33 research outputs found

    Effect of Socioeconomic Status (SES) Disparity on Neural Development in Female African-American Infants at 1 Month

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    There is increasing interest in both the cumulative and long term impact of early life adversity on brain structure and function, especially as the brain is both highly vulnerable and highly adaptive during childhood. Relationships between SES and neural development have been shown in children older than age two years. Less is known regarding the impact of SES on neural development in children before age two. This paper examines the effect of SES, indexed by income-to-needs (ITN) and maternal education, on cortical, deep gray, and white matter volumes in term, healthy, appropriate for gestational age, African American, female infants. At 44-46 post-conception weeks, unsedated infants underwent MRI (3.0T Siemens Verio scanner, 32-channel head coil). Images were segmented based on a locally-constructed template. Utilizing hierarchical linear regression, overall and component (maternal education and ITN) SES effects on MRI volumes were examined. In this cohort of healthy African American infants of varying SES, lower SES was associated with smaller cortical gray and deep gray matter volumes. These SES effects on neural outcome at such a young age build on similar studies of older children, suggesting that the biological embedding of adversity may occur very early in development

    Dynamic structural remodeling of the human visual system prompted by bilateral retinal gene therapy

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    The impact of changes in visual input on neuronal circuitry is complex and much of our knowledge on human brain plasticity of the visual systems comes from animal studies. Reinstating vision in a group of patients with low vision through retinal gene therapy creates a unique opportunity to dynamically study the underlying process responsible for brain plasticity. Historically, increases in the axonal myelination of the visual pathway has been the biomarker for brain plasticity. Here, we demonstrate that to reach the long-term effects of myelination increase, the human brain may undergo demyelination as part of a plasticity process. The maximum change in dendritic arborization of the primary visual cortex and the neurite density along the geniculostriate tracks occurred at three months (3MO) post intervention, in line with timing for the peak changes in postnatal synaptogenesis within the visual cortex reported in animal studies. The maximum change at 3MO for both the gray and white matter significantly correlated with patients' clinical responses to light stimulations called full field sensitivity threshold (FST). Our results shed a new light on the underlying process of brain plasticity by challenging the concept of increase myelination being the hallmark of brain plasticity and instead reinforcing the idea of signal speed optimization as a dynamic process for brain plasticity

    Denoising of brain DW-MR data by single and multiple diffusion kernels Denoising of brain DW-MR data by single and multiple diffusion kernels

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    Las imágenes por resonancia magnética pesadas en difusión son ampliamente utilizadaspara el estudio de las estructuras cerebrales dentro de la materia blanca del cerebro. Sinembargo, recuperar las orientaciones de los axones puede ser susceptible a errores por elruido dentro de la señal. Una regularización espacial puede mejorar la estimación, perodebe ser realizada cuidadosamente dado que puede remover información espacial ó introducirfalsas orientaciones. En este trabajo se investigaron las ventajas de aplicar un filtroanisotrópico basado en simples y múltiples kerneles de orientación de manojos de axones.Para esto, hemos calculado kerneles locales de difusión basados en modelos de tensoresde difusión y multi tensores de difusión. Mostraremos los beneficios de nuestra propuestaen 3 tipos diferentes de imágenes obtenidas por resonancia magnética pesada en difusión:Datos sintéticos, imágenes humanas tomadas en vivo, y datos obtenidos de un fantasmasimulador de difusión.Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging is widely used to study the structure ofthe fiber pathways of white matter in the brain. However, the recovered axon orientationscan be prone to error because of the low signal to noise ratio. Spatial regularization canreduce the error, but it must be done carefully so that real spatial information is not removedand false orientations are not introduced. In this paper we investigate the advantagesof applying an anisotropic filter based on single and multiple axon bundle orientation kernels.To this end, we compute local diffusion kernels based on Diffusion Tensor and multiDiffusion Tensor models. We show the benefits of our approach to three different types ofDW-MRI data: synthetic, in vivo human, and acquired from a diffusion phantom

    fMRI of retina-originated phosphenes experienced by patients with Leber congenital amaurosis.

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    A phenomenon characterized by the experience of seeing light without any light actually entering the eye is called phosphenes or photopsias. Phosphenes can occur spontaneously or via induction by external stimuli. Previous reports regarding phosphenes have primarily focused on externally induced phosphenes such as by applying alternating or direct current to the cortex. A few of these reports used functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) to study activations induced by cortical phosphenes. However, there are no fMRI reports on spontaneous phosphenes originating from the retina and the resulting pattern of cortical activations. We performed fMRI during a reversing checkerboard paradigm in three LCA patients who underwent unilateral gene therapy and reported experiencing frequent phosphene on a daily basis. We observed bilateral cortical activation covering the entire visual cortices when patients reported experiencing phosphenes. In contrast, in the absence of phosphenes, activation was regulated by patient's visual ability and demonstrated improved cortical activation due to gene therapy. These fMRI results illustrate the potential impact of phosphene perception on visual function and they may explain some of the variability that clinicians find in visual function testing in retinal degeneration. Although we did not perform correlations between visual function and phosphenes, we hope data presented here raises awareness of this phenomenon and its potential effect on visual function and the implications for clinical testing. We recommend a thorough history for phosphene experiences be taken in patients with retinal disease who are candidates for gene or molecular therapy. Lastly, these data illustrate the potential power of fMRI as an outcome measure of gene therapy and the negative impact phosphenes may have on vision testing. fMRI has proven to be a sensitive, non-invasive, and reproducible test paradigm for these purposes and can complement standard visual function testing

    Motion-selective areas V5/MT and MST appear resistant to deterioration in choroideremia

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    Choroideremia (CHM) is an X-linked recessive form of hereditary retinal degeneration, which preserves only small islands of central retinal tissue. Previously, we demonstrated the relationship between central vision and structure and population receptive fields (pRF) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in untreated CHM subjects. Here, we replicate and extend this work, providing a more in-depth analysis of the visual responses in a cohort of CHM subjects who participated in a retinal gene therapy clinical trial. fMRI was conducted in six CHM subjects and six age-matched healthy controls (HC’s) while they viewed drifting contrast pattern stimuli monocularly. A single ∼3-minute fMRI run was collected for each eye. Participants also underwent ophthalmic evaluations of visual acuity and static automatic perimetry (SAP). Consistent with our previous report, a single ∼ 3 min fMRI run accurately characterized ophthalmic evaluations of visual function in most CHM subjects. In-depth analyses of the cortical distribution of pRF responses revealed that the motion-selective regions V5/MT and MST appear resistant to progressive retinal degenerations in CHM subjects. This effect was restricted to V5/MT and MST and was not present in either primary visual cortex (V1), motion-selective V3A or regions within the ventral visual pathway. Motion-selective areas V5/MT and MST appear to be resistant to the continuous detrimental impact of CHM. Such resilience appears selective to these areas and may be mediated by independent retina-V5/MT anatomical connections that bypass V1. We did not observe any significant impact of gene therapy

    Compensatory Cross-Modal Plasticity Persists After Sight Restoration

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    Sensory deprivation prompts extensive structural and functional reorganizations of the cortex resulting in the occupation of space for the lost sense by the intact sensory systems. This process, known as cross-modal plasticity, has been widely studied in individuals with vision or hearing loss. However, little is known on the neuroplastic changes in restoring the deprived sense. Some reports consider the cross-modal functionality maladaptive to the return of the original sense, and others view this as a critical process in maintaining the neurons of the deprived sense active and operational. These controversial views have been challenged in both auditory and vision restoration reports for decades. Recently with the approval of Luxturna as the first retinal gene therapy (GT) drug to reverse blindness, there is a renewed interest for the crucial role of cross-modal plasticity on sight restoration. Employing a battery of task and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI), in comparison to a group of sighted controls, we tracked the functional changes in response to auditory and visual stimuli and at rest, in a group of patients with biallelic mutations in the RPE65 gene ("RPE65 patients") before and 3 years after GT. While the sighted controls did not present any evidence for auditory cross-modal plasticity, robust responses to the auditory stimuli were found in occipital cortex of the RPE65 patients overlapping visual responses and significantly elevated 3 years after GT. The rsfMRI results showed significant connectivity between the auditory and visual areas for both groups albeit attenuated in patients at baseline but enhanced 3 years after GT. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that (1) RPE65 patients present with an auditory cross-modal component; (2) visual and non-visual responses of the visual cortex are considerably enhanced after vision restoration; and (3) auditory cross-modal functions did not adversely affect the success of vision restitution. We hypothesize that following GT, to meet the demand for the newly established retinal signals, remaining or dormant visual neurons are revived or unmasked for greater participation. These neurons or a subset of these neurons respond to both the visual and non-visual demands and further strengthen connectivity between the auditory and visual cortices

    Dynamic structural remodeling of the human visual system prompted by bilateral retinal gene therapy

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    The impact of changes in visual input on neuronal circuitry is complex and much of our knowledge on human brain plasticity of the visual systems comes from animal studies. Reinstating vision in a group of patients with low vision through retinal gene therapy creates a unique opportunity to dynamically study the underlying process responsible for brain plasticity. Historically, increases in the axonal myelination of the visual pathway has been the biomarker for brain plasticity. Here, we demonstrate that to reach the long-term effects of myelination increase, the human brain may undergo demyelination as part of a plasticity process. The maximum change in dendritic arborization of the primary visual cortex and the neurite density along the geniculostriate tracks occurred at three months (3MO) post intervention, in line with timing for the peak changes in postnatal synaptogenesis within the visual cortex reported in animal studies. The maximum change at 3MO for both the gray and white matter significantly correlated with patients’ clinical responses to light stimulations called full field sensitivity threshold (FST). Our results shed a new light on the underlying process of brain plasticity by challenging the concept of increase myelination being the hallmark of brain plasticity and instead reinforcing the idea of signal speed optimization as a dynamic process for brain plasticity

    Compensatory Cross-Modal Plasticity Persists After Sight Restoration

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    Sensory deprivation prompts extensive structural and functional reorganizations of the cortex resulting in the occupation of space for the lost sense by the intact sensory systems. This process, known as cross-modal plasticity, has been widely studied in individuals with vision or hearing loss. However, little is known on the neuroplastic changes in restoring the deprived sense. Some reports consider the cross-modal functionality maladaptive to the return of the original sense, and others view this as a critical process in maintaining the neurons of the deprived sense active and operational. These controversial views have been challenged in both auditory and vision restoration reports for decades. Recently with the approval of Luxturna as the first retinal gene therapy (GT) drug to reverse blindness, there is a renewed interest for the crucial role of cross-modal plasticity on sight restoration. Employing a battery of task and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI), in comparison to a group of sighted controls, we tracked the functional changes in response to auditory and visual stimuli and at rest, in a group of patients with biallelic mutations in the RPE65 gene ("RPE65 patients") before and 3 years after GT. While the sighted controls did not present any evidence for auditory cross-modal plasticity, robust responses to the auditory stimuli were found in occipital cortex of the RPE65 patients overlapping visual responses and significantly elevated 3 years after GT. The rsfMRI results showed significant connectivity between the auditory and visual areas for both groups albeit attenuated in patients at baseline but enhanced 3 years after GT. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that (1) RPE65 patients present with an auditory cross-modal component; (2) visual and non-visual responses of the visual cortex are considerably enhanced after vision restoration; and (3) auditory cross-modal functions did not adversely affect the success of vision restitution. We hypothesize that following GT, to meet the demand for the newly established retinal signals, remaining or dormant visual neurons are revived or unmasked for greater participation. These neurons or a subset of these neurons respond to both the visual and non-visual demands and further strengthen connectivity between the auditory and visual cortices