490 research outputs found

    Phenomenological Aspects of TeV Scale Alternative Left-Right Model

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    We revisit the alternative left-right symmetric model, motivated by superstring-inspired E6E_6 model. We systematically analyze the constraints imposed by theoretical and experimental bounds on the parameter space of this class of models. We perform a comprehensive analysis of the Higgs sector and show that three neutral CP-even and two CP-odd Higgs bosons in addition to two charged Higgs bosons can be light, of O(100){\cal O}(100) GeV. We emphasise that our model has a potential to account for the recent Large Hadron Collider results for signal strength of Higgs decays. We also explore discovery signatures of the exotic down-type quark, which is one of the salient predictions of this model.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Pemikiran Sa’īd Ramadhān Al-Būthī Terhadap Isu-isu Feminisme (Kajian atas Penafsiran Sa’īd Ramadhān Al-Būthī terhadap Ayat-ayat Hijab, Kepemimpinan Perempuan, Hak Waris, dan Poligami)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi pemikiran Muhammad Sa’īd Ramadhān al-Būthī terkait perempuan dan ajaran Islam yang dianggap diskriminatif terhadap perempuan. Adapun sejumlah ajaran Islam yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah hijab, kepemimpinan perempuan, hak waris, dan poligami. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilandasi teori hermeneutika efektual dari Hans George Gadamer. Penelitian ini berkesimpulan bahwa: 1) Hijab tidak mengisolasi perempuan dari segala aktivitas kehidupannya. Namun pemahaman yang ekstrem terhadap QS. an-Nur: 31 lah yang menimbulkan gangguan pada perempuan yang berujung pada kemunduran Islam; 2) Kepemimpinan perempuan dibenarkan selama tidak sebagai kepala negara dengan syarat-syarat tertentu; 3) QS. an-Nisa: 11 (li adz-dzakar mitsl haẓẓi al-untsayayn) bukanlah kaidah umum dalam pembagian harta warisan. Kaidah tersebut hanya berlaku pada kondisi tertentu saja; 4) Poligami dipermasalahkan oleh aktivis feminisme Barat dikarenakan adanya perbedaan persepsi yang mendasar antara Islam dan Barat dalam memandang esensi dan konsep pernikahan dan zina; 5) Kesetaraan yang benar adalah kesetaraan yang tidak menyelisihi kodrat yang diberikan Tuhan pada manusia.This study aimed to elaborate the thoughts of Muhammad Sa'īd Ramadhān al-Būthī regarding women and Islamic teachings that are considered discriminatory against women. As for several Islamic teachings discussed in this study, specifically hijab, women's leadership, inheritance rights, and polygamy. This research is library research and uses a qualitative approach. The theory used in this research is Hans George Gadamer's theory of effective hermeneutics. The results of this study are: 1) Hijab does not isolate women from all activities in life. But an extreme understanding of QS. an-Nur: 31 that caused disturbance to women which led to the decline of Islam; 2) Women's leadership is justified as long as they are not the head of state with certain conditions; 3) QS. an-Nisa: 11 (li adz-dzakar mitsl haẓẓi al-untsayayn) is not a general rule in the distribution of inheritance. This rule only applies in certain conditions; 4) Polygamy is questioned by Western feminists because of the fundamental differences in perceptions between Islam and the West in seeing the essence and concept of marriage and adultery; 5) True equality is equality that does not contradict the nature that God has given to humans

    n-Undeca­nyl 2-(4-bromo­anilino)-4,4-dimethyl-6-oxocyclo­hex-1-ene­carbodithio­ate

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    The six-membered cyclo­hexene ring in the title compound, C26H38BrNOS2, adopts an envelope conformation, with the C atom bearing the two methyl groups representing the flap. This atom deviates by 0.651 (3) Å from the plane passing through the other five atoms of the ring (r.m.s. deviation = 0.051 Å). The mol­ecular conformation is stabilized by an N—H⋯S hydrogen bond. The title compound is isomorphous with n-undeca­nyl 2-(4-chloro­anilino)-4,4-dimethyl-6-oxocyclo­hex-1-enecarbodithio­ate

    2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-acetyl-β-d-galacto­pyranosyl 2-(2,4-dichloro­anilino)-4,4-dimethyl-6-oxocyclo­hex-1-enecarbo­dithio­ate

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    The cyclo­hexene ring in the title compound, C29H33Cl2NO10S2, adopts an envelope conformation, with the C atom bearing the two methyl groups representing the flap. This atom deviates by 0.63 (1) Å from the plane through the other five ring atoms (r.m.s. deviation = 0.11 Å). The mol­ecular conformation is stabilized by an intra­molecular N—H⋯S hydrogen bond. The crystal studied was a non-merohedral twin, with a minor twin component of 29%

    Dexamethasone for the prevention of neonatal respiratory morbidity before elective cesarean section at term

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    Background: Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is the principal cause of early neonatal morbidity and mortality. Objective: The current study aims to evaluate the effect of dexamethasone administration 48 hours before elective cesarean section (CS) at term on neonatal respiratory morbidity. Methods: The current study was a case-control study conducted between June 2015 and November 2015. Women who attended the labor ward in Sohag University Hospital, Egypt, after 37 weeks of gestation for elective CS were approached for participation. The patients received 2 intramuscular doses of 12 mg dexamethasone 12 hours apart in the 48 hours before CS (N=246). The control group included women who did not receive dexamethasone before CS during the same period of the study (N=275). Results: No significant differences were detected between the study and control groups with regard to age, parity or gestational age at delivery. There was a significantly higher number of neonates with RDS and transient tachypnea in the control group compared to the study group (p=0.001). The rate of neonatal admission to the neonatal care unit (NICU) was significantly lower in the study group (p=0.001). Conclusions: Prophylactic dexamethasone administration before elective CS at term significantly reduces neonatal respiratory morbidity and admission to NICU

    n-Undeca­nyl 2-(4-chloro­anilino)-4,4-dimethyl-6-oxocyclo­hex-1-ene­carbo­dithio­ate

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    The six-membered cyclo­hexene ring in the title compound, C26H38ClNOS2, adopts an envelope conformation, with the C atom bearing the two methyl groups representing the flap. This atom deviates by 0.642 (4) Å from the plane passing through the other five atoms of the ring (r.m.s. deviation = 0.053 Å). The mol­ecular conformation is stabilized by an intra­molecular N—H⋯S hydrogen bond

    Dexamethasone for the prevention of neonatal respiratory morbidity before elective cesarean section at term

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    Background: Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is the principal cause of early neonatal morbidity and mortality. Objective: The current study aims to evaluate the effect of dexamethasone administration 48 hours before elective cesarean section (CS) at term on neonatal respiratory morbidity. Methods: The current study was a case-control study conducted between June 2015 and November 2015. Women who attended the labor ward in Sohag University Hospital, Egypt, after 37 weeks of gestation for elective CS were approached for participation. The patients received 2 intramuscular doses of 12 mg dexamethasone 12 hours apart in the 48 hours before CS (N=246). The control group included women who did not receive dexamethasone before CS during the same period of the study (N=275). Results: No significant differences were detected between the study and control groups with regard to age, parity or gestational age at delivery. There was a significantly higher number of neonates with RDS and transient tachypnea in the control group compared to the study group (p=0.001). The rate of neonatal admission to the neonatal care unit (NICU) was significantly lower in the study group (p=0.001). Conclusions: Prophylactic dexamethasone administration before elective CS at term significantly reduces neonatal respiratory morbidity and admission to NICU

    2-Hydroxy­ethyl 2-(2,4-dichloro­anilino)-4,4-dimethyl-6-oxocyclo­hex-1-ene­carbo­dithio­ate

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    The six-membered cyclo­hexene ring in the title compound, C17H19Cl2NOS2, adopts an envelope conformation, with the C atom bearing the two methyl groups representing the flap. This atom deviates by 0.716 (3) Å from the plane passing through the other five atoms of the ring (r.m.s. deviation = 0.072 Å). The mol­ecular conformation is stabilized by an intra­molecular N—H⋯S hydrogen bond. The hydr­oxy group engages in inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonding with adjacent acceptor atoms to generate a zigzag chain running along the c axis