5 research outputs found

    Uji Potensi Hasil Beberapa Mutan Padi Beras Hitam Generasi Ketiga (M3) Hasil Induksi Mutasi: Yield Potential Evaluation of Several Third-Generation (M3) Black Rice Mutants Resulting from Mutation Induction

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    This study aims to determine the yield potential of several third-generation (M3) black rice mutant strains resulting from mutation induction. The experiment was conducted in a paddy field located in Saribaye Village, Lingsar District, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, from March to November 2022. The experimental design used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with nine rice genotypes as treatments, repeated three times. These consisted of seven mutant strains of black rice and two controls, namely the Baas Selem and Inpago Unram varieties. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance at a significance level of 5%. In case of significant differences among treatments, further analysis was conducted using the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at a significance level of 5%. Based on the research findings, two genotypes of third-generation black rice mutants (M3) resulting from mutation induction were identified. These genotypes, namely D3G46(13) with a yield potential of 5.64 tons/ha and D3G62(19) with a yield potential of 5.84 tons/ha, exhibited higher yield potential compared to their parental strains. However, both of these genotypes have not yet achieved or surpassed the yield potential of the control treatment, which is the Inpago Unram with a yield potential of 8.17 tons/ha

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Pestisida Nabati Berbahan Dasar Daun Gamal dan Daun Pepaya Sebagai Inovasi Berkelanjutan dan Ramah Lingkungan Terhadap Pengendalian Hama Tanaman Budidaya

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    The climate in Saribaye Village makes it possible to cultivate various types of plants, both food crops and horticultural crops. Problems that are often encountered in plant cultivation are pest attacks that damage crops, especially horticultural crops in the yard. The use of chemical pesticides is the mainstay of farmers in overcoming pests and diseases. On the other hand, the use of chemical pesticides threatens environmental health. One of the solutions offered is the use of plant-based pesticides that are environmentally friendly, inexpensive and easy to manufacture. Various types of plants that grow in the Saribaye Village environment have the potential to be used as raw materials for botanical pesticides. Farmers in Saribaye Village do not have the ability to independently make botanical pesticides. Therefore, training in the manufacture of botanical pesticides was a crucial thing that must be done. The training aims to improve farmers' skills in making botanical pesticides as alternative pesticides using the basic ingredients of gamal leaves and papaya leaves. The activity will be held from 22 to 23 July 2022, located in Saribaye Village. The training was attended by the Women Farmers Group (KWT) and the head of the Saribaye Village youth and youth who were interested in developing horticultural crops in their yards. This activity is carried out through lecture methods and direct demonstrations. The results of the training showed an increase in the ability of participants to make botanical pesticides and a fairly high level of participant participation

    LKMA Evaluation Formed from PUAP Program in Overcoming Farming Financing in Rural Areas (Case study: Magelang Regency)

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    Rural Agribusiness Development (PUAP) is a program to provide capital for smallholder in the agricultural sector. The final goal of this program is to format Agribusiness Micro Credit Institutions (LKMA) in rural. In the implementation 6,887 LKMAs have been formed, including in Magelang Regency. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the LKMA and its benefit for farmers’ capital fulfillment. The survey was conducted in July 2019 using the FGD method with administrators and interviews with the farmer using a questionnaire. The evaluation focused on the institutional, business, and capital development aspects. The data analyzed through the ranking method to determine the LKMA rank. Of the 9 LKMA, the best LKMA is Ngudi Luhur LKMA, with criteria (i) the institutional aspect is already incorporated, has an office, employees with a fixed monthly salary; (ii) business aspects: saving and loan business carried out based on SOP of financial institutions and (iii) of capital development have reached 3.3 billion. However, loans only cover less than 30% of farmers’ needs due to the limited availability of LKMA capital. Therefore, it is recommended to assist capital loan assistance to LKMA, which will then be transmitted to farmmers

    Comparison Performance of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization in Course Scheduling Optimizing

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    Scheduling problems at the university is a complex type of scheduling problems. The scheduling process should be carried out at every turn of the semester's. The core of the problem of scheduling courses at the university is that the number of components that need to be considered in making the schedule, some of the components was made up of students, lecturers, time and a room with due regard to the limits and certain conditions so that no collision in the schedule such as mashed room, mashed lecturer and others. To resolve a scheduling problem most appropriate technique used is the technique of optimization. Optimization techniques can give the best results desired. Metaheuristic algorithm is an algorithm that has a lot of ways to solve the problems to the very limit the optimal solution. In this paper, we use a genetic algorithm and ant colony optimization algorithm is an algorithm metaheuristic to solve the problem of course scheduling. The two algorithm will be tested and compared to get performance is the best. The algorithm was tested using data schedule courses of the university in Semarang. From the experimental results we conclude that the genetic algorithm has better performance than the ant colony optimization  algorithm in solving the case of course scheduling.</p

    Analysis The Growth of Microfinance in Upland Areas

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    Farmers in upland areas struggle with the accessibility of financial institutions. Due to their remote location and the absence of finance branch offices; therefore, The Ministry of Agriculture and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) are working together to resolve finance access difficulties by developing Agribusiness Microfinance Institutions (MFI) in upland communities. The study aimed to assess the agricultural sector’s potential and funding restrictions and examine the growth of microfinance in the Upland area. The study was conducted in Garut, Tasikmalaya, Lebak, and Subang districts in October and November 2022. Both primary and secondary data were included in the data set. The data were then descriptively and qualitatively analyzed. The findings indicate that the research area has the potential to expand microfinance based on the existing financial institutions established by the government in various programs. The fundamental issue with MFI is a need for more liquidity, the fulfilment of legality requirements, the role of local governments to arrange, microfinance financial management system plan, implementation of banks as microfinance fund distributors, and loan interest rates paid to farmers. Efforts are needed to speed up the microfinance development process in partnership with formal financing institutions dedicated to assisting farmers and business operators in providing capital