions: An atraumatic and meticulous surgical technique along with a good follow up care post-operatively establishes endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy as an effective treatment modality for chronic dacryocystitis

    Physio-Pathological understanding of Aartavavaha Srotas

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    In Ayurveda, the concept of Srotas has been propagated very specifically. Srotas have a significant role in maintenance of equilibrium of body elements. Among types of Srotas, Aartavavaha Srotas is given prime importance which is only present in females. Aartavavaha Srotas are the channels which carry Aartava. Aartava can be considered as Bijarupia Aartava and Drusta Aartava i.e. ovum and menstrual blood respectively. The root of Artavavaha Srotas are Garbhashaya (Uterus) and Artavavaha Dhamani (vessels carrying Artava). Garbhashaya can be compare with uterus, that help for development of fetus. Dhamani can be compared with arteries i.e. ovarian arteries responsible for formation of Aartava (ovum) and Uterine arteries responsible for flow of Aartava (menstrual blood). Pathological changes occurs in the body due to Sroto Dushti, Sroto Sanga etc. so if any Viddha (injury) occurs to Aartava Vaha Srotas that leads to Viddha Lakshana i.e. Vandhyatwa, Maithunaasahishnutaa, Aartava Naasha

    Impact of global warming on cyclonic disturbances over south Asian region

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    A state-of-the-art regional climate modelling system, known as PRECIS (Providing REgional Climates for Impacts Studies) developed by the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, UK is applied over the Indian domain to investigate the impact of global warming on the cyclonic disturbances such as depressions and storms. The PRECIS simulations at 50 x 50 km horizontal resolution are made for two time slices, present (1961-1990) and the future (2071-2100), for two socioeconomic scenarios A2 and B2. The model simulations under the scenarios of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations and sulphate aerosols are analysed to study the likely changes in the frequency, intensity and the tracks of cyclonic disturbances forming over north Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea) and the Indian landmass during monsoon season. The model overestimates the frequency of cyclonic disturbances over the Indian subcontinent in baseline simulations (1961-1990). The change is evaluated towards the end of present century (2071-2100) with respect to the baseline climate. The present study indicates that the storm tracks simulated by the model are southwards as compared to the observed tracks during the monsoon season, especially for the two main monsoon months, viz., July and August. The analysis suggests that the frequency of cyclonic disturbances forming over north Indian Ocean is likely to reduce by 9% towards the end of the present century in response to the global warming. However, the intensity of cyclonic disturbances is likely to increase by about 11% compared to the present

    Enhancing the aqueous solubility and dissolution of olanzapine using freeze-drying

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    The aim of the present study was to develop an olanzapine freeze-dried tablet (FDT). The solubility and dissolution rate of poorly water-soluble olanzapine was improved by preparing a freeze-dried tablet of olanzapine using the freeze-drying technique . The FDT was prepared by dispersing the drug in an aqueous solution of highly water-soluble carrier materials consisting of gelatin, glycine, and sorbitol. The mixture was poured in to the pockets of blister packs and then was subjected to freezing and lyophilisation. The FDT was characterised by DSC, XRD and SEM and was evaluated for saturation solubility and dissolution. The samples were stored in a stability chamber to investigate their physical stability. Results obtained by DSC and X-ray were analysed and showed the crystalline state of olanzapine in FDT transformation to the amorphous state during the formation of FDT. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) results suggest reduction in olanzapine particle size. The solubility of olanzapine from the FDT was observed to be nearly four and a half times greater than the pure drug. Results obtained from dissolution studies showed that olanzapine FDT significantly improved the dissolution rate of the drug compared with the physical mixture (PM) and the pure drug. More than 90% of olanzapine in FDT dissolved within 5 minutes, compared to only 19.78% of olanzapine pure drug dissolved over the course of 60 minutes. In a stability test, the release profile of the FDT was unchanged, as compared to the freshly prepared FDT after 90 days of storing.O objetivo do presente estudo foi desenvolver comprimidos liofilizados de olanzapina (FDT). A solubilidade e a taxa de dissolução da olanzapina, fracamente solúvel em água, foram melhoradas com a preparação de comprimidos liofilizados de olanzapina usando a técnica de liofilização. O FDT foi preparado por dispersão do fármaco em solução aquosa de materiais altamente solúveis em água, como gelatina, glicina e sorbitol. A mistura foi colocada em blisters e, então, submetida ao congelamento e liofilização. O FDT foi caracterizado por DSC, Difração de Raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura(SEM) e avaliaram-se a solubilidade de saturação e a dissolução. As amostras for5am armazenadas em câmara de estabilidade para investigar a estabilidade física. Os resultados obtidos com DSC e Raios X foram analisados e mostraram a transformação do estado cristalino da olanzepina em FDT no estado amorfo durante a formação do FDT. Os resultados da SEM sugerem a redução do tamanho das partículas de olanzapina. A solubilidade da olanzapina do FDT melhorou significativamente a taxa de dissolução do fármaco comparativamente à mistura física (PM) e ao fármaco puro. Mais do que 90% da olanzepina no FDT dissolveu em 5 minutos, comparativamente aos 19,78% do fármaco puro dissolvido em 60 minutos. No teste de estabilidade, o perfil de liberação da FDT mostrou-se inalterado, quando comparado com o FDT recém-preparado, após 90 dias de armazenamento

    The Changing Relationship between Surface Temperatures and Indian Monsoon Rainfall with the Phase of ESI Tendency

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    Effective Strength Index (ESI) is the relative strength of NAO and SO. ESI tendency is the algebraic difference between April-ESI and January-ESI and it represents the simultaneous evolution of NAO and SO from winter to spring. During positive (negative) phase of ESI tendency, NAO restores positive (negative) phase and SO restores negative (positive) phase before the beginning of summer season. Thus during contrasting phases (positive and negative) of ESI tendency, the evolution of NAO and SO is out of phase. In this paper we have studied the spatial and temporal variability of winter-time temperature field over Europe, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal during contrasting phases of ESI tendency. The study reveals that during positive (negative) ESI tendency, smaller (larger) region of Europe is showing significant winter-time cooling (warming) at surface. The relationship between winter-time surface temperature over above regions and Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) also shows spatial and temporal variability. The probable explanation for this change in the relationship is discussed in the paper. Two sets of temperature parameters for two different phases of ESI tendency are found out. Multiple regression equations are developed for the prediction of ISMR in each phase of ESI tendency. The performance of these equations is also discussed in this paper

    Niemann-pick disease type A-a case report

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    Niemann-Pick Disease is an autosomal recessive disorder of infancy, characterized by failure to thrive, hepatosplenomegaly and neurodegenerative changes. It is caused by inherited deficiency of an enzyme, acid sphingomyelinase. It leads to deposition of sphingomyelin and cholesterol within the lysosome of reticuloendothelial cells of various organs. Niemann-Pick Disease is classified into four types such as A, B, C and D. We present a case of niemann-pick disease type A. This case report encompasses an 18-month-old male child brought with complaints of progressive abdominal distension, developmental delay, intermittent fever and excessive cry. On examination patient had developmental delay and significant abdominal distension with moderate hepatosplenomegaly. Bone marrow examination showed characteristic lipid laden foamy histiocytes termed as niemann pick cells and sea blue histiocytes. Later on, liver biopsy and splenic aspiration cytology was performed, which also showed same type of foamy cells. Type A is very rare and a severe infantile form with neurologic degeneration resulting in death usually by 3 years of age. No treatment available for type A so far. It’s a rare disease in India. Genetic counseling.

    Utilization of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme by child beneficiaries in Coastal Karnataka, India

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    Background: India’s main early childhood development intervention the ICDS Scheme has been sustained for 40 years and has been successful in some ways. However, nearly half of the children under six years are still under nourished. The program in reducing the proportion of undernourished children over the past decade has been modest and slower in India than what has been achieved in other countries with comparable socio-economic indicators. Aims & Objectives: 1. To study the utilization of services offered to children under ICDS, 2. To assess the perception about the services. Materials & Methods: A community based cross sectional study was done among mothers of 271 children in the age group three to six years registered in anganwadis. Results: Median duration of absenteeism to anganwadi was five months during the last six months enquired. About 95.9% of registered child beneficiaries utilized supplementary nutrition services and only 48.7% mothers of child beneficiaries were attending nutrition and health education sessions. Among mothers who were aware of growth monitoring, only 73.6% of their children’s weight was checked regularly.  About 60% of mothers were not happy with the quality of food served to their children in the anganwadi. Among children adherent to anganwadi, 72.5% children’s weight remained normal. Conclusion: Only 75% children were regularly attending. Median duration of adherence to anganwadi services was only 12 months and the most common reason for not adhering to the services is due to their simultaneous enrollment in other private nursery school