13 research outputs found

    Near-Field Radar Microwave Imaging as an Add-on Modality to Mammography

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    According to global statistics, there is a high incidence of cancer in western countries; and, due to the limited resources available in most health care systems, it seems like one of the most feasible options to fight against cancer might be strict prevention policies—such as eliminating carcinogens in people’s daily lives. Nevertheless, early cancer detection and effective treatment are still necessary, and understanding their efficacy and limitations are important issues that need to be addressed in order to ultimately enhance patients’ survival rate. In the case of breast cancer, some of the problems faced by conventional mammography have been addressed in the literature; they include high rate of false-positive and false-negative results, as well as the possibility of overdiagnosis. New technologies, such as digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), have been able to improve the sensitivity and specificity by using 3D imaging. However, the low contrast (1%) existing between tumors and healthy fibroglandular tissue at X-ray frequencies has been identified as one of the main causes of misdiagnosis in both conventional 2D mammography and DBT. Near-field radar imaging (NRI) provides a unique opportunity to overcome this problem, since the contrast existing between the aforementioned tissues is intrinsically higher (10%) at microwave frequencies. Moreover, the low resolution and highly complex scattering patterns of microwave systems can be enhanced by using prior information from other modalities, such as the DBT. Therefore, a multimodal DBT/NRI imaging system is proposed to exploit their individual strengths while minimizing their weaknesses. In this work, the foundation of this idea is reviewed, and a preliminary design and experimental validation of the NRI system, used as a DBT complement, is introduced

    Application of a Photoacoustic Sensor for Colon Cancer Imaging:A Case Report

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    The incidence of colorectal cancer is on the rise on a global scale. Besides research into novel treatment schemes, accurate monitoring techniques are necessary to help in the process, especially for the post-treatment period. Recently, photoacoustic (PA) imaging has been investigated as a tool for detecting and monitoring colon cancer, with a potential of distinguishing various tissue types. In this initial study, we report using an LED-based PA sensor on a colon cancer specimen, ex-vivo. Our initial data with an LED of a wavelength equal to 850 nm shows that the PA signal is weaker in the malignant region when compared to healthy colon tissue or fat, while stronger than the signal in water (noise level). These results pave the way for larger studies, including data from more patients and various types of tumors.</p

    New insight in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 consideration: Applied machine learning for nutrition quality, microbiome and microbial food poisoning concerns

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    Although almost two years have passed since the beginning of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the world, there is still a threat to the health of people at risk and patients. Specialists in various sciences conduct various researches in order to eliminate or reduce the problems caused by this disease. Nutrition is one of the sciences that plays a very important supportive role in this regard. It is important for patients to pay attention to the potential of different diets in preventing or accelerating the healing process. The relationship between nutrition and microbiome regulation or the occurrence of food microbial poisoning is one of the factors that can directly or indirectly play a key role in the body's resilience to COVID-19. In this article, we introduce a link between nutrition, the microbiome, and the incidence of food microbial poisoning that may have great potential in preventing, treating COVID-19, or preventing deterioration in patients. In linking the components of this network, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and data mining (DM) can be important strategies and lead to the creation of a conceptual model called "Balance square", which we will introduce

    Validation of ultrasound velocimetry and computational fluid dynamics for flow assessment in femoral artery stenotic disease

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the accuracy of high-framerate echo particle image velocimetry (ePIV) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for determining velocity vectors in femoral bifurcation models through comparison with optical particle image velocimetry (oPIV).APPROACH: Separate femoral bifurcation models were built for oPIV and ePIV measurements of a non-stenosed (control) and a 75%-area stenosed common femoral artery. A flow loop was used to create triphasic pulsatile flow. In-plane velocity vectors were measured with oPIV and ePIV. Flow was simulated with CFD using boundary conditions from ePIV and additional duplex-ultrasound (DUS) measurements. Mean differences and 95%-limits of agreement (1.96*SD) of the velocity magnitudes in space and time were compared, and the similarity of vector complexity (VC) and time-averaged wall shear stress (TAWSS) was assessed.RESULTS: Similar flow features were observed between modalities with velocities up to 110 and 330    cm / s in the control and the stenosed model, respectively. Relative to oPIV, ePIV and CFD-ePIV showed negligible mean differences in velocity ( &lt; 3    cm / s ), with limits of agreement of ± 25    cm / s (control) and ± 34    cm / s (stenosed). CFD-DUS overestimated velocities with limits of agreements of 13 ± 40 and 16.1 ± 55    cm / s for the control and stenosed model, respectively. VC showed good agreement, whereas TAWSS showed similar trends but with higher values for ePIV, CFD-DUS, and CFD-ePIV compared to oPIV. CONCLUSIONS:EPIV and CFD-ePIV can accurately measure complex flow features in the femoral bifurcation and around a stenosis. CFD-DUS showed larger deviations in velocities making it a less robust technique for hemodynamical assessment. The applied ePIV and CFD techniques enable two- and three-dimensional assessment of local hemodynamics with high spatiotemporal resolution and thereby overcome key limitations of current clinical modalities making them an attractive and cost-effective alternative for hemodynamical assessment in clinical practice.</p

    Validation of ultrasound velocimetry and computational fluid dynamics for flow assessment in femoral artery stenotic disease

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the accuracy of high-framerate echo particle image velocimetry (ePIV) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for determining velocity vectors in femoral bifurcation models through comparison with optical particle image velocimetry (oPIV).APPROACH: Separate femoral bifurcation models were built for oPIV and ePIV measurements of a non-stenosed (control) and a 75%-area stenosed common femoral artery. A flow loop was used to create triphasic pulsatile flow. In-plane velocity vectors were measured with oPIV and ePIV. Flow was simulated with CFD using boundary conditions from ePIV and additional duplex-ultrasound (DUS) measurements. Mean differences and 95%-limits of agreement (1.96*SD) of the velocity magnitudes in space and time were compared, and the similarity of vector complexity (VC) and time-averaged wall shear stress (TAWSS) was assessed.RESULTS: Similar flow features were observed between modalities with velocities up to 110 and 330    cm / s in the control and the stenosed model, respectively. Relative to oPIV, ePIV and CFD-ePIV showed negligible mean differences in velocity ( &lt; 3    cm / s ), with limits of agreement of ± 25    cm / s (control) and ± 34    cm / s (stenosed). CFD-DUS overestimated velocities with limits of agreements of 13 ± 40 and 16.1 ± 55    cm / s for the control and stenosed model, respectively. VC showed good agreement, whereas TAWSS showed similar trends but with higher values for ePIV, CFD-DUS, and CFD-ePIV compared to oPIV. CONCLUSIONS:EPIV and CFD-ePIV can accurately measure complex flow features in the femoral bifurcation and around a stenosis. CFD-DUS showed larger deviations in velocities making it a less robust technique for hemodynamical assessment. The applied ePIV and CFD techniques enable two- and three-dimensional assessment of local hemodynamics with high spatiotemporal resolution and thereby overcome key limitations of current clinical modalities making them an attractive and cost-effective alternative for hemodynamical assessment in clinical practice.</p

    Quick, Single-Frequency Dielectric Characterization of Blood Samples of Pediatric Cancer Patients by a Cylindrical Capacitor: Pilot Study

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    In this paper, as an application in biometrics, the electrical capacitance of normal and cancerous blood samples is experimentally determined in order to test the null hypothesis that the electrical capacitance of the two samples differs. The samples taken from healthy donors and patients diagnosed with different types of hematologic cancer are examined by a cylindrical capacitor with blood as its dielectric. The capacitance of these samples is measured at room temperature and a single frequency of 120 Hz, well below the frequency where &beta; -dispersion starts, using a simple LCR meter device. The measurements indicate that the capacitance of the blood increases under applied electric field for a short period of time and asymptotically reaches its steady-state value. The measured values for the healthy group agreed with previous data in the literature. By the use of the unpaired two-tailed T-test, it is found that cancerous blood has higher values of capacitance when compared to normal samples ( p &lt; 0.05 ). The reasons that might lead to such alterations are discussed from a biological perspective. Moreover, based on correlation calculations, a strong negative association is observed between blood capacitance and red blood cell (RBC) count in each group. Furthermore, sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP) analysis demonstrates that for a threshold value between 15 and 17 for the capacitance value, both SE and SP are 100%. These preliminary findings on capacitance values may pave the way for the development of inexpensive and easy-to-use diagnosis tools for hematologic cancers at medical facilities and for in-home use, especially for children

    Skewedness as a Signature of Dean Flow Measured by Echo-PIV

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    Studying secondary flow in the vascular system is of importance, as it is related to hemodynamic parameters such as wall shear stress. Moreover, newly designed helical stents for the superficial femoral artery could induce secondary or swirling flow inside the blood and characterizing this flow is of interest. In this study, aiming at developing techniques to enable this characterization, high-frame-rate contrast-enhanced 2D ultrasound was employed to investigate Dean flow-a well-known secondary flow-induced in Semicircle Tubes of various curvatures. Echo-PIV was used to extract the velocity vector fields from the ultrasound image sequence and skewdness in the velocity profile was studied as a signature of Dean flow. Numerical simulations were also carried out to provide a better understanding of factors affecting skewedness, and as references of comparison for the experimental results. The experimental results show that skewedness is a quantifiable measure by echo-PIV and there is a good agreement (<5 % difference in normalized skewedness) between empirical and numerical outcomes

    Holey-Cavity-Based Compressive Sensing for Ultrasound Imaging

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    The use of solid cavities around electromagnetic sources has been recently reported as a mechanism to provide enhanced images at microwave frequencies. These cavities are used as measurement randomizers; and they compress the wave fields at the physical layer. As a result of this compression, the amount of information collected by the sensing array through the different excited modes inside the resonant cavity is increased when compared to that obtained by no-cavity approaches. In this work, a two-dimensional cavity, having multiple openings, is used to perform such a compression for ultrasound imaging. Moreover, compressive sensing techniques are used for sparse signal retrieval with a limited number of operating transceivers. As a proof-of-concept of this theoretical investigation, two point-like targets located in a uniform background medium are imaged in the presence and the absence of the cavity. In addition, an analysis of the sensing capacity and the shape of the point spread function is also carried out for the aforementioned cases. The cavity is designed to have the maximum sensing capacity given different materials and opening sizes. It is demonstrated that the use of a cavity, whether it is made of plastic or metal, can significantly enhance the sensing capacity and the point spread function of a focused beam. The imaging performance is also improved in terms cross-range resolution when compared to the no-cavity case

    Preliminary Results of a New Auxiliary Mechatronic Near-Field Radar System to 3D Mammography for Early Detection of Breast Cancer

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    Accurate and early detection of breast cancer is of high importance, as it is directly associated with the patients’ overall well-being during treatment and their chances of survival. Uncertainties in current breast imaging methods can potentially cause two main problems: (1) missing newly formed or small tumors; and (2) false alarms, which could be a source of stress for patients. A recent study at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) indicates that using Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) can reduce the number of false alarms, when compared to conventional mammography. Despite the image quality enhancement DBT provides, the accurate detection of cancerous masses is still limited by low radiological contrast (about 1%) between the fibro-glandular tissue and affected tissue at X-ray frequencies. In a lower frequency region, at microwave frequencies, the contrast is comparatively higher (about 10%) between the aforementioned tissues; yet, microwave imaging suffers from low spatial resolution. This work reviews conventional X-ray breast imaging and describes the preliminary results of a novel near-field radar imaging mechatronic system (NRIMS) that can be fused with the DBT, in a co-registered fashion, to combine the advantages of both modalities. The NRIMS consists of two antipodal Vivaldi antennas, an XY positioner, and an ethanol container, all of which are particularly designed based on the DBT physical specifications. In this paper, the independent performance of the NRIMS is assessed by (1) imaging a bearing ball immersed in sunflower oil and (2) computing the heat Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) due to the electromagnetic power transmitted into the breast. The preliminary results demonstrate that the system is capable of generating images of the ball. Furthermore, the SAR results show that the system complies with the standards set for human trials. As a result, a configuration based on this design might be suitable for use in realistic clinical applications