5 research outputs found
A Fatty Acid Based Bayesian Approach for Inferring Diet in Aquatic Consumers
<div><p>We modified the stable isotope mixing model MixSIR to infer primary producer contributions to consumer diets based on their fatty acid composition. To parameterize the algorithm, we generated a ‘consumer-resource library’ of FA signatures of <i>Daphnia</i> fed different algal diets, using 34 feeding trials representing diverse phytoplankton lineages. This library corresponds to the resource or producer file in classic Bayesian mixing models such as MixSIR or SIAR. Because this library is based on the FA profiles of zooplankton consuming known diets, and not the FA profiles of algae directly, trophic modification of consumer lipids is directly accounted for. To test the model, we simulated hypothetical <i>Daphnia</i> comprised of 80% diatoms, 10% green algae, and 10% cryptophytes and compared the FA signatures of these known pseudo-mixtures to outputs generated by the mixing model. The algorithm inferred these simulated consumers were comprised of 82% (63-92%) [median (2.5th to 97.5th percentile credible interval)] diatoms, 11% (4-22%) green algae, and 6% (0-25%) cryptophytes. We used the same model with published phytoplankton stable isotope (SI) data for δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N to examine how a SI based approach resolved a similar scenario. With SI, the algorithm inferred that the simulated consumer assimilated 52% (4-91%) diatoms, 23% (1-78%) green algae, and 18% (1-73%) cyanobacteria. The accuracy and precision of SI based estimates was extremely sensitive to both resource and consumer uncertainty, as well as the trophic fractionation assumption. These results indicate that when using only two tracers with substantial uncertainty for the putative resources, as is often the case in this class of analyses, the underdetermined constraint in consumer-resource SI analyses may be intractable. The FA based approach alleviated the underdetermined constraint because many more FA biomarkers were utilized (n < 20), different primary producers (e.g., diatoms, green algae, and cryptophytes) have very characteristic FA compositions, and the FA profiles of many aquatic primary consumers are strongly influenced by their diets.</p></div
A sensitivity analysis of the influence of the carbon and nitrogen fractionation assumptions on MixSIR SI based outputs.
<p>In these scenarios, resource and consumer uncertainty was minimized and consumer fractionation was varied by ± 1.96 SD. These results show the influence of various fractionation assumptions on the outputs in the absence of other sources of uncertainty.</p><p>A sensitivity analysis of the influence of the carbon and nitrogen fractionation assumptions on MixSIR SI based outputs.</p
Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMDS) plots of the FA profiles used (n = 26 FA; Euclidean distance).
<p>One outlier cryptophyte profile is removed from the NMDS plots for clarity, but this outlier was included in the FA-based analyses. A) Algal diets (filled symbols) and <i>Daphnia</i> fed those diets (open symbols) and associated resource polygons for each treatment group (stress = 0.09). B) The real <i>Daphnia</i> in the ‘consumer-resource library’ (no algal diets), with 100 ‘pseudo-<i>Daphnia</i>’ used in the analyses (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0129723#sec002" target="_blank">Methods</a>; stress = 0.07).</p
The results of an analysis where three potential food resources were either set to 100% of the food consumed or 0% (<i>e</i>.<i>g</i>., 100% diatoms, 0% green algae, and 0% cyanobacteria).
<p>This resulted in 9 outputs for the three SI based analyses (red). Because the outputs for the three SI cases where the subsidy should have been 100% were very similar, as was also true for the six cases where the subsidy should have been 0%, the three 100% responses and the six 0% responses were aggregated in this plot. For the FA based analyses (blue), we simply analyzed the original 10 cases where <i>Daphnia</i> consumed diatom monocultures. We also analyzed the 8 cases where the <i>Daphnia</i> consumed green algae monocultures as well as the 8 cases where they consumed cryptophyte monocultures. In these 26 cases, the correct answer was always obtained to multiple decimal places. The curves represent the 1/10<sup>th</sup> percentile (n = 1000) density distribution of the model posterior densities grouped into 40 bins.</p
Results from mixed diet simulations for "pseudo-<i>Daphnia</i>" that were comprised of 80% diatoms, 10% green algae and 10% either cyanobacteria or cryptophytes for the SI (red) and FA (blue) based analyses.
<p>These scenarios included full uncertainty for both the resources and fractionation (n = 1000, in groups of 100). The density curves represent the posterior distributions of the 1/10<sup>th</sup> percentiles (n = 1000) grouped into 40 bins.</p