4 research outputs found


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    Currently, antibiotics are widely used in shrimp hatcheries to control bacterial infections. Appearance of antibiotic resistant pathogens and restriction on the use of antibiotics have led to the development of alternatives to antibiotics in hatchery systems. In light of this, an attempt was undertaken to investigate the effects of probiotics on the larval rearing of Penaeus monodon, compared with control tanks (without probiotics). The results showed that several issues significantly improved with administering probiotics in the experimental tanks compared with the tanks without probiotics. For example, the concentration of ammonia was estimated to be 1.25 mg/L that was less than half of what was measured in the control tanks. The size variation was observed more in the control tanks than in the experimental tanks. Moreover, the muscle gut ratio of PL15 was about 85 to 92% in the probiotic treated tank and 70 to 80% in the control tank during the eight cycles of production. The fouling organisms were more in the control tank compared to the experimental tanks. The average length of PL15 was maximum when reared in the experimental tanks compared to the control tanks. The final survival rate of PL15 from the control and experimental tank was 35 and 52%, respectively. The present investigation indicated that probiotics played an important role in the growth, survival and health status of P. monodon larvae

    A smart medicine reminder kit with mobile phone calls and some health monitoring features for senior citizens

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    The demand for an effective system that combines cutting-edge technologies with medical research to improve healthcare systems has increased with the development of medical technology. The most fundamental form of disease prevention is taking the right medication when needed. With the right care, many fatal diseases can be cured or prevented. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the doctor's recommended drug plan. Healthcare experts now have serious concerns about patients not being able to take their prescribed medications on time, particularly elderly patients. Due to age-related memory loss, people who have been given multiple prescriptions at once over an extended period of time are more likely to forget to take their medication on time or to take the wrong medication. Sometimes, a patient's inability to take the right medication at the right time might have a major impact on their health. Aside from being forgetful, patients, especially the elderly and illiterate, may not be able to read the name stated on medical containers, leading to the consumption of the wrong medication. These errors contribute to non-adherence to pharmaceuticals, which is detrimental to the patient's health. As a result, there is a significant problem that hinders the success of the treatment. The medication reminder system is intended for people who frequently take medications or vitamin supplements in order to handle this. In order to help an elderly person properly take their medication and help the patient have a healthy life, we have created a ground-breaking portable multifunctional medicine reminder kit with phone calls. Other intelligent characteristics of the smart medicine reminder include the capacity to show the time, date, and day in real time, the detection of smoke, the measurement of air humidity and temperature in the room, the measurement of heartbeats per second, the patient's body temperature, and the oxygen saturation level


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    Currently, antibiotics are widely used in shrimp hatcheries to control bacterial infections. Appearance of antibiotic resistant pathogens and restriction on the use of antibiotics have led to the development of alternatives to antibiotics in hatchery systems. In light of this, an attempt was undertaken to investigate the effects of probiotics on the larval rearing of Penaeus monodon, compared with control tanks (without probiotics). The results showed that several issues significantly improved with administering probiotics in the experimental tanks compared with the tanks without probiotics. For example, the concentration of ammonia was estimated to be 1.25 mg/L that was less than half of what was measured in the control tanks. The size variation was observed more in the control tanks than in the experimental tanks. Moreover, the muscle gut ratio of PL15 was about 85 to 92% in the probiotic treated tank and 70 to 80% in the control tank during the eight cycles of production. The fouling organisms were more in the control tank compared to the experimental tanks. The average length of PL15 was maximum when reared in the experimental tanks compared to the control tanks. The final survival rate of PL15 from the control and experimental tank was 35 and 52%, respectively. The present investigation indicated that probiotics played an important role in the growth, survival and health status of P. monodon larvae.U mrijestilištima kozica trenutno je vrlo rasprostranjena upotreba antibiotika za sprečavanje bakterijskih infekcija. Pojavom otpornih patogenih svojstva antibiotika i ograničenja njihove upotrebe, razvili su se drugi načini sprečavanja infekcija patogenima u mrijestilištima. Sukladno tome je provedeno istraživanje učinkovitosti probiotika u uzgoju ličinki Penaeus monodon te su dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni s onima iz kontrolnih spremnika bez probiotika. Rezultati su pokazali znatno unapređenje nekih odrednica uzgoja u eksperimentalnim spremnicima s dodatkom probiotika (u odnosu na spremnike bez probiotika). Primjerice, koncentracija amonijaka procijenjena je na 1,25 mg/L, što je manje od polovice izmjerene vrijednosti u kontrolnim spremnicima. Veća varijacija veličine zabilježena je u kontrolnim, a manja u eksperimentalnim spremnicima. Štoviše, tijekom osam faza proizvodnje, omjer crijevnih mišića PL15 bio je otprilike 85-92% u spremnicima s probioticima, a 70-80% u kontrolnim spremnicima. Obraštajnih organizama bilo je više u kontrolnim nego u eksperimentalnim spremnicima. Prosječna dužina PL15 bila je maksimalna za jedinke koje su mriještene u eksperimentalnim spremnicima (u odnosu na kontrolne). Konačna stopa preživljavanja PL15 je 35% u kontrolnim i 52% u eksperimentalnim spremnicima. Ovim istraživanjem dokazana je važna uloga probiotika u rastu, preživljavanju i održavanju zdravlja ličinki P. monodon


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    Currently, antibiotics are widely used in shrimp hatcheries to control bacterial infections. Appearance of antibiotic resistant pathogens and restriction on the use of antibiotics have led to the development of alternatives to antibiotics in hatchery systems. In light of this, an attempt was undertaken to investigate the effects of probiotics on the larval rearing of Penaeus monodon, compared with control tanks (without probiotics). The results showed that several issues significantly improved with administering probiotics in the experimental tanks compared with the tanks without probiotics. For example, the concentration of ammonia was estimated to be 1.25 mg/L that was less than half of what was measured in the control tanks. The size variation was observed more in the control tanks than in the experimental tanks. Moreover, the muscle gut ratio of PL15 was about 85 to 92% in the probiotic treated tank and 70 to 80% in the control tank during the eight cycles of production. The fouling organisms were more in the control tank compared to the experimental tanks. The average length of PL15 was maximum when reared in the experimental tanks compared to the control tanks. The final survival rate of PL15 from the control and experimental tank was 35 and 52%, respectively. The present investigation indicated that probiotics played an important role in the growth, survival and health status of P. monodon larvae.U mrijestilištima kozica trenutno je vrlo rasprostranjena upotreba antibiotika za sprečavanje bakterijskih infekcija. Pojavom otpornih patogenih svojstva antibiotika i ograničenja njihove upotrebe, razvili su se drugi načini sprečavanja infekcija patogenima u mrijestilištima. Sukladno tome je provedeno istraživanje učinkovitosti probiotika u uzgoju ličinki Penaeus monodon te su dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni s onima iz kontrolnih spremnika bez probiotika. Rezultati su pokazali znatno unapređenje nekih odrednica uzgoja u eksperimentalnim spremnicima s dodatkom probiotika (u odnosu na spremnike bez probiotika). Primjerice, koncentracija amonijaka procijenjena je na 1,25 mg/L, što je manje od polovice izmjerene vrijednosti u kontrolnim spremnicima. Veća varijacija veličine zabilježena je u kontrolnim, a manja u eksperimentalnim spremnicima. Štoviše, tijekom osam faza proizvodnje, omjer crijevnih mišića PL15 bio je otprilike 85-92% u spremnicima s probioticima, a 70-80% u kontrolnim spremnicima. Obraštajnih organizama bilo je više u kontrolnim nego u eksperimentalnim spremnicima. Prosječna dužina PL15 bila je maksimalna za jedinke koje su mriještene u eksperimentalnim spremnicima (u odnosu na kontrolne). Konačna stopa preživljavanja PL15 je 35% u kontrolnim i 52% u eksperimentalnim spremnicima. Ovim istraživanjem dokazana je važna uloga probiotika u rastu, preživljavanju i održavanju zdravlja ličinki P. monodon