3 research outputs found

    Suppression of Spontaneous Supercurrents in a Chiral p-Wave Superconductor

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    The superconducting state of SRO is widely believed to have chiral p-wave order that breaks time reversal symmetry. Such a state is expected to have a spontaneous magnetization, both at sample edges and at domain walls between regions of different chirality. Indeed, muon spin resonance experiments are interpreted as evidence of spontaneous magnetization due to domain walls or defects in the bulk. However, recent magnetic microscopy experiments place upper limits on the magentic fields at the sample edge and surface which are as much as two orders of magnitude smaller than the fields predicted theoretically for a somewhat idealized chiral p-wave superconductor. We investigate the effects on the spontaneous supercurrents and magnetization of rough and pair breaking surfaces for a range of parameters within a Ginzburg-Landau formalism. The effects of competing orders nucleated at the surface are also considered. We find the conditions under which the edge currents are significantly reduced while leaving the bulk domain wall currents intact, are quite limited. The implications for interpreting the existing body of experimental results on superconducting SRO within a chiral p-wave model are discussed.Comment: Changes to section 3, typos remove

    Is Sr2RuO4 a Chiral P-Wave Superconductor?

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    Much excitement surrounds the possibility that strontium ruthenate exhibits chiral p-wave superconducting order. Such order would be a solid state analogue of the A phase of He-3, with the potential for exotic physics relevant to quantum computing. We take a critical look at the evidence for such time-reversal symmetry breaking order. The possible superconducting order parameter symmetries and the evidence for and against chiral p-wave order are reviewed, with an emphasis on the most recent theoretical predictions and experimental observations. In particular, attempts to reconcile experimental observations and theoretical predictions for the spontaneous supercurrents expected at sample edges and domain walls of a chiral p-wave superconductor and for the polar Kerr effect, a key signature of broken time-reversal symmetry, are discussed.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of LT25 (Amsterdam, August 2008

    Polar Kerr Effect as Probe for Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Unconventional Superconductors

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    The search for broken time reversal symmetry (TRSB) in unconventional superconductors intensified in the past year as more systems have been predicted to possess such a state. Following our pioneering study of TRSB states in Sr2_2RuO4_4 using magneto-optic probes, we embarked on a systematic study of several other of these candidate systems. The primary instrument for our studies is the Sagnac magneto-optic interferometer, which we recently developed. This instrument can measure magneto-optic Faraday or Kerr effects with an unprecedented sensitivity of 10 nanoradians at temperatures as low as 100 mK. In this paper we review our recent studies of TRSB in several systems, emphasizing the study of the pseudogap state of high temperature superconductors and the inverse proximity effect in superconductor/ferromagnet proximity structures.Comment: A review pape